June, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Socialism, Communism, Fascism “ THREE UNCLEAN SPIR ITS L IKE FROGS” B y LOUIS S. BAUMAN Long Beach, California
up in one man who shall be in such absolute control o f all the marketable commodities o f the earth that every avenue o f trade will be closed to any man or organization o f man that fails to display the trade-mark o f the devouring “ beast.” Assuredly, the fulfillment o f this prophecy had to await the day when commerce ceased to be an individual or a family affair, as it had been for centuries upon centuries. It had to await the day of mass production, wherein men would harness the forces o f nature and would compel steam and electricity to change manu-facturing— { Latin, manus, meaning “ hand” )-— to robot-facturing. It had to await the day o f quantity production, first through compan ies, then through corporations known as “ trusts/’ then through combinations o f corporations—-‘‘steel trusts,” “ to bacco trusts,” et al. It had to await the day when statesmen would cease to be statesmen and would at least imagine themselves agriculturists, industrialists, and economists, occupied with the business o f banking, regulating stock exchanges, controlling transportation rates, planting cot ton and plowing it under, raising hogs and destroying them, turning deserts into gardens and gardens into deserts, cre ating incomes and devouring incomes, nursing business and ravaging business, ministering to confidence with the right hand and pulverizing it with the left, ad infinitum. When the United States began her upward march to glory, we had a Secretary o f State, a Secretary of the Treasury, a Secretary of War. Now, to our sorrow, we have a Secre tary :of Agriculture, a Secretary o f Commerce, and a “ Red” -tinged Secretary of Labor, and that a woman. As in America, so elsewhere in the world, governments have gone into business. It is a twentieth-century misfortune, but, assuredly, a preparation for the coming o f the Antichrist, and the stamping o f men with his trade-mark. H. G. Wells sees it coming.,“ World controls o f the common interests o f mankind, world controls leading to a world government, to a world state, to Cosmopolis; that,” says he, “ is the only way to enduring peace in the world.” “ Peace” ? Y e s ! the peace o f the assassin-controlled silence in Germany, the bayonet-controlled silence in Italy, the rifle-controlled silence in Russia. The trouble with these “ world controls” is that the devil is in charge of the “ con trols” ! A few days ago (on April 9 ), Vierling Kersey, California’s State Superintendent o f Public Education, in an address at the annual meeting o f American Rite Bodies, said: The mass man is coming to the front in this country, and we know he is going to rule in terms of intelligence. For this reason, let us make certain that that dictatorship of the massed intelligence will be o f the highest order. Superintendent Kersey has a great deal o f confidence in “ mass intelligence/’ Unfortunately; that confidence is not shared by all. Harry L. Hopkins, chosen by President Roosevelt to dispense the five billion dollar Federal Re lief Fund, declared recently that the American people are “ just too . . dumb to understand!’’. (Apparently some body is in error!); “ Mass intelligence,” if the term means anything, is the intelligence o f the people o f a democracy,
Scriptures That Startle A p p r o a c h i n g Economic Despotism” was the subject o f j t x . a remarkable article by Donald G, Barnhouse some months ago in Revelation. He closed with the following paragraph: A friend o f mine is in a broker’s office. A few days ago, the brokerage business o f the nation was at a stand still for a period o f over a day. The securities act had been passed. Lawyers were telling their clients to sell nothing that involved a written transaction; No letter was to be signed. A group o f brokers stood around the office wondering where all this was to lead. The Christian among them had frequently pointed out the truth of the near return o f Christ and had been met by indifference or bantering denial. But this day, when he read from the New Testament that one man was to control the buying and selling of world commerce, they were hushed and could have no answer. Indeed, recent events are beginning to fit into the pro phetic picture so closely that even unbelievers are startled when they hear the Scriptures read. Never before in the history o f men has the world seen such a convergence and conjunction o f events foretold in the Scriptures as now exist. Is it possible for any man with capacity to think, to read the morning paper and not become “ hushed” as he meditates, for instance, upon a Scriptural passage like this ? “And there shall be . . . upon the earth distress o f na tions, with perplexity . . . Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth . . . And then shall they see the Son o f man coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Lk. 21: 25-27). Or this ? “And as he sat upon the mount o f Olives, the dis ciples came unto him privately, saying. Tell us . , . what shall be the sign o f thy coming, and of the end o f the world? And Jesus answered . . . nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places • . . . Then shall they deliver you [Jews] up to be afflicted, and shall kill you : and ye shall be hated o f all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many , . . hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And . . . iniquity [Gr., “lawlessness” ] shall abound . . . And then . . . they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds o f heaven with power ,and great glory” (Matt. 24:3-30). Or this? “ And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations . . . And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark . in their right hand, or in their foreheads : And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark” (Rev. 13:7,16,17). “ W orld C ontrols ” This last prophecy is a clear prediction that the return o f our Lord to this earth is to be immediately preceded by a world-wide consolidation, a gigantic monopoly, a colossal corporation, a titanic “ trust”—a “ trust of trusts”— headed
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