King's Business - 1935-06

June, 1935


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

but Christ liveth in m e: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the-Son o f. God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”. Before there can be fruitful ser­ vice in the Christian life} the believer must come to the place o f complete surrender to his Lord. Count Zinzendorf expressed this whole-hearted surrender in the'words,1“ I have one passion—Jesus, Jesus only.” Samuel Rutherfórd, after his complete surrender and committal to Christ, said, “ I pray God that I may never find my will again.” Jonathan Edwards expressed his consecration to Christ thus: “ I háve this day solemnly covenanted with my Saviour, that as He gave Himself wholly for me, I will surrender myself wholly to Him.” ■ ■ • •' • *¡ vV mApi. A t the F eet of C hrist But there was even more than surrender in the atti­ tude o f the woman in Simon’s house; She had come to the place o i fellowship. She took her place at Jesus’ feet where' she could look up into His face. She had found a new pivot for her life— henceforth it would be Jesus, Jesus only. She had at last found a true Friend, and her heart went out in adoration to Him. God wants us also to take time to sit at Jesus’ feet and admire and adore Him. George Muller was one who delighted in such fellowship, and he has writ­ ten a very helpful tract o n '“ The Loveliness o f Christ.”; That pamphlet provides a rich spiritual feast, the outcome o f Mr. Muller’s own intimacy; with his Lord, sitting at Jesps’ feet. Look to Him, and His perfections and beauties will soon charm the soul to true worship and praise. As we learn to sit at His feet-4in His presence— His matchless grace overwhelms us, and we are gradually molded into His image. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

sake, from all worldly sins and plea­ sures, and from all worldly alliances that would hinder our testimony. Christ said tha't we are in the world, but not o f it (John 17:11, 16). Ab­ raham, the separated believer, had power with God; Lot, the worldly believer, lost everything through his compromise. “"Separation from the world is costly. The separated believer loses tnany former friends. He may have to forego- the satisfaction o f : out­ ward success; if he is in public work, he may have to see the crowds grad­ ually diminish. Because1our Lord witnessed against the world, many o f its children turned against Him and “ walked no more with him.” ,,

But God will reward true faithfulness :by increased fruit­ fulness, though it may be a fruitfulness that the world does not see. When the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was yet in its infancy, the question came up as, to whether or not the name “ Christian” should be included in the title. Some argued that by omitting the word “ Christian” the or­ ganization would command a larger following. This con­ tention, no doubt; was true enough. A t this juncture, Fran­ ces E. Willard took the floor and said, “ If I understand correctly the purpose o f this organization, it is not to get a following, but to set up a standard.” Likewise, the Chris­ tian is not to seek the favor of the multitude.' Let us sep> arate; from the world o f sin and pleasure and. self-seeking, in order that we can effectively hold forth the standard of the cross. . . :> i, „:,srt nvt'iur* G reat L ove and G reat F orgiveness . 3. She came weeping. When the rebellious spirit is broken, the heart usually overflows. This woman loved much because she was forgiven much. And the measure of our love to Christ is the measure o f our own sense of guilt and sin before Him, and our grasp o f His love for us. As a rule, those who are the most deeply convicted of their sin before conversion become the most zealous disciples. When God plows deeply the ground o f the heart, a greater har­ vest o f usefulness is to be expected. God showed Paul that he was ,the chief o f sinners. This conviction worked in Paul a tremendous love for Christ after his sins were freely forgiven. And it is this deep-rooted love for Christ in the redeemed soul that realizes how much Christ loved him, that is the root and source o f all true Christian service. Raymond Lull is a wonderful illustration o f the moving force there is in the constraining love o f Christ. He was a brilliant university student and professor. He was impelled by the love o f Christ to turn his back upon the most alluring visions o f future success to go as a missionary and tell the Mohammedans o f Christ. He went to them at a time when such a ministry meant certain persecution and probable death. For a year and a half he was imprisoned in a dun­ geon. Twice he was banished from the shores of North Africa. At last he was taken to a wall and stoned to death. Before he became unconscious, he said: “ He that loves not lives not. And he that lives by Christ shall never die.” And his last words, there in the burning sands o f Africa, were, “Jesus only.” T he L ove that B ears W itness , The tears were a witness of the woman’s faith in Christ. Every redeemed child of God is called upon to witness for Christ. And every devoted Christian will feel irresistibly [Continued on page 232]

In the light o f His glory and grace. The only place on earth where heaven may be experienced is in the presence of Jesus. Oh, that we as His children would learn to “ prac­ tice His presence” ! Our Lord has told us that He will never leave us nor for­ sake us, and has said: “ I am with you alway.” Faith makes real His abiding presence. And the daily, hourly prac­ tice o f His presence is one o f the great­ est means o f nourishing the truly de­ voted Christian life. Oh, the rapture o f His Presence; Oh, the beauty of His face, Oh, the fullness o f His blessing, Oh, the riches of His grace 1 “ N ot of the W orld ” 2.

The woman at Simon’s house stood behind Jesús. Faith put her there. When we get behind Jesus and His cross, He is between us and wrath; He is between us and an offended G od ; He is between us and the ferocious en­ emy; He is between us and the unknown and mysterious future. Hallelujah! He stands “ between.” And if we are behind Jesus, He is between us and the world. We are to be separated from the world, crucified to it. “ God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” (Gal. 6 :14 ). T o be fit vessels to carry the blessing and power o f God, we must be separated. Why is the electric wire insulated? It must be separated from contact with that which would divert its power. True devotion to Christ leads to complete separation, for His

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