American Consequences - June 2018


Even the Russia collusion delusion is unlikely to save the Democrats’ political fortunes. The Mueller probe will likely continue to grind on well beyond Election Day. And it won’t be a surprise if a few more hapless souls from the Trump orbit find themselves in the crosshairs of false statements or tax-fraud prosecution. But nobody expects many votes to change because Paul Manafort is facing decades in the slammer. All caveats about how four months is an eternity for an election cycle remain in play... Currently, most of the polls have “generic Democrat” ahead of “generic Republican” by around eight points. And midterm elections in recent memory have gone in favor of the party out of power. But the polls were wrong – embarrassingly so – in 2016. There is certainly a chance of another political upset, although the focus will be on the Republicans in Congress instead of Trump himself. The coastal elites have learned nothing since 2016. They still mock, deride, and sneer at normal Americans who want a government that focuses on their interests first. Left-wing actors continue to go on foul-mouthed tirades against Trump. Today, the Democrats’ most prominent elected officials are so out of touch, they might as well wear ascots and monocles walking around the halls of Congress. If you think the Coastals were in mourning in November 2016, just wait until the results come in this fall... If the GOP holds firm, maybe some of those liberal celebrities who promised to move to Canada might finally make good on their word.

doom and destruction, it has blown away expectations and proven that Trump’s true believers were right all along. A chief executive of the United States government who is a friend to commerce instead of to warmed-over socialism is a great thing for this country. To borrow from former President Calvin Coolidge, Trump also believes “the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing, and prospering in the world.” Indeed, we are. They are betting against the country, and what can only be described as Trump derangement syndrome has overriden other considerations about the good of their fellow citizens. The Democrats, the left, and their media toadies are running out of excuses. Their messaging has become so desperate, some of them are openly rooting for a recession. It is quite a phenomenon for a major political party to wish for the suffering, misery, and despair of millions of Americans. It is no exaggeration to say they are betting against the country, and what can only be described as Trump derangement syndrome has overridden other considerations about the good of their fellow citizens.

108 June 2018

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