T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
June, 1935
Once upon a time, an Egyptian dictator marched forth his hosts to devour the children o f God. God fed those hosts to the fishes of the Red Sea! Once upon a time, a •mighty Persian premier was given dictatorial power, and made plans to destroy all the children o f God in a single day. On that day, the dictator, with a ribbon about his neck, hung neatly on the gallows he had built! Once upon a time, a mighty Babylonian dictator lifted up his heart in dictatorial pride against Jehovah and His people, and Om nipotence told him to go out in the fields and chew cuds with the cows until he learned wisdom. He went! For seven year's he lived on greens— evidently a good diet for dictators. Once upon a time, a great French dictator lifted himself up to say to God, “ You rule up there, and I will rule down here!” God told him to go to a rock out in the Atlantic Ocean and talk to (the sea gulls the rest of his career. He, also, went! Some of these days, a mighty dictator, the last o f his nefarious tribe, is going to appear, lifting high his hands against God, and opening wide his blasphemous lips. All the world shall worship him, and all the kings o f the earth shall give him their power and glory. Then shall this mighty Superman assemble the nations o f the earth against the city o f God. Suddenly, God’s heaven will open, and God’s Christ will ride down! Our glorious Lord, the Captain o f our salvation, will give the flesh o f those mighty hosts to be meat for the fowls o f the air (Rev. 19:17, 18, 21). Then, to the world’s last and only super-dictator, the command to enter into hell will be given, and he’ll go — “ cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Rev. 19:20). Then shall the sons o f men at last move out o f the present “madhouse,” to be forever free from the curse of dictators who know not our God nor His Christ. Then, when He shall reign whose right it is, “ shall the righteous flourish” (Psa. 72 :7 ), “ and sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isa, 35:10). Lessons from Elijah’s Life “ And the word o f Jehovah came unto him, saying, Get thee hence . . . hide thyself by the brook Cherith,. . . I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there” (1 Ki. 17:2-4). God’s direct command to the prophet was that he should flee from the presence o f the king, and should travel east ward, hiding himself, at last, by the brook Cherith. “ I have commanded the ravens,” God said, “ to feed thee there.” Had Elijah gone to Jericho, or to Hebron, or to any other location, he could not have had the assurance that was his as he journeyed to Cherith, for it was there —and only there— that God had commanded that he should be fed. No one need ever fear to go wherever God commands— even thought it may be a desert place. “And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank o f the brook” (v. 6 ). Often we want to see the provision God will make for us a week hence, or a month hence, or a year hence. But let us notice that in the provision for the needs o f God’s prophet, Elijah, the supply was not sufficient for even one whole day. The prophet required and God gave “ bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening.” Do not God’s children need very often to learn anew the meaning o f the words: “ Give us this day our daily bread” ? "And it came to pass, after a while, that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.” Did God fail him ? Read verse 10: “ And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, a widow was there” ! God’s sche dule is always on time.—E. L. M c C reery .
W h a t M a y W e E x p e c t ?
A subscription campaign that has added hundreds of new readers to the K ing ’ s B usiness family has just been concluded. “This will make eighty-nine new subscriptions and renewals that I have been able to send you,” a friend writes from York, Pa. “How I rejoice in the privilege of thus spreading the precious things of the W o rd to so many others— and quite a number of them are preachers.” W h at are these new readers— and all the others— to expect to receive in coming months? The following facts give only a hint of blessing that is in store, and they prove that to receive the magazine regularly is worth much more than the $1.50 which a year’s subscription costs. Christ in the Cities— By John Bunyan Smith, Pastor, First Baptist Church, San Diego, Calif. The California Pacific International Exposi tion, to be held In San Diego, M ay 29 to N o vember 11, will draw visitors from all parts of the country. T o reach these thousands of tour ists with the gospel, D r. Smith plans to conduct, in his church, an evangelistic campaign which will run for 167 consecutive nights. The article in the K ing ’ s B usiness tells why this intensive program was undertaken, A ro u n d the W o r ld w ith the G ospel— By Oscar Zim - mermann, Founder, Immanuel Mission to Sea men, San ijrancisco, Calif. The ports of the world constitute a vast and practically untouched mission field, and M r. Zimmermann is a unique missionary. H e has just completed a second world tour, by means of which, in a remarkable way, gospel work has been established in scores of ports. H ow 20,000 copies of the W o rd of God were distributed among seamen, fishermen, and crews of coastal ships is a story in itself. Read it in the K ing ’ s B usiness . T h e Power that T ran sform s— By Robert G . Lee, Pas tor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Term. Always eloquent and gracious, the Southern pastor who is a welcome friend of all K ing ’ s B usiness readers will share with them new gems of truth that shine from Romans 12. T h e H o u se A cro ss the H e d g e— By Grace Livingston H ill. In the K in g’ s Business in F orthcom ing Issues— W . L . Pettingill, W ilm ington, Del., gives Scriptural an swers to questions that perplex many Christians. W i ll H . H o u gh to n , President of the M oody Bible Insti tute of Chicago, speaks in heart-to-heart sincerity on the marks a Christian must bear. H . A . Ironside, Pastor of the Moody Memorial Church, Chicago, shows himself— as always— a teacher and expositor of the W ord . W ilb u r M . Sm ith, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Coatesville, Pa., and editor of Peloubet’s Notes on the International Sunday School Les sons, gives advice that every pastor will wants R ob ert W . H am b ro ok , representative of the Depart Another delightful story by this writer of Christian fiction will appear soon in the K ing ’ s B usiness .
ment of Education, Washington, D .C ., and sur vivor of an airplane crash which led to the salva tion of the pilot and two others, tells how to lead men to Christ.
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