
Decades of Caring – For You!        

Welcome to a joint update from Winchester District Memorial Hospital , the WDMH Auxiliary, Dundas Manor Long- Term Care Home and the WDMH Foundation . It’s our annual opportunity to share some of the highlights from the past year and to thank our local communities for your incredible support. We also want to thank our healthcare teams for their commitment to the very best care.

More than 75 years ago , an entire community came together to plan for the new Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH). They identified a need and worked together to bring health care close to home. Seventy-five years later, more than 80,000 patients were cared for this past year- by close to 900 staff, physicians, volunteers and students. The WDMH team added new services, including a Pulmonary Function Testing Clinic and a Lung Screening Program. A new electronic health record now ensures crucial health information is available for both providers and patients. And we have launched a volunteer program in the Emergency Department to support patients and families. Beyond WDMH, we continue to work with our local health partners to advance the Great River Ontario Health Team. WDMH is an employer of choice. In fact, we are almost fully staffed. We also continue to welcome Happy 75th Birthday!

students throughout the hospital. And our research program is growing, as a leader in Health Canada- approved clinical trials. As we look back on 75 years, we are grateful to those who had a vision and made it happen. Today, we all benefit from those who have supported WDMH over more than seven decades of caring. Thank you!

Giving Back – In a Big Way!

AUXILIARY We are also grateful to the community volunteers who sit on the Patient and Family Engagement Committee, various hospital committees, and the WDMH Board of Directors. Thank you for your commitment to health care close to home.

While the hospital officially opened on December 8 , 1948, the WDMH Auxiliary was already hard at work. On August 3rd, 25 ladies from Winchester, Elma and Russell met in the town hall to start planning. And amazing community volunteers have been involved at their local hospital ever since. This past May, the Auxiliary hosted a tea and fashion show to celebrate the hundreds of volunteers who have supported WDMH’s care team over the years, raising millions of dollars to purchase everything from chairs to IV pumps to equipment for the operating room. At the event, Auxiliary Co-Chairs presented another cheque – for $233,141! – to the hospital. These funds will be used to purchase nine patient care equipment items for various departments at WDMH. What an amazing team!

To learn more about WDMH, visit Don’t forget to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter.

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