by Dr. Walter L. Wilson
to tell you about a question — God asked this ques tion of Elijah in I Kings 19:13 when
W e a r e g o in g
He said, . . what doest thou here, Elijah?” Now let’s change that a little bit and say, “What doest thou here Louise?” “What doest thou here Frank?” or “What doest thou here, Martha?” Now just let the Lord ask you that question that is what I want to write about and I believe you will enjoy it because it makes us stop and think, and that is what we want. Have you ever thought about the fact that everything the Devil offers in this world seems to be for young folk. Now you never see a 55 year old man play ing baseball — he isn’t interested to meet the physical test. And a 92 year old man would not attempt to go to watch a football, basketball, golf or croquet game — nor would he watch swimming or horse races. These are not for older people. Oh, once in a great while there might be some who are able to watch such things, especially since television, but not even then would many be found unless it were a carry-over from days when they were stars in such fields. Almost all that the Devil has is for the young, and so it’s while we’re young that we have to decide what we’re going to be in life and how we’re going to live. We may go at 8 years of age or 21 years of age. I just got word today from my home that a precious friend 32 had been taken away and just before I left home another gentleman friend of mine at 82 had been taken away. At the same time a dear young fellow 30 years old was taken away. I just don’t know. A friend of mine lost a boy who was 12 years of age. He was taken away of lockjaw due to having stepped on a nail and failing to take care of it. You see the Lord is asking us what doest thou here? 22
GOD HOLDS THE KEY God holds the key of all unknown And I am glad: If other hands should hold the key, Of if He trusted it to me, I might be sad. What if tomorrow's cares were here, Without its rest? I'd rather He'd unlock the« day, And as the hours swing open, say, "Thy will is best." I cannot read His future plan, But this I know— I have the smiling of His face, And all the refuge of His grace, While here below. Enough; this covers all my want, And so I rest, For what I cannot, he can see, And in His care I sure shall be Forever blest.
— John Parker
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