Welcome to our very first issue of the Collective Action Magazine which has been enabled by a contribution of stakeholders within the End GBVF Collective - implementing the National Strategic Plan to end Gender Based Violence and Femicide (NSP on GBVF). I was recently watching a talk by Vusi Thembekwayo with Entrepreneurs in Nairobi. Something he said profoundly struck a chord. He was talking about how businesses become big players on a global economic scale. America was one example, their obsession with the bigger vision is what set them apart. Their desire to become the biggest market player, drove them to think big and use the the idea that "there is strength in numbers". In so doing, they created big platforms that united the market into one collective and powerful force. This is the exact vision of this magazine. The issues around GBVF have not only become a chronic plague in South Africa, it’s cause and effects are spread through many tentacles affecting every function of our country. We understand that addressing and solving this problem will be impossible if we do not tackle it together, hence the name “Collective Action”. The vision of Mental Wellness Initiative and End GBVF Collective in establishing this magazine is to enable every role player in the GBVF space to work collaboratively. By starting this publication, we want to hear your voice, understand the work you are doing, learn from you, share ideas and knowledge, share resources, gather and implement solutions and innovations that will #EndGBVF. Each and every stakeholder is integral to this process, and without you there is no collective and no end to GBVF.
Editor’s Note
We look forward to connecting with you and hope you enjoy reading this issue.
Thomas Pane
Hazel Namponya | hazeln@mwi.org.za
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