Emblem bred by: Limagrain Superb early vigour and cob maturity with very high ME yields. Excellent standing power ensures a good harvest crop. Maturity: MC 7 (FAO 190) Agronomic factor: 27.8 Recommended Use: Forage/ AD CWD: High Yield: 17.25 50,000 Kernel packs Starch DM Yield ME Yield 32.6% * 31.3% * 196417 MJ/Ha * *At harvest
Yukon bred by: Limagrain
Early cob maturity and stable crop performance, it stands well and has the potential for grain production. It can be grown under plastic in marginal locations.
“A flexible, high performing variety”
Maturity: MC 9 (FAO 170) Agronomic factor: 27 Recommended Use: Forage / Grain CWD: Low Yield: 17.15 50,000 Kernel packs Starch DM Yield ME Yield 33.9% * 33.2 % * 192344 MJ/Ha * *At harvest
07 Maize Handbook 2018
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