Biola Broadcaster - 1962-12

you care. Beloved it’s wonderful to have the Lord Jesus with you and see Him supply your every need in a miraculous way for He loves to do it. He knows how to come in just at the right time. I have seen Him do it over and over again in my own life. Just when you need Him most He comes in and puts the things of your life in order. I remember the instance of when we took in a poor family and about that same time we did not have much our­ selves — in fact, we did not have any­ thing ourselves and then when we started getting something in we gave them the use of our attic and took care of their needs. We could not give much, but we gave them food and clothing along with the shelter. These dear folk had been there about six or eight months when the sister of the woman died and left her $12,000 and a home all paid for, and there was much else. So this dear family was suddenly taken out of deep pov­ erty and had plenty on which to live until she died. Do you see how the Lord did that? Well, that is bringing water out of a rock. You know no one expects water out of a rock for water is gotten from between the rocks. So it was that plenty was brought out of real poverty in this case. One time when we were “busted” a splendid woman died — she was 103 years of age, and as she lay dying she handed my wife a key to her trunk. She had been blind for 85 years and she said, “Mrs. Wilson, you have been so kind to me that I want you and the Doctor to have all of this and she op­ ened the trunk and there was the mon­ ey — $3,500.00 in currency and over $2,000 in gold pieces. So right away all of our bills were paid and there was sufficient money left for some other needed items. You see, He brings water out of a rock. So you must trust Him! Come to Him and let Him have your life, your heart and your soul and you will have rest and peace. God grant that you may. 21

you come to me and I’ll give you rest. Now “all things are delivered unto me of my Father,” He said in verse 27. That means money, everything in the mineral kingdom, everything in the vegetable kingdom, everything in the animal kingdom, everything in the hu­ man kingdom, everything in the cel­ estial kingdom. All given to the Lord Jesus by the Father. We also read that He made everything. All things were made by Him and for Him. Isn’t that wonderful? Beloved, the Saviour said, you come to me then and rest. Now isn’t it a strange thing? You can come to the Lord Jesus and trust Him and then maybe you’ll lose every­ thing you have. I did that. Way back in 1928 when the crash came. I lost everything. I had $142,000 tied up in cotton goods and then cotton dropped from way up about $ .40 a pound down to about $ .07 a pound and I just lost everything, every single thing except one wife, eight children and a few debts. But I tell you when I went home, my sweetheart said, “Hallelujah, I’m glad we’re busted. I’m glad we’re broke for now I get to know God in a new way. We get to trust Him in a new way and we get to experience His pres­ ence in a new way.” Her heart was just radiant to think we were down to flat as a pancake, didn’t have anything except a few debts. I want to tell you one of the sweetest experiences we ever had was looking to God for our daily bread, my one wife and 8 chil­ dren and Dad. Well you see when you belong to the Lord Jesus, what do you care. You might as well starve to death for Him as for any other reason. How many of you who are listening to me ever starved to death? Now put up your hands. That’s what I thought. You see you didn’t. I want to ask you how many thought you would, because that’s so often the case. We know we’ll land in the poor house. We know we’re going to die of cancer or something or other and so we make life miserable be­ cause if we know something is going to happen that never does happen and if you belong to the Saviour what do

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