King's Business - 1935-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1935

as authoritatively as any, in his book, New Worlds fo r Old, declares that Socialism, to realize its ideals, demands “ the collective mind o f humanity, the soul and moral being o f mankind” (p. 277). Again, he says: “ Now it is only under an intelligent collective mind that any o f the dreams o f these constructive professions can attain an effective realization” (p. 281). And you can place Communism and Fascism, as well as Socialism, within the list o f “ these con­ structive professions,” the “ effective realization” o f whose “ dreams” demands “ an intelligent collective mind." The gteat Red leader, Lenin, said:, “ That which is generally called Socialism, is termed by Marx, the first or lower phase o f Communistic society:” Communism calls for the dictatorship o f a class— the dictatorship o f the proletariat. Fascism, on the other hand, calls for the dictatorship of the opposite pole of society— the, dictatorship o f the upper class of society. Fundamentally, however, these “ three frogs” are very much alike. Essentially lawless, they are

expressed at the polls of a free people. Dictatorship never permits a “ mass intelligence.” Dictatorship is the lordship o f an individual mind, ruling over an enslaved mass. “ And the king shall do according to his will” (Dan. 11:36 ). Su­ perintendent Kersey is right— dictatorship is coming. He is wrong when he calls it “mass dictatorship.” Outside a democracy, “mass dictatorship” has no existence. Senator Pope, Democrat from Idaho, said on the floor o f the United States Senate last January 10: “ The nations o f the world seem to be in the grip of some monster that is driving them to destruction.” The Senator seems to agree with us that one single mind— that of Satan himselfp-is in charge of the “ world controls.” Exactly that which H. G. Wells says will bring peace to the world— “ world controls o f the com­ mon interests o f mankind, world controls leading to a world government, to a world state, to Cosmopolis”— is that which the “ sure word o f prophecy” says will bring to the world its last bloody war lord and the day of judgment! S tan ley B a ldw in ,

set to heal the ills o f mankind by excessive law, or tyranny; and, in the case o f Communism and Fascism, this “ law” is expressed through the opposite poles o f society -—hence their fierce an­ tagonism to each other. But, as we have been pointing out, all are, in the main, anti-Christ, al­ though some Socialists bitterly resent that state­ ment. The real Socialist who resents it, however, is quick to betray the fact that he is a victim o f the bloodless “ Social Gos­ pel” that is fundamen­ tally as pagan as Confu­ cianism is pagan. Socialism, Commun­ ism, and Fascism all seek world dominion. T h i s

Lord President o f the Council and former Con­ servative P r e m i e r of Great Britain, speaking before the National Free Church Council only a few weeks ago, declared: W e fought to make the world ■ safe for de­ mocracy, but the world is not safe for democ­ racy . . . . Within the League of Nations, the whole o f Europe which is willing must get to­ gether to insure collec­ tive security. Having b e e n in international politics so long, I am not w r i t i n g myself down as a pessimist— but I do say we are liv­ ing in a madhouse. “ To insure collective security"! W e ig h w ell those words! Interpret

fact would hardly be denied by any of them, and is em­ phatically 'affirmed by most of them. Radek, editor of*the famous Russian government organ, Izvestia, in an article (October, 1933) on foreign affairs, said: “ It (the Soviet Union) alone has a banner which, in the case o f a war, can become the banner o f the masses o f the entire world.” Signor Mussolini affirms that to Rome is given a “ magni­ ficent task, that o f obtaining primacy on earth and in the skies." (That should be enough!) Again, he has said: “ Fascism is the most complete modern form o f govern­ ment. In this obscure, tormented, and vacillating world, safety can come only from the truth o f Rome, and from Rome it will come” (London Times, Nov. 17, 1932). And, forget it not, when Mussolini speaks o f “ Rome,” he means “ Mussolini.” Listen to him : I am Superman, incarnate even as Napoleon, of whom I secretly believe I am the incarnation, was the heaven-sent messenger. I, because like Napoleon, am law­ giver as well as war lord. I am the'State! ( Our Hope- Magazine'). W e have already referred to the organization recently formed in Rome, with the sanction o f Mussolini, aimed to propagate Fascism to the ends o f the earth. And out of this effort, we believe, the battle of Armageddon will come.* *The mobilised hosts of Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, riding to their doom on the fields o f Armageddon, will be the subject o f the next and closing article o f this series.

their meaning in the light of the thirteenth chapter o f the book o f Revelation. Ostensibly, it will be “ to secure col­ lective security” that the “ world controls” will be given at last into the hands o f one man, and that man, the “ man o f sin” — .“ the beast” — the Antichrist. “ World controls” in the hands o f one superman, and a dictatorial order for all men to collect for worship around the image of his own deified self— that will be the last straw and bring the final crash of our age. As a sheer matter o f fact, the world has been rushing at appalling speed to the place where man­ kind, in a one last supreme effort to save its kosmos from utter destruction, is ready to accept the “ Costnspolis” with its super-head and super-headsman. S ocialism , C ommunism , F ascism —A l ik e ! “ Just what is the difference between these ‘three un­ clear; spirits like frogs’— Socialism, Communism, and Fas­ cism ?” we may be asked. It would take a volume to speak o f the supposed differences. As a matter o f fact, at bottom, they are very much alike. Samuel James Andrews ( Chris­ tianity and Antichristianity, p. 270) says that in the Social­ ist State “ all interests are to be subordinated to the public good, and an equality o f property and condition is to be es­ tablished and enforced; there is scarcely any act of despotic authority which may not be defended upon the plea o f the public well-being.” H. G. Wells, who calls himself a So­ cialist, and who can speak on the subject of Socialism about

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