Case Barnett Law - B-C - March 2018

PAGE 2 949-565-2993 SPRING CLEANING The Importance of

Your Utility Room

Family homes (three or more occupants) with no pets or allergies: 3 to 6 months.

The start of spring brings everyone’s favorite seasonal chore — spring cleaning! As you dust, vacuum, organize, and declutter, don’t forget about the one room that often gets neglected. This year, give special attention to the utility closet. The utility closet houses your furnace, boiler, water heater, A/C junction, and other similar large appliances. Homeowners often forget about these appliances because they are out of sight and out of mind, and this can cost a lot in the long run. Like all the other rooms in your home, this space needs to be kept clean. Dust, for instance, can be hard on HVAC systems. Over time, it accumulates in the HVAC intake and clogs the air filter, reducing its effectiveness and efficiency. This results in a short lifespan for your system, higher power bills, and a poorly heated or cooled home.

Family homes with at least one pet or minor allergies: 2 to 3 months.

Family homes with multiple pets or allergies: 1 to 2 months.

In addition to changing the air filter, it’s important to schedule a routine inspection of your home’s HVAC system. This includes an inspection of the appliances themselves and any connecting ducts. Dust, dander, and mold can accumulate in the ducts and spread throughout the home, which can lead to health issues, including respiratory problems. A routine inspection will identify potential problems in your HVAC system. On top of that, you can get these systems professionally cleaned and maintained. These are simple steps that will keep your home’s air systems running smoothly for years to come. Plus, you’ll be ready for the summer months ahead!

How Often Should You Replace Your Air Filter?

Homes with minimal foot traffic (single or double occupancy) and no pets or allergies: 6 to 12 months.


This charity also works hard to offer disaster relief around the world. In 2013, volunteers with Giving Children Hope were some of the first responders after Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines. Last year, they aided communities devastated by Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Maria. Giving Children Hope is a charity we truly believe in at Case Barnett Law. Once a month, our firm goes out to their warehouse to help prep backpacks for WGYB. Additionally, last Christmas, we hosted a toy drive on behalf of this charity. Our team and a number of our clients donated gifts to help make sure children in our community had presents to open during the holidays. We want to thank everyone who opened their hearts and supported the toy drive, and an extra big thank-you to Patty Barnett and the Huntley family! For decades, Giving Children Hope has aimed to enrich the lives of needy children and their families in our community and around the globe, fully living up to their motto, “Across the street and around the world.”

During the week, thousands of children living in poverty across Orange and Los Angeles counties are able to eat thanks to free and reduced-cost meal programs at their schools. However, during the weekend, they do not have access to this source of nutrition. To fill this need, the charity Giving Children Hope founded their We’ve Got Your Back (WGYB) program almost 10 years ago.

Partnered with over 60 schools, WGYB provides over 1,200 backpacks of food every week, feeding around 4,000 people each weekend. This is just one of the many ways Giving Children Hope strives to make the world a better place. In addition to providing much-needed nutrition to families in our community, this incredible organization provides medical supplies and equipment as well as basic living needs like towels or home goods to families around the world.

If you would like to learn more about Giving Children Hope, or if you are interested in volunteering, please visit

Reminder About Our Firm’s Communication Policy: Our promise to you is that we don’t take inbound calls or emails while we are working on your case. Case Barnett takes no inbound unscheduled phone calls whatsoever. It makes him much more productive and helps get your case resolved faster. You can always call the office at 949.861.2990, and schedule an in-person or phone appointment, usually within 24-48 hours. This is a lot better than the endless game of “phone tag” played by most businesses today. Remember, too, that email is “quick,” but is checked no more than twice a day. Replies are then scheduled into the calendar. So if it’s really important, don’t email — call the office instead.

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