King's Business - 1935-06

In the <£a,nes It is summer all over the meadows, All over the woods and the seal How many the glad days of summer My Father has given to me! The Lord, who has strewn the flowers Over the lonely hills, Who has filled the woods with music, And has gemmed the mountain rills— Oh, what has H e made to greet us In the land of fair delight, Where His own shall rejoice before Him, And shall walk with Him in whitef — Hymns of Ter Steegen

View o f Pacific Palisades Conference Grounds Where Bible Institute Summer Conference Will Be Held.

SUMM ER B IBLE CONFERENCE of the BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Pacific Palisades Assembly Grounds, Near Santa Monica, Calif., Aug. IO to Sept. 2,1935

restaurant building, and a gymnasium are spaced at intervals along the winding canyon floor. Yet all this isolation is located within twenty-one miles of busy Los Angeles. REASONABLE H O U S IN G A C C O M M O D A T IO N S For family of two, a ten-day vacation in one of the floored tents, including light, water, gas, blankets, linen, and housekeeping equipment, means an outlay of only $11.50. For twenty-one days, the rate would be $20.50. If three persons be Included for the ten-day period, the cost is only $14.50; and for the twenty-one day period, $26.00. The only additional expenses would be the purchasing of provisions, as the tents are fully equipped for housekeeping. If preferred, reasonable meals may be obtained at the near-by cafe or local restaurant. There are, of course, more elaborate accommodations, including rustic casitas and artistically furnished cabins, at slightly higher prices. IN FORMAT ION GLADLY FURNISHED If you desire that full information regarding reservations, program, and other features of the conference shall be sent to you, write at once.

The view on the front cover of this issue of the KING’S BUSINESS pictures . the restfulness and peace to be had at Pacific Palisades, the beautiful conference grounds near the ocean, where the first Summer Bible Conference of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is to be held, August 10 to September 2, 1935. Whether one is able to come for only a day or two, or whether, with the family, the whole period of the conference may be enjoyed as a vacation time, one will find quietness and spiritual invigoration at Pacific Palisades. Daily meetings will be addressed by outstanding pastors and teachers. A vacation Bible school for boys and girls will be a strong attraction. Fellowship with choice Christians will enrich one’s days. Readers living at a distance from Los Angeles, who will be unable to avail them­ selves of the privileges of this summer gathering, are urged to pray for God’s blessing upon the meetings, to the end that the Lord may be exalted, and that the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles that honors Him may become widely known. LOCAT ION OF THE CONFERENCE G RO UND S No more beautiful or convenient spot could have been selected than the parked and shaded grounds of the Pacific Palisades Assembly. Old oaks and sycamores spread leafy arms over a tumbling mountain stream that winds from the mountains to the sea. On the left bank of the stream, a great auditorium, half hidden by foliage, is located on a convenient hillside; while casitas, tent-houses, cabins, rustic classrooms, a large

BIBLE INSTITUTE o/LOSANGELES 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

GRADUATION GIFT SUGGESTIONS General Suggestions Which Will Bestow Profit and Delight to All

Eyes in the Clark— Zenobia Bird $1.00 Sally Jo— Zenobia Bird.............. $1.50 Return of the Tide— Zenobia Bird $ 1.50 Silver Trumpet—-J. W . Ingles...........$1.00 The First Soprano— Hitchcock......... $1.00

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DAILY READ INGS Streams In The Desert— Cowman......... $1.50 A Message For Every Day— Miller 1.50 Checque Book of Bank of Faith — Spurgeon...M.,,_;w~.,:v:',i S ^ ^ ^ ® ....... 2.00 My Utmost for His Highest— Chambers 1.50 In The Hour of Silence— Smellie 1.50 My Daily Meditation— Jowett.............. 1.50

Take Time to Be Holy....$ *40 Trust And Obey— 2V&A inches............. 50 Jesus Never Fails— 2l/2x4 inches........... 50 Prayer Changes Things— 33/8x6'/2 in 1.25 They That Wait, etc.— 3%xl I y8 in 2.00 Never Give Up— 2%x5'/2 inches........ .75

HARRY R IMMER SET Complete set of 25 books. $6.35 value. Easy to read. Remark­ able proof of inaccuracies in the supposed findings of "scientists." Now $5.00 SCOFIELD BIBLE SPECIAL India paper. Genuine leathercover. 4l/2>c7inches. Complete references. Fits the pocket. Special $5.00 BIOLA BOOK ROOM — ■ Headquarters— Fundamental Literature THE BEST LOVED R E L I G I O U S POEMS OVER 250 PAGES MO ST POPU LAR James Gilchrist Lawson $1.75 Each

“ S , never go un

SibleXamiiyüfla^ine Motto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” —R ev . 1 :5.

★ So a brother in the Lord wrote us recently. And he added, “ I love the little messages you mail me (The Chosen People). They are a meant of grace to me.** And another dear brother said to us personally, **During the last ten years, I have never failed to re­ member you by name in prayer, twice a day!” And we replied, **No wonder the Lord has so wonderfully blessed the testimony of this Mission, so that its lines have gone liter­ ally around the world. When He surrounds us with such a host of friends who labor and pray, and sac­ rifice, it means only one thing— that Israel’s salvation is very pre­ cious in His sight.** We thought also of the assur­ ance and exhortation of Isaiah 62:6-7:— “ I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence, And give Him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.** And we feel we must invite, and even urge, many many more of His faithful followers to join the blessed host who are “ taking no rest and giving God no rest,** in Israel’s be­ half. There is a special blessing to those who bless the seed of Abra­ ham. Will you put Him to this test just once? American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Yes, I wish to be counted a remem­ brancer of the Lord’s people. Here is $ as a bit of fellowship with you in His work. With it go my prayers and love for Israel.

Volume XXVI

June, 1935

Number 6

TABLE OF CONTENTS Kept by the Power o f .God—Mildred M. Cook................................ ,.202 Around the King’s Table— Louis T. Talbot.................................... 205 Revival in Europe— The Need for It—Ruth Paxson...................... 206 Taking the Gospel to the Working Man................................................208 Devotion to Christ— Fred Meldau........................................................ 210 v/ Socialism, Communism, Fascism: “ Three Unclean Spirits like Frogs”— Louis S, Bauman...........................................................212 Bible Institute Family Circle—:...............................................................216 Junior King’s Business—Martha S. Hooker....................................... 217 Helps for Preachers and Teachers-—Paul Prichard...........................219 International Lesson Commentary................ .220 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Mary G. Goodner............................228 Daily Devotional Readings..................................................................... 234 Our Literature Table............................... .......... :................................... 240




T E R M S: Single Copies....................................................... 15c Annual Subscription....................................................................$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions. 2.50 Five annual subscriptions..........................................................5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions................................................... 10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REM IT TA N CE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to "B ible Institute of Los Angeles." Beceipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF A D D R E SS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of de­ sired change.

A D V E R T IS IN G: For information with reference to advertising in TH E K IN O ’S BUSIN ESS, address the AD VERTISIN G M ANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, $25 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or $33 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October $, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. M A N U SCRIPTS: THE K IN G 'S BU SINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.


PO LICY A S D EFIN E D BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TH E B IB L E IN ST ITU TE OF LOS A N G ELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. 558 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Lot Angelet, California


City.... ..,..i

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Ask for our free booklet “ Jewish Mission Annuity Bonds/*

KEPT by.. appear. The congregation will read and assent. But, the Lord willing, there will be one present, who, though unable to trace the outline o f the words as they stand out in print, can show them plainly written in her life: “ Kept by the power o f God.” “ Kept”—-though the world would point to sacrifice. “ Kept”— though shortsighted friends would speak o f comforts lost. And when her dear ones, ready now for service anywhere as. the Lord shall lead, may, at length, find their places on distant mission fields, the keep­ ing power will continue, for “ he is faithful that promised.” A group of 106 young people chose six pregnant words as their class motto. But the words belong as truly to every adult who, by prayer and gift, has qualified—

U p the gentle slope o f one of the many hills that over­ look Hollywood, one comes to a winding path, to a clump o f friendly apricot trees, their branches inter­ locked, and finally to a little cottage that hides away shyly behind the red roses that bloom near the door. It is a severely plain little house, and plain people live in it. The central figure is a woman o f perhaps sixty years of age, blind, but with a seeing heart. Tw o devoted girls live with her— orphan sisters, long separated from each other, who were united and adopted by this one who loved them and saw before them a life o f service for Christ. When blindness came suddenly, a few years ago, this mother became practically dependent upon her adopted daughters for the family’s support. But, using faith’s telescope, and refusing to consider present distresses, this brave little woman insisted that the girls carry forward, without hindrance, their plan to attend the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles, in preparation for a life o f missionary service. Both sisters enrolled in the fall of 1933, one o f them living at home for a term and keeping house, while the other enjoyed life in the dormitory; and then, at the be­ ginning of the new semester, exchanging places. Saturdays, and Sometimes other afternoons, they spent doing housework, not only in their own home for which they were responsible, but also in any other place where they could find a day’s employment to help to meet ex­ penses. Often, turning homeward, as they urged weary bodies up the hill, the girls would ask themselves the ques­ tion : “ Are we really doing right ?” But the query would die on their lips as they met the smiling face o f the one who could not see their troubled glances but could read their hearts. “ Oh, I am so rich—to have you,” she would say. “ To have you as a gift to give to Christ !” When it.looked as though the plan for Christian training could not possibly go on, the Lord sent into the home and the hearts, o f these three trusting ones, a little Japanese girl and her sister whose mother sought for them a place to board. Thus the training days continued. A few weeks ago, the senior class of 1935 was organized, and these two girls were in it. The class motto was chosen: “ Kept by the power o f God.” And on the evening o f June 13, these sis­ ters, with more than a hundred classmates, are due to re­ ceive diplomas of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles at its twenty-fifth annual commencement. When that occasion arrives, on placard and on program, the class motto will

Having witnessed first to a group of his countrymen in the Philippine Is­ lands, the young man in the inset is now equipped with Bible Institute training for more efficient work in his homeland, to which he plans to return! though he may not recognize thé' fact—as a member of this year’s graduating class.

“ K ept ”— T hrough Y ears of W aiting . .Other members of the group to be honored on Com­ mencement day have been kept by God’s power during a long period o f anticipation. One young man came to the Institute from the Philippine Islands. Looking at his smil­ ing brown face today, no one would surmise that only a few years ago this boy was a naked pagan, a wild member of one o f the unevangelized tribes on the Islands.


June, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

...the POWER of GOD


a student at the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, and, the Lord willing, he will receive, on June 13, a certificate in recognition o f completed studies. During the period o f his stay in California, he has gone each week, with four or five other Filipino men, to hold gospel meetings in the camps where his countrymen work as pickers in groves and fields. Moreover, in the famous Plaza, the oldest sec­ tion o f Los Angeles, where crowds o f Orientals and Mex­ icans swarm in discontented inertia, this zealous Bible In­ stitute student, with his ever-present Book, has preached Christ often. In the camps and on the Plaza, he has seen men saved and their lives changed. When he leaves the Bible Institute in June, he.plans to go at once to his Island home. “ My jpeople need the gospel!” Conviction sparkled in dark eyes as the young man spoke. “ And the fastest way to evangelize my people , is to help young men to love this Book , and then to go with it to the. tribes o f the interior. B. I. has helped me to help them. That’s why I ’m going!” “ Kept by the power o f God,” and depending still upon that keeping, the Filipino turns homeward with the gospel.

First, a chain o f providential circumstances led him into the employ o f a Christian family on the Islands. Through the influence o f this home, he attended gospel meetings, and there, at the age o f eighteen, he accepted Christ. At once there came upon him a burden to see his tribespeople saved, and he knew that, in order really to help them, he must himself be trained in a knowledge of the Word o f God. But before he left the Islands in 1931 to prepare himself, in America, for evangelistic work, he had witnessed concerning Christ to a number o f his friends, and had seen four of them (pictured in the front row of the group picture) follow the Lord in baptism. A stranger in Los Angeles, this determined Filipino was faced with two pressing needs. He must find work, a way to earn money. And he must find a school where the Bible was taught. He enrolled as a student in an automo­ bile school and studied hard, always keeping his Bible open on the bench beside him. Later, an offer o f employment led him to a ranch in northern California, and there, in the will o f God, there came one day a salesman for farm products— or at least to outward appearances that was his

occupation. The man’s real work was to witness for Christ, for this salesman was a former student of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles, and evangelism was his vocation. “ Boy, you should go to B. I . !” The visitor clasped the hand o f the Filipino farm helper, like a brother. “ I will go— since God has shown me where.” The words must have been soft-spoken, like the lapping of the waters on a distant tropical shore, for all the speech o f this man contains a hint o f his home. For two years this Filipino has been

The Institute student who surrendered his talent to.; Christ finds joy in illustrating Bible truth for little children ,whp listen in rapt attention,

June, 1935


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

helped you with the expenses of your training at the Insti­ tute, have you not ?” the pastor was asked. “ No—-it could not be!” The'speaker’s manner as well as his voice betokened the will to sacrifice for Christ’s sake. In his heart, revival fire burned— the same self­ extinguishing flame that swept his home country, to the praise o f God. “ What will you do after graduation ?” the Korean pas­ tor was asked, for he, too, expects to receive a diploma soon. “ I will come back—here! I must learn more. And I will all the time preach to my people, if God wills.” “ Kept”—yearning! Heaven-born attitude! “ K ept ”— T rusting For many o f the students at the Institute, the months of training have included practical lessons in trusting God for everyday needs. Several years ago, the Lord spoke to the heart o f one young woman about becoming a missionary to Bolivia. She came to the Institute to prepare for this work. But there were no personal funds from which to draw, and there was no family willing and able to help. How to earn the amount necessary for board and room at the Institute (tuition is free) became a problem to be solved through prayer and faith. When there came an oppor­ tunity to do maid service in a private home, this girl from Oregon quickly accepted the position. The family consisted o f three adults, one a Catholic priest and another an athe­ istic college professor. When they inquired of the girl about her life ambition, she did not hide from them her aim and the reason for it. And so genuine was the life that was lived before these individuals, that they volunteered to help her on her way, providing for the payment o f dental work amounting to $175.00. This same young woman has often seen God meet her need for a meal when her purse was empty, and no one had been told about the lack. And

The A'Cappella Choir of fifty-two members is made up of men and women students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles who sing in four, six, and eight parts, unaccompanied. With ten of the mem­ bers among the graduates to receive diplomas from the Insti­ tute on June 13, the choir will take part in the Commencement exercises. Herbert G. Tovey, director of the Music Course and or­ ganizer of the choir, came to the Institute in 1919. Through his ef­ forts, the A'Cappella Choir and the King's Messengers Quartet, composed of students, are heard in a half-hour's program each Sat­ urday afternoon, beginning at 3:30, over KHJ, Los Angeles, on the Columbia Don Lee Network. Biola students "sing for joy.!' “ K ept ”—Y earning A graduate of the Christian College at Pyeng Yang, a young Korean spent ten years as a teacher in his own coun­ try. He was a son df Christian parents, and himself a lover of the Lord Jesus Christ. To this young educator there came a yearning to learn more o f the Word for himself, and then to give it to others. “ My people know— everybody knows— Korea is a land o f great revival. But we need new revival today. Many Korean Christians . . . asleep!” A malady sadly common! Because this wide-awake brother

as an accepted candidate o f the Bo­ livian Indian Mission, she expects to leave for South America this fall, still trusting— “ kept by the power of God.” A certain Sunday-school class had in it two members, girls o f six­ teen and seventeen, who seemingly could not be controlled. Their teacher was a Bible Institute student, in her last term. Evangelistic meetings were announced to be held at the In­ stitute, and this teacher began to pray that her unruly pupils would at­ tend, and that they would be saved. Since the girls lived in a suburb of Los Angeles, and no means o f trans­ portation to their homes could easily be found for them, the teacher, after prayer, arranged to have them stay overnight at the Willard Hotel, a part o f the Bible Institute building. She asked the Lord definitely to re­ strain her from spending the money for this purpose, unless this use o f it would lead to the girls’ salvation. The cost o f the room was $1.25— and when the bill was paid, there was hardly a cent left in the student’s purse. She was not afraid or sorry, however, for she was trusting God. She did not look for any encourage­ ment to be given immediately, but as she passed out o f the hotel, an en­ velope was handed to her, with a dol­ lar in it! How good God was! [Continued on page 209]

from Chosen felt the need o f new spiritual quickening, he came to America four years ago, and entered the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. During these years, there has prob­ ably been no more diligent student at the Institute than this devoted K o­ rean. Language difficulties hindered him, but he pressed on determinedly. About two years ago, he became the pastor of a little group o f Koreans who meet in a home in Los Angeles. With the courtesy common to his race and the Christian love indicative o f grace in the heart, this Oriental pastor explained: “ There are other Korean churches— this is not the only one, Some pastors are my warm friends. But, sometimes—you know ¡—people understand the gos­ pel, but they have no ‘go.’ You know what I mean ? My people must win 'souls.” The “ going” church has an at­ tendance o f sixty or seventy mem­ bers. Current expenses are all met by freewill offerings. The congrega­ tion has. obtained a piano, and is sav­ ing for the purchase o f a suitable place o f worship. One whole family accepted Christ at the meetings, and numbers o f individuals have been saved or stimulated to do personal work. “ You have received a small stipend from the church that has

Partnership When you have read the accompanying story, you do not need to ask what type of student the Bible Institute of Los Angeles accepts and trains. You K N OW . You do not continue to wonder what use the majority of the students make of the training re­ ceived. The facts speak for themselves. But perhaps you do not realize that for every student that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles accepts and trains, it costs the Institute approxi­ mately $150.00 per year— an amount which is never charged to the student, but is met by the freewill offerings of G od's people. And perhaps you have nqt recognized that the opportunity for partnership in the great work of training young people to be soul-winners is open to you— in a new and practical way— through the Biola Honor Roll. You may join today. You agree simply to pray for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and to give regularly (no matter how small the amount] toward the Institute's support. You receive a beautiful certificate of membership, suitable for framing. And you be­ come an integral part of an institution that for more than twenty-five years has honored the Word of God— a school that determines to con­ tinue in that allegiance until Jesus comes. Will you not turn to the back cover of this magazine and ask God what He would have you do?


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1935

<_Around the King’s Tables By Louis T . T albot

the starry universe above, the throne o f God in the center o f the universe stands forever and cannot be shaken. What­ ever a man’s capabilities or lack o f abilities may be, the one who acknowledges that throne and yields allegiance to it will be, even in this day, “ as Mount Zion,” which cannot be moved. But the man who refuses to reckon j with that throne, however learned and polished he may be, will be a spiritual weakling today and an “ unprofitable servant” forever. What is the trouble with our nation and with the world today? We have turned away from God. All our national problems and our local problems are but the inevitable re­ sult o f our departure from the government o f the living God. I submit to you that, apart from the one fact o f the realization on the part o f men and women that they are un­ der personal control of the living God and that they must give a personal account for every word and every deed to Him, each o f us would in our natural state inevitably gravi­ tate to the law of the jungle which says, “ Do just as you please; satisfy the desires of the flesh.without any regard for anybody. Let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomor­ row we die.” That is the philosophy o f life when God is forgotten. And in the fact o f a forgotten God there stands also the explanation o f the crime wave and kindred ills that are sweeping our nation today. This departure from God has had a specific source. Thirty years or more ago, there began to be gradually intro­ duced into the universities and colleges and pulpits o f our land the teaching that man was under no divine compul­ sion whatever. Young people were taught that man was a law unto himself, that he lyas struggling upon this planet without God and without hope. This teaching prepared the minds of the growing generation for the reception of So­ cialism and Communism. Nearly every one o f our universi­ ties has founded its courses upon the hypothesis that man has ascended from lower forms o f life. This generation has been taught to believe that there is no personal God and that all the morality o f the past was but a form o f slavery. The result is confusion and distrust on every hand, for when men lose faith in a living God, they also lose faith in one another. W e need to get back to God, or we will perish. The present crisis is a call to men to turn their faces toward God. Other crises within our nation in the years gone by have brought people to their knees and have caused the peo­ ple o f God to cry out for divine help. But today we seem to think that we are going to wriggle out of the present dilemma and find a solution in ourselves for the present problem. But the escape from this predicament is not in men; it is in God alone. The Christian may say with the prophet: “ Behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power . . . there is nothing too hard for thee.” In this critical hour we need the Creator o f the world. We need Christ; we need God. The only hope of America is Jesus Christ, the Son o f God. In fact, we must choose between Christ and chaos. God is looking for men— real men— to show to others the way, and I call upon you to dedicate your lives and your all to the living God, that He may use you as a channel o f blessing.— L. T . T.

[On May 23, the President o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles was the C om m en cem en t speaker at the John- Brown University, Siloam Springs, Ark. [Followvng the graduation exer­ cises, he addressed g Bible conference in Arkansas, remaining for a period o f ten days. A t Wheaton College, Wheaton, III., Mr. Talbot is scheduled to deliver the Commencement Day address on June 10, M e -expècts to .return to Los Angeles in time to partici­ pate. in Commencement activities at the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, on June 13 -— E ditor .] Where Is Stability? h e r e is no other word that describes conditions every- , where in this present day as does the word “ shaken.” 'Everything has been shaken to its very foundations. This statement is true no matter where you turn or what realm you ente v l Tt is true in the financial world. I have people in my congregation who a few years ago computed their wealth in six figures, and who today have no fortune and barely the necessities of life. In the financial crises which are about us everywhere, more than one individual, lacking abiding foundations, has come to feel that the only way out of his dilemma is the unhappy way of self-destruction. The financial world has been shaken, and the end is not yet. A survey o f the political world will reveal the same con­ ditions. Nothing is more unstable than present-day govern­ ment. Since 1914 the map o f Europe has changed many times, and dynasties that were founded hundreds o f years ago have passed away, while in more recent years the Com­ munist has been shaking his fist in the face o f stability and has been threatening the integrity of nations. In our own country the possibility o f a dictator seems less unlikely every hour. Likewise in the religious world there is uncertainty and wavering. Many are at a loss to know what to believe in re­ gard to the great doctrines o f our faith. Few o f the great verities for which multitudes have shed their blood are con­ sidered worth contending for today. The world o f religion is a place, o f confusion, and, like the realms of finance and politics, is like a ship at sea without a rudder. To those of us who know God,'these conditions present an unparalleled opportunity to hold forth thé gospel o f the Lord Jesus Christ. It would be a tragedy for us to pass through this day of privilege and out o f this life to stand before God without having put forth an honest effort to point men and women to “ the Lamb o f God, which taketh away the sin o f the world.” , We need not be perturbed as we face the world s tur­ moil. There are some things that are unshakable— as un­ wavering today as they ever were, and I would urge you to be certain that your life is linked with these verities, so that you may be as the rock o f Gibraltar—unmoved in your own faith and a way-shower to others. - Unshakable in its eternal existence, the throne o f God cannot be ignored with impugnity. “ Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” We have seen.other thrones topple and fall. Those earthly thrones that remain are becoming more and more insecure, and in regard to them we know not what a day may bring forth. But there is a throne that is as unshakable as ever, and that throne is the throne of God. No matter what may take place in this world or in



June 1935


in Europe

Courtesy of Thos. Cook & Son—Wagons Lits Inc., Los Angeles

THE NEED FOR IT B y RUTH PAXSON In the Orient and in Europe an Ambassador fo r Christ

I t is a very strange thing for me to be speaking of work in Europe rather than in China. I belong to China, and my heart is still there where I had the joy of working for twenty years. But by one of those strange and mysterious but wonderful leadings of the Lord, I was taken to Europe to recover strength after a very serious illness. With Miss Davis, my friend and'coworker, I went to Switzerland. A fter a short period of rest, we found that in a most un­ expected way invitations came for work in one country after another. We found that God Himself had prepared the ground. Thus as I present this message regarding the desperate need for spiritual quickening in Europe, and as I speak of the evidences o f a true; revival movement there, it is with as much joy and with as much sense of the need for us in America to know the situation there as in China. I am not going to say much about political conditions, because you can get that information riiore or less from the newspapers. One word or two will suffice. One o f our senators has said, “ In Europe the devil’s broth is brewing.” Another statesman has written, “ All Europe may be likened to a boiling volcano. Just how soon millions will move on ,tq conflict, God alone knows, but a crisis is. impending. The foreshadowings of it are manifest and ominous.” One feels as though he is sitting on the very, edge of a crater that may belch forth a world revolution on a moment’s notice, as though he is in close proximity to forces that are contesting for control, not only of a nation or of a con­ tinent, but of the whole wide world. Living in Europe today, one feels altogether foo uncomfortably near to Satan’s own headquarters, We all know what country has proclaimed itself openly and blatantly to be anti-God. And similar influences are gaining strength elsewhere in Europe. [One op Miss Paxson’s illuminating messages, which was heard a few weeks ago by students o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, was stcnographic'ally reported, and is now being offered to K ing ’ s B usiness readers in two installments, o f which this is the first. Later-, “ The Evidences of. Revival in Europe” will be discussed. Miss Paxson has had a remarkable missionary career in China, being spiritually helpful to missionaries and Chinese of many groups over a period o f twenty years. Christians have been greatly stimulated by her writings. It is her plan to sail fo r Europe from Montreal on May 24, continuing the ministry o f prayer and teaching that is described in these articles. Any one who would like to receive a regularly published bulletin o f prayer requests for Europe is invited to communicate with Dr. F. Jean Holt, 607 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. There will be no charge fo r the bulletin, beyond the cost o f printing and mailing .— E ditor .]

A ttempted S ubstitutes for G od I n E urope Now let us think for a moment o f six or Seven o f the outstanding religious factors that are working against God and His gospel in Europe today. The first is B olshevism, which deifies the devil and would destroy God, if it were possible. It puts Satan liter­ ally in the place of the Saviour, and thus one feels that Russia is made the earthly seat of Satan, as it is the head­ quarters of Bolshevism for the entire world. The nation’s insignia is a hammer gnd a sickle, and this emblem is stained on the hands. By accepting this sign, the individu­ al renounces allegiance to all religion whatsoever. Russia has publicity stated that by 1937 God will be uprooted in Soviet territory. Russia is having a harder task to accom­ plish this result as a part of that Fiye-Year Plan than any­ thing it is endeavoring to do industrially and economically. Why? The difficulty comes because there is deeply rooted in the heart o f the Russian people as a whole the religious instinct. And when Easter comes around, the atheistic leaders find they have a tremendous task on their hands in trying to put out of the heart o f the Russian the thought of God. Whatever else the Soviet succeeds with in the Five- Year Plan, it will fail in uprooting God in the hearts where­ in He dwells. Then there is atheism. There is an»organization called the Alliance o f the Militant Godless that in 1926 had 120,000 members. In 1929 there were ,2,000,000, and thé standard set is 20,000,000 within five years, There are

Courtesy of Thos. Cook & Son—Wagons Lits Inc., Los Angeles


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1935

and idolatry. The “total­ ity” of the State [for which the nationalism of ' Germany today stands] implies that everything is determined by and for the State, which becomes the first cause and the end of all the life of the nation and o f the individual. . . . The church becomes the .slave o f the State, being merely one of its insti­ tutions. F urther D enials of J esus C hrist Then there is a fourth fac­ tor in the religious life o f Eu­ rope today— fanaticism, which deifies the Virgin Mary and dethrones Jesus Christ from His Saviourhood. T h i s is sweeping over some o f the Catholic countries o f Europe like a wave. About two years ago in Belgium, two or three young girls in their teens had a vision of the Virgin Mary. They told others about this Ex­ perience. They had it more than once. A shrine was made in the place where that vision was seen. A hundred thou­ sand people came in one week to that place to worship the Virgin Mary. Whole train­ loads of people came even from Holland, and they gave millions and millions o f guild­ ers and' o f francs to erect a new shrihe to the Virgin Mary. There is also modernism that deifies humanity and hu­ manizes God. It is doing that in America, and it is doing just the samq thing throughout all Europe. There is still another fac­ tor, and that is paganism. In, this connection, I shall speak mostly of Spain and France. Perhaps Spain is less k n o w n t h a n t h e o th e r countries in Europe. It was my privilege to m e e t Mr. Percy Buffard, the founder and; director of the Spanish Gospel Mission, and through him the invitation came for us to go to Spain. P aganism in S pain I am going to mention a few things about Romanism, which in Spain is practically paganism, to reveal the need of the gospel in that land. First, the Virgin M a r y supplants Christ. She is worshiped as Saviour. I went into the ca­ thedral at Seville, which next to St. Peter’s at Rome is the [Continued on page 226]

forty-seven godless organiza­ tions in Soviet Russia in direct touch with godless groups in thirty-nine o t h e r countries. There are thirty-five antireli­ gious universities. There are eighty antireligious transport­ able museums. Magazines are printed in forty-eight lan­ guages and distributed to the world. Moreover, atheism is sweeping right through our own country as well as through Russia; it is permeating our schools and colleges, yes, even some o f bur churches. .G erman N ationalism — I ts S piritual S ignificance • Then in Europe today, the third factor that we find is na­ tionalism — that deifies govern­ ment and demotes God to a secondary place in the life of the State. It puts the State in the place o f God and claims; the divine right o f the State. This we see in an outstanding and almost exaggerated form in Germany today. Hitler is considered by many— and I am sorry to say even by many earnest Christians— to be Ger­ many’s messiah, G e rm an y ’ s saviour. He has saved Ger­ many no doubt from Commun­ ism— but unto what? I quote1 from a message given at one conference on revival in Eu­ r o p e ,a statement by Mrs. Wasserzug who is a German. She loves her country with in­ tensity o f devotion, but God has given her marvelous ,in­ sight into its present spiritual condition, which she fearlessly proclaims in the following words: The leader principle, ; which is one o f the things that the nationalism,stands for, means that the will o f ; a man is to rule absolutely oyer all the spheres o f life,. In .that “ I will’’ of a man, we can recognize another . ‘ : “ I will,” once‘set up against

E i l i Ä

the sovereign will of God. It is an anti-Saviour want­ ing to save man according to his own will and plan. Such a principle is to be carried out in the church; then Christ is ! no more Head of it. Hitler has al­ ready been compared with Christ and designated as the God-sent Saviour for Germany today. He him­ self has proved that he is ready to carry out his ab­ solute will even if blood has to be shed. All this is leading to man-worshiping

Courtesy of Thos. Cook and Sod—Wagons Lits Inc., Los Angeles. On the opposite page is shown a view of the Houses of Parlia­ ment in London, England. Though spiritual influences in Eng­ land, such as the Keswick Movement and numerous missionary organizations, continue to bless the world, it is estimated that only five per cent of London's population attend the city's many churches. The scene in the Swiss Alps is not far from the famous center of aggressive leadership in the period of the Reformation. A t the top of this page is the Cathedral of Milan, in Milan, Italy, the land where recent openings for evan­ gelical witness afford new opportunities to the church of Christ. The scene in Holland (center) represents the country of whose spiritual state an observer writes: "The greatest need is that the people do not think they have any." In busy Paris, the Cathedral of Notre Dame (lower view), loved by tourists for the beauty of its architecture, is little used for worship.

June, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Men attending gospel meeting. Pacific Fruit Express Co., Los Angeles. TAKING THE GOSPEL the Working Man O ne P hase of the A ctivity of the B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles M y Fatherworketh hitherto, and I work.” To the man in the'shop, in the factory, in the railroad camp— or

which was frequently visited, Mr. Stuchbery was speak­ ing oh the need o f every man to experience salvation. “ A fter hearing this simple message,” the shop evan­ gelist recalls, “ a short, heavy man of about fifty years of age drew me aside into a little room where he worked alone, and asked me to speak with him there. Under great emo­ tion, my friend ran through the details o f a life dark with crime. He told me how, many years before our conversa­ tion, he had killed a companion at a gambling table. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he told what had happened- The payment o f the penalty o f the law had been made, but it had not given rest to the conscience. Could Christ save such a sinner as he—a murderer ?. Remorse and desire mingled in the voice that asked the question. I thanked God from the depths of my heart that I could ,reply with absolute assur­ ance, not only that Christ could save this man, but that He would. And praise God, He d id ! “ In the weeks that followed, this workman almost never missed a meeting at the shop, and although his fellows ridiculed his earnestness, he could not be persuaded to give up his place on the front row of listeners. His life and tes­ timony rang true, and even scoffers recognized the change. “ A fter his own conversion, this man’s first thought was for the salvation of his wife. At the husband’s request, I visited their home, and before I left, the wife had be­ come ‘a new creature in Christ Jesus.’ They asked me to hold a cottage prayer meeting in their home as an expres­ sion o f their dedication to God of all that they possessed. I shall never forget that meeting. I glanced at the host again and again, and I knew, even before his triumphant testi­ mony was given, that the murderer had found peace.” How P rayer was A nswered for a W ould -B e S uicide The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles has a ministry not only to the working man, but often to the despondent and unemployed stranger who comes to its doors. And Mr. Stuchbery has been used o f God in dealing with both Classes of individuals. One instance is outstanding.

to the one who wishes he were there—-the Saviour’s words have a special appeal. It is to make that appeal personal that men students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, accompanied by trained workers, vjsit the shops in the Los Angeles area, and hold evangelistic meetings at the noon hour. In the accompanying picture, a part of the group that meets each week at the Pacific Fruit Express Com­ pany, Los Angeles, is shown. “ And I work.” The words mean more to the toiler than they can possibly mean to any one else. They imply that Someone has been iwsary, misrepresented, malignedSthat Someone, understanding, has comfort for hearts that may bravely mask their troubles to the world. Personal 1acquaintance with a sympathetic Saviour has changed the outlook o f countless men who have heard (or merely over­ heard) the gospel at a noon-day shop meeting. E. W . Stuchbery, who has been affiliated with this de­ partment o f the Institute’s activity for more than fifteen years, estimates that seven hundred men compose the week­ ly audiences in the shops. Between four and five hundred tracts are distributed each week. During the years o f the nation’s financial prosperity, there were more industrial plants in the Los Angeles territory to be visited than are in operation today. But at no other time were the spiritual results greater than at present. “ It is a great privilege,” Mr. Stuchbery declares, “ to go to men who are weary and discouraged and to give them this message: ‘Christ was rich, but He became poor for our sakes, that we through His poverty might be rich.’ The truth grips the hearts of working men. And the knowledge that this same Jesus gave the invitation, ‘Come unto me, all ye that laFor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,’ brings relief to every man who believes,” A M urderer F inds P eace Just one illustration, taken from among many, proves the effectiveness of this type o f evangelism. In a shop


June, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

There was a swift appraisal o f values and a sharp con­ flict. Then— “ I will . . . give up . . . my art! And follow Christ!” The decision was wrung from a breaking heart, but joy flowed in like the colors o f a sunset on a rain- washed sky. Immediately the new convert began planning to come to the Bible Institute. When he arrived, a great surprise awaited him. There, as he entered the old building where so many hundreds have been trained and sent forth to serve, he found that God was giving back to him the talent he had surrendered—blessed, this time, by the touch o f the Master’s hand upon it. During student days, this young man has met many o f his expenses 1by means o f his palette and brush. For two years, he has done most o f the art work for the' K ing ’ s B usiness , and has been engaged to illus­ trate several books. When sufficient amounts for his board and room at the Institute have not been earned by this means, he has not disdained to work in the kitchen or be­ hind the clerk’s desk. Following his graduation from the Institute, the artist will spend the month o f July, with other Institute students and workers, in the work o f the Children’s Special Service Mission at Hermosa Beach, Calif.—a definitely evangel­ istic enterprise conducted each summer among children pn the ocean sands. There crayon and chalk will illustrate many a spiritual lesson that might in no other way be grasped. “ I want you to make it clear,” this young man said re­ cently, “ that it was because God got hold o f me, and B. I. helped me, that I am where I am today. Otherwise— I’d probably still be doing nothing more than carrying dishes. And I know it.” T h e P ower of G od “ Kept by the power o f God.” Not only are the words the motto o f the graduating class o f June, 1935, and the marching orders o f departing students who go forth to make Christ known, but their truth has also been proved in the lives o f scores o f students during their days o f training. The words are the personal testimony, too, o f every donor whose gifts and prayers and spirit o f sacrifice have been God’s means o f making a Commencement day possible. They are the hope, moreover, o f every Institute official who looks ahead. They are the guarantee—and the only guar­ antee—of the Institute’s continuance. “ Kept by the power o f God.” The power o f God can never fa il! Is it not very much worth while to risk one’s all in so great a.cause? Every one is either saved or lost. But some one may ask, “ Am I a sinner ? Am I exposed to eternal punishment as a notoriously wicked person is? My life is blameless. I am a Sunday-school teacher, a member o f the church ; I read the Bible daily; I pray morn­ ing and evening. Am I to be lost in the same way that a drunkard or a profligate is doomed ?” NicodemUs, the Jewish teacher mentioned in John 3, was perhaps the most religious inquirer of all time. Yet he was a sinner and needed to be born again. How may one be saved? “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,” (Acts 16:31). If, as you read these lines,.you turn to Christ and;believe|onjHim who bore on the cross the judgment o f God upon sin, and if you then count upon an immediate forgiveness o f your own sin for which He made atonement, salvation is yours. “Come” is the urgent call of God (Isa. 55 :1, 3, 6),; . “ Come” is the pleading call o f Jesus (Matt. 11 :28). r “ Come” is the Spirit’s earnest call (Rev; 22 :17). Whoever comes is received, for, “ him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6 :37 ).— S elected . SAVED OR LOST— WHICH?

Drawn by motives that nobody else knows—perhaps the need for employment—a Dane about thirty years o f age wandered into the Bible Institute, intent on taking his life. In an empty classroom, a student found him lying uncon­ scious, deep gashes in his wrists. A Christian doctor was instantly summoned. But the diagnosis was discouraging: “ There is nothing humanly to do for him. But we must pray.” It was only a moment until the ambulance, its siren screaming, drew up at the Institute entrance. But in that moment, prayer had been offered that God would save the soul o f the man who was so near to death. Practiced eyes surveyed the patient. “ No hope,” the officers concluded. At the hospital, the report was con­ firmed. But with God there is always hope. A few days later, while hurrying to a hospital to visit another patient, Mr. Stuchbery heard o f the case o f the would-be suicide. He found that the young man was lying in the very hospital to which he was going. Calling on him, Mr. Stuchbery found him not only alive, but—perhaps for the first time since the accident— able to converse. The visit was like a tonic to the sufferer, for his caller was a native o f England and thoroughly familiar with home scenes and customs in Denmark. Moreover, they both had lost their mothers at an early age, and each o f the men had known the binding power o f sin. One o f them had found liberty in Christ, and the other suddenly longed for that freedom. With so much in common with the young man before him, it was easy for the disciple o f the Lord Jesus Christ to present his Master— the One who will help in every hour o f need. That afternoon, while nurses passed in silent swiftness in and out o f the long ward, while other patients conversed in low tones to their visitors or called across the room to men in other beds, the despondent Dane found himself entirely alone with the Lord Jesus Christ. In the solemnity and seclusion o f that hour, a decision was made that caused the angels o f heaven to rejoice, for the students’ prayer, uttered in faith as they had surrounded an unconscious form, was answered. The Sunday-school girls came. Before the evangelistic meeting was half over, one o f them slipped a note into the teacher’s hand. It read: “ Don’t you think we should go forward tonight? I think we should.” When the invita­ tion was given to accept Christ, both girls responded, and their changed lives now offer evidence o f a work o f grace in their hearts. When the Lord asked this student for her $1.25, there was required on her part the same kind o f obedience that Abraham showed when he offered Isaac. But the Lord met her, as He did the patriarch, and made her life richer for the lesson learned. “ K ept ”—Y ielding Among the bus boys working in a large city restaurant, there was one who was “ different.” He made a great im­ pression upon the slender newcomer who was fresh from high School and the farm, in whose heart there flamed a de­ sire to be an artist. He had come to the city to work at anything that would enable him to study art. At the res­ taurant, the older boy: showed unnumbered kindnesses to the bewildered lad from the country. They liked each other. The friendship soon led to a visit in the room o f the older boy, who was at that time a student ;at the Bible Insti-, tute. Within that plain little room, on the sixth floor of the Institute’s thirteen-story building, the would-be artist met Someone whom he had known but had never fully trusted — the Master Artist whose touch upon a life is harmony and peace. KEPT BY THE POWER OF GOD [Continued from page 204]

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