UAL - Director of Estates


Director of Estates Chief Operating Officer

sourced services contractors including provision of catering, soft FM (cleaning and security) and hard FM (maintenance of fabric and MEP building services) and waste management. • Drive continuous improvement in the provision of facilities, catering and re- tail services in academic buildings with a customer service approach requiring regular dialogue with Heads of Colleges and their SMT’s. • Ensure effective marketing, sales and operations of student accommodation to provide suitable capacity for demand and a break- even financial status on an annual basis. Partner relationship man- agement of third party providers for halls under nomination agreements. • Ensure the Estates Department are de- livering value for money on all aspects of their projects and services. • Represent UAL in professional organi- sations such as Association of Universi- ty Directors of Estates (AUDE) and Col- lege and University Business Officers (CUBO) to ensure market and profes- sional standards are regularly bench- marked and maintained with UAL as a significant player in the University com - munity. As a senior member of the University the following applies: • You will be expected to work such hours as are reasonably necessary to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of the role. • You may be required to work such ad- ditional/different hours as may from time to time be necessary for the proper and efficient discharge of duties. • You will be required to regularly travel to other sites as necessary. General • To perform such duties consistent with your role as from time to time may be assigned to you anywhere within the University. • To undertake health and safety duties and responsibilities appropriate to the role. • To work in accordance with the Uni- versity’s Dignity at Work Policy and the Staff Charter, promoting equality and di - versity in your work.

• To personally contribute towards reduc- ing the University’s impact on the envi- ronment and support actions associat- ed with the UAL Sustainability Manifesto (2016 – 2022). • To undertake continuous personal and professional development, and to sup- port it for any staff you manage through effective use of the University’s Planning, Review and Appraisal scheme and staff development opportunities. • To make full use of all information and communication technologies in adher- ence to data protection policies to meet the requirements of the role and to pro- mote organisational effectiveness. • To conduct all financial matters asso - ciated with the role accordance to the University’s policies and procedures, as laid down in the Financial Regulations. Key Working Relationships • Chief Operating Officer • Executive Board Members • University Governors particularly on Es- tates and Finance Committees • Directors of College Administration • UAL Health & Safety Team • External Contractors & Service Partners • Trades Union Representatives • Peer professional Services Directors • Students Union (Arts SU) Specific Management Responsibilities Budgets: Revenue circa £30m pa, Ac- commodation circa £30m turnover (break- even) Catering £3m, Retail £1.5m. Capital plan £500m. Staff: Line Management of : • Associate Director Property Man- agement and Development • Programme Director (Major Projects) • Associate Director Retail, Catering and Accommodation • Associate Director Sustainability (Operations) • Information Manager • Cost Manager • Risk and Assurance Manager • Executive Assistant

Job title:

Accountable to: Contract length: Hours per week:



Weeks per year: 52

Competitive Individual

Salary: Grade: Location:

Service: Estates

Kings Cross/High Holborn

• Provide strategic leadership of pro- curement and expenditure on signifi - cant capital and revenue contracts for capital and maintenance works, ser- vices and utilities with responsibility for financial planning, internal budgetary application and subsequent delivery within approved parameters. • Develop high-performing multi-dis- ciplinary teams to deliver continuous improvement of estates services, on- going iterative development and trans- formational change and innovative ini- tiatives. • Develop People Strategy encompass- ing attraction, recruitment, retention, and development for Estates Depart- ment and support similar initiatives across the Professional Services and Operations Group. • Build and maintain collaborative work- ing relationships with Executive Board, Court of Governors, professional ser- vices directors, College Executive Groups and other key stakeholders. • Ensure the health and safety of stu- dents and staff across the estates portfolio. Drive compliance with all statutory health and safety legislation including CDM regulations on con- struction activities. • Lead the acquisition and disposal of properties and general real estate mat- ters such as rental negotiations and rates reductions. • Ensure the risk and assurance man- agement of statutory compliance and business critical facilities and support. Responsible for security of students, staff, property and physical data held on the estate. • Lead the decarbonisation of the estate ensuring sustainability is at the heart of the estate. Specific responsibility for reducing University scope 1 and 2 emissions to net zero by 2030. • Oversee the performance of out-

Who we are The Estates Department is responsible for all aspects of operating and develop- ing the academic and accommodation estates of the University. The profession- al support areas covered includes facil- ities management, estate management, project management, property develop- ment, catering and retail, sustainability and energy management. It also works with 12 halls of residence, four of which are UAL Estates managed halls. What is the purpose of the role? Reporting to the Chief Operating Officer, the role of the Director of Estates is to provide strategic leadership within the Estates Department made up of circa 200 directly employed and contract staff and significant financial annual revenue spend of £30m with a further £30m turn- over in commercial services plus a signif- icant funded £0.5bn capital plan. Duties and Responsibilities • Lead on the strategic development and delivery of a 10 year estates strat- egy providing the facilities and services to support the University. • Lead on the successful delivery of sig- nificant capital projects on time and budget, meeting the needs of the academic and professional services requirements. This includes initiating projects, securing agreements with landowners and developers and lead- ing the legal commercial and contrac- tual negotiations. • Support the University Strategy in re- lation to improving student experience through the quality of the academic and accommodation estate and ser- vices. • Lead, manage and develop staff with - in the Estates Department, building an open and inclusive high performance culture.

Alys Tomlinson

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