Biola Broadcaster - 1962-12

1 woman look at me. You would have thought I was manufacturing that stuff out of my own head. As a matter of fact I read it out of the book from which they were teaching our children. I said, “Gentlemen, I was taught in school that things that were unculti­ vated returned to their natural state. They returned, to the original size, shape or form. Isn’t it a fact that if you develop tomatoes you get a great big fine ponderosa but if you leave them alone they go back to nubbins? Isn’t it a fact that you develop an orchard of apples, pick out all the bugs and spray them and everything but if you leave them alone they go back to nub­ bins? If you take a team of great big beautiful Percheron horses out in the woods and leave them alone, don’t do anything to them and the third or fourth generation you will have a min­ iature of what they used to be? Every­ thing reverts to type, you know that, and this yam about the poor little gir­ affe, with short legs and tiny neck be­ ing developed into long legs, long neck — do you believe that? Do you think anybody with common sense would be­ lieve that?” And then one time I got interested in the nice black soil that is used for raising vegetables and so on and I tell you some of it is so rich it just pro­ duces lovely plants. So I got the idea that maybe I’d start a factory and sell nice black dirt to the people that had clay land and so I wrote to three agricultural colleges and I said, “Gen­ tlemen, will you please tell me how I can grind up rocks and mix water with them in order to get nice black dirt to sell to the farmer? I read in one of the school books that the rea­ son we have this nice black soil is that through millions of years the rain fell on the rocks, the original rocks of this earth and the wind came along and blew the dust of the rocks over on to the land and it became nice black loamy soil. Now, gentlemen, I want to find out how to do that because I can make a fortune selling this nice black soil to folks that don’t have any.” They said, “Well there isn’t any

such thing. You can’t make nice black soil.” I wrote back and I said, “There must be some way of grinding up rocks. You tell me what kind of rocks to get and I’ll pour water on them and get nice black soil and sell it to the farm­ ers.” And they wrote back and what they said to me wouldn’t look good in a Sunday school paper. “They told me where to get off.” So I took these let­ ters down and read them to the Board of Education. Now listen, I read to them what these fellows wrote back and what the school book said about how we got our nice rich black soil. Do you see how foolish that is? By the way, do you know that every­ thing that has a neck has seven bones in it, except a blue whale, it has six bones? But the sparrow has 7 bones and the stork and the swan have seven bones and the giraffe has seven bones in the neck and so does the little tur­ tle and the dog and cat. In fact you do too. Everything that has a neck has seven bones in it except the blue whale and I don’t know why it fell out because it only has six. Now you tell me how did the protoplasm know that the neck would work best on sev­ en bones? The giraffe has big neck bones and other animals have great big ones and the little animals have little ones and little birds have little ones, all seven bones. Tell me how did the protoplasm know about that. Wasn’t it wonderful the way they developed by heredity, by environment, or by natural selec­ tion. That’s just marvelous. I believe what God says. In the be­ ginning God made the heavens and the earth and He created the whales and He created the animals and He created the birds and He created the fish and I believe it. No other power in the world, no evolutionary power, could produce the marvelous things we find in nature. My hobby is outdoor life and I love it because the more I see of animal and bird life, the more I’m astonished at the mar­ velous things I see. For instance, one time I was in Mobile, Ala. preaching. (continued on next page) 9

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