The Beginning of Life/ty Dr- Walter L. Wilson A s t h e s e v e n t h i n g s that began in Genesis run clear through and
first. How did it start if there is no God? And you know those of you who have studied chemistry, there are four other combinations of oxygen and ni trogen and they are poisonous; they’d kill you. If God didn’t keep that pro portion you and I wouldn’t live. And then did elephants begin the same as pansies? And did carrots be gin the same as snakes and did human beings begin the same as mosquitos? Tell me about that. O, how foolish men are to believe that kind of non sense, that’s what it is. Well, we read in Revelation 20, verse 11 “the heavens and the earth pass away.” They are full of sin, wicked ness, and evil. God just wipes it out. That wouldn’t be anything new be cause stars are going to pieces all the time. We don’t know from whence they come. We don’t know where they originate but they all have the same chemical composition: 95% iron, 4% nickle and 1% of a mixture of cobalt and magnesia. (continued on next page) 5
end up in the book of Revelation, so all through the Bible you have seven lines of thinking that culminate in the Revelation. Now the first is the begin ning of this earth. You get that in the first 25 verses of Genesis chapter 1. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Now, beloved, I’m glad He said that because there are so many people trying to tell you how things began but you know I have noticed that these evolutionists try to confine their ideas to animal life. They don’t tell you where gold began, nor silver, nor platinum. There are 103 chemical elements in this earth that I know about — there may be more now due to new findings —but there are 103 that are recorded. Now how did they begin? Who first made chlorine, fluorine, hydrogen, oxy gen, or nitrogen? Where did they come from? Now air is 21% oxygen, 79% nitrogen and God made that mixture
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