King's Business - 1935-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1935

T he B lue E agle Our great American experiment in Socialism is marked by the “ Blue Eagle” o f the N .R.A. While the “ Blue Eagle” is growing bluer every day, and some have even declared that it is already “ dead as a dodo,” we should remember that its fond father now has more money in his hands, to spend as he will, than any other man ever had— the staggering sum o f five thousand million dollars! What world dictator would dsk fo r more? The “ Blue Eagle” will probably receive an injection that will keep it alive yet awhile! Its end may yet bp interesting to see. T he H ammer and S ickle Communism has its hammer and sickle— a mark with­ out which the act of buying or selling is an exceedingly dangerous business anywhere on one-sixth the land surface o f the earth. T he S wastika Fascism, in Germany, has its swastika, “ a primitive symbolico-religious ornament” belonging to the old pagan­ ism of the Teutonic peoples. It is emblematic, indeed, o f the anti-Christian forces now operative in Germany. The swastika flutters to the breeze on every flag in Germany. It is stamped on the inside of men’s hats, on their neckties, on children’s rubber balls, on programs, writing paper, and even on confections. Turn which way you will in Ger­ many, the mark o f an assassin government greets your vision. T he F asces Fascism, in Italy, blazes to the world the mark which gave it its name— the old Roman fasces, being a bundle of rods enclosing an ax. The rods were significant o f pun­ ishment by flogging. This emblem was carried before the Roman magistrates. The enclosed ax reminds one forc­ ibly o f a striking passage o f Scripture: “ A man was famous according as he had lifted up axes upon the thick trees” (Psa. 74 :5 ). “ Trees,” symbolically in Scripture, refer to nations (cf. Lk. 2 1 :29). And, assuredly, Signor Musso­ lini is famous for holding axes over the heads o f “ the thick trees” o f Europe-*—“ trees” altogether too thick ! Therein lie Europe’s difficulties! It was this very ax— the ax o f the fasces— that be­ headed Paul! And when the World Dictator vividly de­ picted by the Scriptures arrives, behold, the martyrs under him are to be beheaded. The seer o f Patmos, in his vision of the close o f the “ great tribulation” (Matt. 24 :21), “ saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness o f Jesus” (Rev. 20 :4 ). The fasces, unsheathed once more— the awful instrument for shedding the blood o f the last martyrs o f this age! Several years back, the Fascist League o f North America received this cable: “ All Fascists abroad, except where local laws prohibit, must wear the Fascist pictorial badge, showing they belong to the Fascisti” ( The Dawn, Vol. V I, p. 3 ). W e A re N ot in D espair Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, defiant o f the true God and of His Christ! Terrific and ominous is their impact upon the world today. But, we are not in despair. W e fear not the world’s fear, nor are afraid (Isa. 8 :12 ). As it was in the days o f Daniel, even so it is still. “ The most high God ruled in the kingdom o f men, and , . . appointeth over it whomsoever he will” (Dan. 5 :21). We quarrel not with the appointments o f God. In the mystery o f His will, He permits the reigns o f the Stalins, Mus- solinis, and Hitlers today. They shake their fists at the heavens. “ He that sitteth in the heavens.. . . laugh[s]” (Psa. 2 :4 )— and waits!

Courtesy, The Rudder

In the days of Christ's earthly ministry, "men marveled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!" No one else has ever tamed the sea. In spite of man's boasted supremacy today, the time will come when he must acknowledge his weakness. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. That day will usher in the reign of peace. “ Naziism,” says Victor Ullman, “ is the German sector of a world-wide Fascist Front.” . M arks and the M ark Socialism, Communism, Fascism-— all of them are branded with significant marks. Whenever and however the Antichrist shall come, he will be known by his mark— “ 666.” It is not pertinent to our discussion here, to deal with the form in which this: significant Superman number will finally appear, but, when the hour comes, the saints (Israel) shall know. We also know that “ in the midst o f the week [o f years]” (Dan. 9 :2 7 ), when “ the image of the'beast” shall be set up for worship (Rev. 13:14, 15), the Jews are going to perceive the true character o f the beast and refuse to bow the knee. This refusal will bring on “ the time o f Jacob’s trouble” (Jer. 30:7) and will send the people of Judah “ flee[ing] into mountains” (Matt. 24:16; Rev. 12:14) for their lives. What is it that will open the eyes o f Israel in that day to the anti-God character o f *‘the beast” ? May it not be that they will* recall the command o f their God? He has decreed: “ Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you : I am the Lord” (Lev. 19:28). When the omniscient God gave Moses that command, may He not have had in mind the coming o f the Antichrist and his machinations? Now, marks are usually, if not always, associated with idolatry. No Hindu can enter a temple without a mark upon his forehead. The mark is called the Tiluk, and is painted on the forehead by a Brahmin. The Roman lords in the days o f the seer o f Revelation branded marks upon their slaves. Roman soldiers had the name of the emperor branded on their hands. In ancient Rome, the mark o f Neptune was the trident; of Jupiter, the thunderbolt; of Mars, the spear; o f Bacchus, the ivy leaf. In Egypt, the mark of the god Thoth was an ape; of Neph, a snake; of Bubastis, a cat; o f the Sun, a beetle. Sometimes the name if the god was the mark, and sometimes the number. The number o f the Sun, for in­ stance, was 608. When the number 666 shall be placed upon a man, it will become a sacramental sign by which the worshiper o f the image says: “ Antichrist, he is god, and he is my God.” In that day, every man will have to bear either the marks o f the Antichrist, or, as Paul, “ the marks o f the Lord Jesus” (Gal. 6 :17 ). There will be no other choice!

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