might be had for a quarter, there are just lots of folk who never see a quar ter. Millions of people who live in the heathen countries have no money. And if salvation might be had for the walk ing of ten feet, the paralyzed man could not have it. Or, again, if salvation might be had for the saying of some thing, the dumb could not gain it. You see the only thing that all can do is to believe God. What a miracle that God has based salvation oil this one thing. The ill man who must lie in bed, the baseball player who is intensely active, and the bank president who is engrossed in the economic success of the individ ual and the country, can all believe on Him. God loves us so deeply that He has couched salvation in the simplest possible way — “. . . that whosoever be- lieveth on Him.” HE KNOWS IT ALL He knows it all— the winding path, The sky o'ercast and grey, The steepness of the mountainside, The roughness of the way; He knows it all— the haunting fear, The doubting that distress, The wond'rings and perplexities, And all the strain and stress. He knows it all— each troubled thought, Each anxious wave of care, i And every burden, every grief, Or cross that thou dost bear; He knows it all— thy weight of woe, Thine often tear-dimmed eye, The stabbing pain, the slow, dull ache, And sorrow's broken cry. He knows it all— be His to choose, And thine to take His choice! He knows it all! He planned it so! Then trust Him, and rejoice! The fourth miracle is should not perish. Now while he does’not single out any one gift or talent that you might possess when you are saved, he does mark the fact that you — your body — shall not perish. Now'God saves you, your body, your talents, your efforts, your money and your time, for all of these you will spend on things that will be to His glory as a true child of God. When we stop to think of the mil
lions of dollars that are spent upon pre serving things, such as cosmetics to pre serve beauty, medicines to preserve health, the various means to preserve the soil of the land. Then we spend other millions on boxes and means of freezing to ship foods across the coun try and across the seas. This matter of preserving “things” is tremendous, but here is something that will preserve “you.” We ought to be preserved, for the Devil doesn’t like us and he, through sin, brings every means at his disposal to destroy our soul and our spirit. I knew a very beautiful girl who sang with such accuracy and such qual ity of tone that she became one of the lovely soloists of Metropolitan Opera in New York — but she did not care about her soul, and, as a consequence, did nothing about preserving her body and death took here at the age of about thirty years. She was a dear, sweet girl and everyone loved her, but she did not love God, Christ or the Bible. This girl had no use for spiritual things, and so she lost her body, for she had never found her Saviour who was God’s gift for the preservation of the soul and body of the Christian. There was an athlete in the school which 1 attended and he was an ex cellent young man in that he had won all the letters and honors that an ath lete could win. He was tops in every thing, but he did not care about his soul. He. did nothing to preserve his soul or his life. He never went to the Saviour, nor did he ever go near a church for worship. He was solely oc cupied with developing his body, which body he lost at the age of 26. I felt so badly about his death, and to think that turning to the Saviour would not have prevented him from becoming the great athlete that he worked so hard to be — it would have been so defi nitely in his favor. Now as we come to the fifth miracle —a wonderful one— but have everlasting or eternal life. God grant that you may trust the Saviour for the glory of His Name and for the blessing of your soul! 15
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