It is essential to take crop nutrition seriously when it comes to forage maize in order to optimise the yield. To do this, it is important to know your soils. • Based on soil analysis, we are able to offer nutrient advice and produce a nutrient plan. • Bartholomew’s are able to supply a full range of fertiliser products, from straights to blends, mixed to your requirements. We have formulated products specifically for maize and offer a comprehensive range. Starter Fertiliser To be applied where possible, down the spout and placed near the seed in order to get the maize off to the best start. • Bartholomew’s maize START UP (14N 35P +5MgO + 10SO 3 ) • DAP (18 N 46P) • TSP (46P) Main Fertiliser To be applied in the seedbed and worked in just prior to drilling. Alternatively it can be applied after drilling depending on practicalities and preference. • Bartholomew’s Maize FIX-ONE (10N 3P 28K + 5MgO + 8SO 3 ) • Bartholomew’s Maize FIX- TWO (14N 0P 24K + 3MgO +11SO₃) • Bartholomew’s Maize FIX – THREE (5N 12P 34K + 4MgO + 8SO₃)
Final Fertiliser To be applied, if needed, as atop dressing after weed control (no later than 3 leaf stage) • Nitram (34.5N) • 27N – 9SO₃ Please remember to observe all the relevant Cross Compliance guidelines that are now applicable. There are a number of different things to consider when planning nutrient applications to Maize. On the next page there is a step by step guide which can be followed to achieve accurate understanding of what your crop needs and how to achieve its requirements. Remember: This is only a guide and requirements and nutrient values may differ depending on specific situations. *NPK requirements derived from RB209. MgO & SO₃ requirements adapted from industry recommendations in RB209 (Fertiliser Manual) & PDA booklet (Potash Development Association).
Maize Handbook 2018 18
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