Reason bred by: Limagrain Quick out of the ground and early to harvest. LGAN accredited – High starch and ME yield with excellent digestibility. Maturity: MC 10 (FAO 160) Agronomic factor: 24.1 Recommended Use: Forage CWD: Superb 6.7 Yield: 17.25 50,000 Kernel packs Starch DM Yield ME Yield 32.6% * 35.2% * 196393 MJ/Ha *
*At harvest
Movanna bred by: DSV
A high yielding, tall plant with good early vigour and excellent lodging resistance. Movanna stood out well in trials for good eyespot resistance. Thrives on heavier land.
Maturity: MC 6 (FAO 210) Site Type: All locations Recommended Use: Forage CWD: Medium 5.7 Yield: 19.01 50,000 Kernel packs
Starch DM Yield Yield (t/ha) 29.5% 29.9% 19.01
*At harvest
“Offers sound Eyespot resistance, standing power and top yield for it maturity class”
Maize Handbook 2018 08
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