GPS Living Spring 2019


I n cooking school, we were taught the five French “mother sauces” as defined by the twentieth-century master of French cooking, Auguste Es- coffier: béchamel, velouté, sauce es- pagnole, sauce tomate, and hollandiase. The foundational sauce to the Afro-Asian flavor profile is what we call the Mother Africa sauce: West African peanut sauce. You can pour it over a bowl of rice. You can dice up a sweet potato and mix it in as a stew. It tastes delicious with the meat of the chicken thigh crumbled into the mix. This sauce will keep for five days in the fridge and you can eat it every day, in a different way. It is an easy back pock- et sauce that you can’t mess up. It’s both comfort food and comforting to cook. So give it a try.” SMALLS SHARE THEIR FOOD HISTORY IN A NEW BOOK. CHEFS JJ JOHNSON AND ALEXANDER Heavenly Harlem

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