Biola Broadcaster - 1962-12

T h e r e i s a w o n d e r f u l I think, perhaps, we shall draw some new truths from it here. You see, we go to an old spring to get fresh water — so, why shouldn’t we go to an old thought? The verse that I am considering is John 3:16 — how well we all know that verse: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Now there are five miracles in that verse. I want you to notice them for they are most interesting and profit­ able, too. First, we notice there is the miracle of universal love. “For God so loved the world.” In my various contacts with folk, I have met some whom I know I could never love, and I have wondered how God can love them — but He does. And then I have been along the docks in New York City, and if you want to see the lowest form of humanity in the world, it seems to me, you can find them along the docks of any great harbor. These people are so very ill kempt, so profane, so unlovely, and yet God so loved the world! You couldn’t do that and I couldn’t do that, no one on earth could do that but God and He had a reason — He wanted to give them eternal life. God wanted to save them and make them fit for heaven in His righteousness. That is the first miracle and one that no one can duplicate in this world. Then the second is a miracle of univer­ verse in the Bible that so many folk know, and

sal gift. He gave His only begotten Son. Now you know, very well, that you do not have in your thinking a single gift you could give to anyone — from the age limits of the cradle to the grave — that would be pleasing and worthwhile to the person. You give a rattle to a baby, but you would not give that to your father or mother. Sometimes I receive two or three gifts of the same kind and so, being a wee bit Scotch, I wrap them up and send them to someone else the next Christmas because I can not use three or four of the same thing — don’t you see? But here is the Lord Jesus and God gives Him to little children. I have seen little kiddies six years old trust the Saviour and have their lives changed. Then I saw three men, 82 years old, take that Gift and their lives were changed. I saw a creature who had been preaching 50 years and during that pe­ riod had written songs that were in every hymn book, I suppose, that you have had in your house or church. I saw him get saved when he was 70 years old — he had never been saved. This man was just a professionally re­ ligious man and when he finally saw God’s Great Gift, the Gift suited him and it suits men and women, old and young, rich and poor of every color and there is not another gift in all the world that would suit everyone, every­ where. That is the second miracle. Then the third miracle is that whosoever believeth on Him. Now as far as I know that is the only thing in all the world anybody could do between the cradle and the grave. If salvation 14

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