South Windsor Neck & Back - May/June 2019

Not all exercises are created equal. In fact, there is one formof exercise that is better thanmany others: walking. Harvard Medical School took a look at various exercises and concluded that walking is up there with swimming and tai chi in terms of health benefits. Regular walking can helpmaintain good cholesterol and blood pressure levels and keep your bones strong and healthy. One study showed that 40 minutes of walking every day helped people reduce blood pressure fromhypertension to prehypertension, and then eventually to normal over several months. Walking can even keepmany different kinds of diseases at bay, such as diabetes and heart disease. In addition to these physical benefits, walking daily can improve your mood and overall mental health. As simple and straightforward as walking is, it can be difficult for many people to find the time. Most experts agree that you need 30–60 minutes of physical activity per day, but the good news is that you can split those minutes up throughout your day. For example, you can take a brisk 20-minute walk in the morning before work, followed by The World’s Best Exercise

another one at lunch and one more after dinner. Those 60 minutes also don’t have to be strenuous; they just need to happen.

However, the more time you invest in walking, the more you will get out of it. If you slowly increase your distance and speed, you’ll end up burningmore calories and strengthening your legs over time. The great thing about walking is that it’s not particularly taxing on the knees, and you canmove at your own pace. It doesn’t get any better than that! To get the most out of walking, schedule your walks for after mealtimes, especially the ones that come later in the day, like lunch and dinner. It’s a great way to aid digestion and burn calories— which can’t hurt your waistline!

ATTENTION, South Windsor Neck & Back PATIENTS!

Take Advantage of This 1-Time Offer From Synergy Fitness

With summer just around the corner, the excitement of vacations, cookouts, and beach outings becomes palpable—and so does the dread. Summer also signals the beginning of shorts, tank top, and swimwear season, and for some people, this can be anxiety inducing. If you’re feeling uncomfortable in your body and are in need of a boost, starting a fitness routine can be the pick-me-up your body is craving. Andwith a special offer fromour friends at Synergy Fitness, now is the perfect time to get started! This spring, Synergy Fitness is offering SouthWindsor Neck & Back patients a free consultation. These client-focusedmeetings are designed to introduce you to the education and accountability a personal trainer from Synergy can offer. If you are looking for a relaxed environment with no judgment, no ego, and—best of all —nomirrors, Synergy Fitness is the place for you. Their philosophy and goal is tomatch those looking for a healthy, strong, and confident body with a personal trainer who takes time to educate andmotivate them. Many clients at Synergy see a significant improvement in their lifestyle and create positive habits that stick. Exercise is not a temporary solution to a healthy lifestyle; it is an ongoing habit that requires dedication and commitment. There are a million reasons to quit when you first begin a journey toward a healthy lifestyle, but if youmake your goals a priority, you won’t quit this time.

A large gym with equipment spread around, mirrors everywhere, and people doing their own thing can be

intimidating. This type of gym will give you all the physical tools you

need but without teaching you proper technique, form, and what routine is right for you. You may save money upfront on this type of conditioning, but that’s only if you manage to avoid sustaining an injury and the expensive medical bills that come with it. Synergy Fitness’ environment lays a strong foundation for your new fitness routine with experts that will push you to succeed. Take it from our spinal and body experts at South Windsor Neck & Back: Start now, and your body will love you for it later.

Take advantage of this special offer by calling South Windsor Neck & Back at 860.644.2437.



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