be the subject of God’s grace and he begins in Genesis 1:1, verse 26. God made him out of the dust of the earth. Now we don’t read he came out of a protoplasm. “ ’Twixt you and me is a mighty chasm, my friend, You at the begining—I at the end. The protoplasm made reply, as he winked his embryonic eye, Well, when I look at you, old man, I’m very sorry I began.” You see man began with God’s hand and some of these days if I get a chance I’m going to tell you about how won derful the human body is. It couldn’t possibly have just happened by evolu tion or development. Then in Revelation 20 and verse 15 we read about the end of the wicked man. In Revelation 22:4 we read about the end of the righteous man so we know where he began in Genesis 1 and how he ended up in Revelation. And then third, the beginning of sin for that’s to be the cause of God’s grace. If there was no sin He wouldn’t need to show grace. That’s in Genesis 3, verse 6 where Adam and Eve believed what the Devil said rather than what God said; and that’s still true. Do you know men will believe any kind of religion and swallow it and always come along with no trouble at all. But when you come along with the sweet story of Calvary of the risen Christ and of the love of God and salvation from sin, you preach, and preach and preach and beg and carry on trying to get people to believe the truth. You know when the sons came back to Jacob and said Joseph was tom in pieces by beasts, he believed it right away. He made no effort to find out if it was true. But when those same fel lows came back about 14 years later and said Joseph’s the ruler of all Egypt, he said, “You’re crazy. I don’t believe a word of it.” When they told him the truth, he wouldn’t believe it, but when they told him a lie, he swallowed it down whole. It’s exactly the same way today. Well, a lie is the beginning of sin. Then the end of it is in Revelation 6
BEGINNING OF LIFE (cont.) Well God made the earth. That’s the beginning. It ends in Revelation 20 when God gets rid of the whole busi- PEACE FOR OUR PATHS I do not always know what lies be fore me, Or what a trial or test may be in store; M y steps are ordered, God will do the choosing. He knows the way I take — need I know more? I do not know the reason for each testing The lessons I must learn, I cannot tell, Or why I'm led through valley deep and lonely— I only know He doeth all things well. If the path I walk seems steep and rugged, And I must labor long to reach the goal, There's always one close by my side to help me; He brings sweet rest and comfort to my soul. And from the pages of God's Book before me, He speaks the words that all my fears dispel, And though I do not know now why or wherefore, I can be sure He doeth all things well. Then I will rest in Him and take fresh courage, And trust His promise not to leave me e'er— New strength supplied to carry on the battle, New hope that I the victor's crown shall wear. It is enough to be of God beloved. To have the Lord within my heart to dwell, To have the peace that passeth understanding. Content to know He doeth all things well.
ness. Tlien the earth is to be the sphere of God’s grace. That’s the reason He tells us how it began. Man is to
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