VFTV 8-9-22

Gymnasium Floor

The Basketball, Cheerleading, and Volleyball teams will all have something to celebrate and appreciate this fall. Each of these sports perform in the Spencer Sports Center. After many years of wear and tear, our gym was locked down for the month of July. The floor received a complete sanding, cleaning, and refinishing, but most importantly is sporting a new paint design. Now the Sports Center is back open and looking sharp! In fact, this past week our Women’s Volleyball team has been able to practice and scrimmage in

preperation for their upcoming season on the newly refurbished floor. You can see the old floor design above, and the new floor design below. Our coachs were delighted to see a new shine on the wood and so are our athletes. We hope to see many fans come out and support our Warriors this fall and winter! Be sure to check out our website and social media for game annoucemenets.

6 / View from the Valley

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