Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201705

Senior Director: The power to change your life

by Daniel Wood, General Manager

It is stories like this that inspire people. Normal people with dreams and belief taking control of their life and deciding what it’s going to be like. Are you going to take control of your life? Or will you be okay with what you get, working long hours, making someone else rich? You can do it but you have to decide to do it. Then, you need to really believe it will work no matter what obstacles, fears and failures you encounter. Finally, you need to work on it every day, with passion and enthusiasm. Take a moment, right now. Are you going to change your life by advancing to Senior Director?

possibly better than anyone. As a result, she has started something in Bordertown that is changing lives, it’s very, very special and it has rewarded Hayley with a Senior Director advancement of her own—well done Hayley, you’re a star! This culture of possibility and positivity is probably best demonstrated by Ashleigh and Ricky Ciampa. They’ve only been with Melaleuca for a couple of months but in March, they double advanced—in Pacesetter timeframe—to Director 4. It was my pleasure to present Ashleigh with her advancement cheque last month and it will be a moment I’ll never forget. Ashleigh had worked hard in March—really, really hard and her expectations for her earnings were high. When I brought her up to the front of the room, in front of her support team and the leaders she had helped, she was full of anticipation, it was exciting… and then… I flipped over her cheque… revealing $11,610! Imagine that—no, I mean really imagine that—partnering with a company for a couple of months and getting a cheque for one month’s work for over eleven grand! Ashleigh’s mind was racing, her reaction was physical and she was shaking. Right then and there she saw her future and she knew it was real! When someone has an experience like this their belief improves immensely, in turn immensely improving the likelihood they’ll go all the way to Senior Director and beyond. It really is the moment lives change!

March marked six months since we launched the Pacesetter Senior Director Strategy. When we put it together it was our sincere hope that it would enhance the lives of many, many Aussie’s and Kiwi’s. We want you to be able to choose when you work, how much you earn and who you work with. Melaleuca gives you freedom, real freedom and in this day-and-age, that’s a rare and beautiful thing. How do you earn it? Simple, by helping people have a better life. This is profound, I can think of no better way to earn an income, and if you’re great at it and you put your heart and soul into it, you’ll prosper financially, physically and even spiritually. Many were sceptical about the strategy and that’s normal, human nature I guess. But, I believed it would happen, so did my team at the corporate office and many of our existing leaders. It’s so important when you want to achieve something that you believe it with all your heart and work towards it every day. That’s how dreams turn into reality. Doubt leads to rejection; rejection leads to failure. This is universal, ask anyone who is successful in any field — belief always comes before success ! In March, our dreams and the belief we had put into them started to turn into reality. Hayley Harding’s work in Bordertown, SA could well become folklore, you’ll understand as you read this edition of Leadership in Action . Hayley is an incredible leader who has grasped the Pacesetter Senior Director Strategy




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