
TOP LEFT: Old parade bunting draped across a dress form greets you at the front entrance. RIGHT: Flags displayed together create a greater impact. BOTTOM LEFT: A pot of red geraniums just says “summertime.”

Have fun this summer — show a little red, white and blue along with some stars and stripes. Have a celebration, march in a parade, take photos that the next generation will look back on and have them searching for the same things for their summer celebrations. ^ About Maggie: I live east of Kansas City in the town of Lexington. I’ve been here since 2003. living in an old house built about 1841-1845. When we were working on my house, prior to moving in, I happened to watch a PBS program about Abraham Lincoln. The fact my house was already 20 some years old at that time just gave me a new perspective of life back then. What I think drew me to Lexington is the history, the architecture, a small town close to Kansas City and the immediate friendliness of the community. I own a shop and studio here, travel and teach, but always love coming back home. I grew up in a military family and my hubby was military so it is really good to be part of a community where the streets are lined with flags on all patriotic celebrations. Stars and stripes are part of my heritage and it is probably why I like to surround myself with them particularly at this time of year.


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