came up to me to check my needs. In the course of our conversation he used the name of Christ many times — but always in. profanity. Finally, I went over to him and put ting my hand on his shoulder said, “Tom, you know I have never heard anyone talk about Christ so much as do you, you must love Him very much.” You should have seen how red his face turned at my words. Never again did I hear him use the Lord’s name in vain. Our Saviour was a Bible student and He knew how to open the Word where it would meet the needs of the des perately wicked human heart. Are you, too, a faithful student of the Word so that you can rightly divide the Word and thus show yourself to be approved of God as is suggested in II Timothy 2:15? Are you conforming to His image in these great respects? Then we read in God’s Word how the Saviour never went down to the beach and attended to the things He had to do and let those who were without God and without Christ in this world continue in their wayward course without speaking to them. Do you carefully and tactfully make a way of conversation with such folk and leave the seed of the Gospel in their hearts, or are you indifferent to their salvation? Christ was not waste ful of His opportunities to bring men to know the truth savingly. Our Lord wept over sinners -— He sat on the Mount of Olives and looked down on Jerusalem and wept. Now I was on the Mount of Olives one time and do you know what I thought — “Why don’t I have tears? Why don’t I weep as our Lord wept over that lost city?” That city, walled as it is, is in the hands of Mohammedans and they have no interest in Christ at all. They do not want Him or His Bible. They are only interested in making a bit of money and having a good time. But Jesus wept over the city. Do you want to be made “to conform to the image of His Son”? And do you trust yourself to Him? Do that and He will make you like Himself! 4
GOD'S BEACON (cont.) ful years? The Scripture just read says we are predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son — to be like the Lord Jesus. Now the Saviour prayed all night, you remember, over and over again. Is it your longing to be like that, to be so close to God and so intimate with the Lord that you would want to talk with Him all night long? There are so many, many things about which we should be talking with Him — our home, our business, the children, the wife, and the health, wealth and edu cation surrounding our home. Then our relationship to the church and to our government. Are you predestined to be like the Lord Jesus, and do you say “hallelujah, that is my desire; I want to be con formed to His image as closely as pos sible?” In Christ’s atonement lies our salvation, and in His daily walk lies the path of our Christian action. Well, if you are going to be like the Lord Je sus you will have to be apart from all those pleasures of the world which, if present, must hang upon question marks on the walls of our hearts. You see, Christ changes all of these things when He saves us. He gives us the gift of eternal life so that we will love His Word and find in it the many wonder ful truths that are there for the lifting of tears from our eyes when sorrows come, and the bringing of sunshine after the rain into our souls. In these experienced actions of His love we have hope instead of depression. The Word of God has in it everything that the human heart wants. The Sav iour knew His Bible and He was con stantly quoting words of comfort to men and women. The Bible is full of wisdom, things which must give direc tion to the lives of folk and He was al ways transferring these words from the printed page to the hearts of men. But what of the witness of some who speak Christ’s name? You know, one time I went into a garage to have my car repaired and a gentleman, having the name “Tom” machine embroidered on his overalls,
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