Board Converting News, April 25, 2022

AICC Celebrates Member Milestones, Safety Achievements At Meeting

AICC Independents’ Cup (CONT’D FROM PAGE 20)

Golf sponsors included Major Sponsor Domtar Packag- ing, Schwarz Partners, Bobst, BHS Corrugated, Bradford Company, Equipment Finance Corp, WestRock, Fosber, BCM Inks, AG Stacker, Litho Press, Bay Cities, Lewisburg Printing Co./Huston Patterson, Poteet Printing Systems, Flint Group, Kolbus America, Isowa, Akers Packaging, Alli- ance Machine, American Corrugated Machine, Blackhawk Corrugated, BW Papersystems, EMBA, EAM-Mosca, Haire Group, Jamestown Container, JB Machinery, Kao Collins, McLean Packaging, Metsa Group, Pamarco, Printron, Roo- sevelt Paper, Quantum Ink, Standfast Group, Standard Printing Co., SUN Automation, and Wasatch Container. The Foundation for Packaging Education will hold its next fund-raising event at The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island Golf Resort in South Carolina, November 8-10, 2022. Visit for more information.

AICC, The Independent Packaging Association, and its members celebrated significant milestones and safety Representatives of four AICC member companies that cele- brated significant milestones were recognized during the As- sociation’s 2022 Spring Meeting.

achievements during the 2022 Spring Meet- ing at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort from April 6-8 in Palm Desert, California. Through the Member Milestone program, AICC recognizes member companies that in the current calendar year are celebrating sig- nificant anniversaries for years of continuous operation. In 2022 AICC celebrated the fol- lowing achievements with its members: • 70th Anniversary Valco Melton • 60th Anniversary Mark/Trèce, Inc. • 50th Anniversary SMC Packaging Group • 40th Anniversary Philpac To see the stories of these member com- panies and past celebrations, visit AICC’s website at . Safe Shop Awards The annual Independent Safe Shop Awards, recognizes AICC Member Compa- nies for outstanding performance in plant safety over the last year. At the 2022 Spring Meeting, AICC recognized members with the OSHA Recordable Incident Rate of less than 2.2 and the OSHA Lost Work Days Incident Rate of 0 (zero). The 2022 recipients are: Akers Packaging Solutions, Oreana, IL; Ak- ers Hoosier Container, Richmond, IN; Akers Webster West Packaging, Evansville, IN; Box- Board Products, Greensboro, NC; Buckeye Boxes Inc., Columbus, OH; Compass Packag- ing, Mantua, OH; Lawrence Paper Co., Amer- ican Packaging Division, South Hutchinson, KS; Unicorr Packaging Group, North Haven, CT; and Vermont Container, Bennington, VT The awards and recognition earned by all of these AICC members is a testament to their strength and the exceptional nature of the in- dependent packaging industry. AICC is proud to honor them.


April 25, 2022

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