Biola Broadcaster - 1962-12

Questions (continued) answer to this is that Genesis 1:29 does distinctly prove that flesh was not eaten until after the flood. Q. Miamisburg, Ohio — » “Are a trance and a vision the same thing?” A. We do not believe that they are. In the Old and New Testaments we leam that there were visions given by God to men. We must remember that in those times the Bible was not yet com­ pleted. It was necessary, especially in the Old Testament times, for God to make Himself known in various ways to people in order to present a message to them. Now we have the completed Bible — the full revelation from God to us and we do not need to have visions. Now a trance is used in connection with seances and with mysticism. Trances are taboo as far as Christians are concerned — they are not of the Lord. If anything, trances are of the Devil. * "To love the whole world may be no chore, but what about the person next door?" * * * "Christ became the $on of Man that we might become the sons of God." * * * "Our strength is shown in the things we stand for; our weakness in the things we fall for." * * * "The world is full of people mak­ ing a living, but not living good lives." * * * . * "It is'better to be despised for the right than to bepraised for the wrong." * * * "What a wonderful world this would be if we could forget our trou­ bles as easily as we forget our bless­ ings." * * * * *

VICTORY IF THOU art forgotten or slighted, If thou are purposely pushed into the corner, And thou bendest thyself hereunder and takest God In thy heart for the insults and humiliations— THAT IS VICTORY! IF THE GOOD that thou doest or con­ template is reviled, If thy wishes are thwarted, if oth­ ers Despite thy counsel, make thy views to appear ridiculous, And thou bearest all that quietly in love and patience, THAT IS VICTORY! IF THOU contentest thyself with every food. If thou art also content with every Clothing, Every climate, company and posi­ tion in life, Every isolation into which the Lord leadeth you— THAT IS VICTORY! IF EVERY discordance on the part of others, every annoyance, Every irregularity and unpunctual­ ity for which thou art Not to blame, is not to be sure approved by thee, But thou endurest all this without anger— THAT IS VICTORY! IF THOU canst meet every folly, Every perversity, yes spiritual apathy, Every gainsaying of sinners, every persecution, And thou bearest all that, as Jesus bore it— THAT IS VICTORY! IF NAUGHT lieth to thee, if thou carest not either that thou or thy deeds are mentioned in con­ versation, if thou lookest Not for recognition, and thou re- mainest unknown. Even when thou art worthy of rec­ ognition— THAT IS VICTORY! — Author Unknown (II Cor.. 6:1-10; Romans 8:35-39)

" A gossiper is like an old shoe — it's tongue never stays in place." * * *


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