King's Business - 1935-06

June, 1935 T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S HELPS for Treachers and Teachers B y P a u l P r i c h a r d


Daily Vacation Bible School BOOKLET FREE. Complete to the smallest detail. Description of Materials, Texts, Methods and Objectives that will help to make your D.V.B. School a Success. Dietz “ON TIME7 Emblems Beautiful— Dignified— Economical. Now the Standard Reward Emblem of thousands of Sunday Schools throughout the land. f t / . / o / ( n7r) ) ( (100%)H i 3 )) M l U wb L/ '$$¡¡ 0 ' A yearly Rolled Gold Enameled Pin with interchangeable numerals from 1 up to 50 years and four quarterly emblems. Write for Free Samples and Catalogue. Our new Catalogue is a **Treasure Mine” for the Sunday School worker W M . I I . D I E T Z 20 E. Randolph St., Chicago 56 PUBLISHERS OF GOSPEL Tracts listed alphabetically and by sub­ jects — “Amusements, False Teaching, Jewish Work* Prophecy, Free Tracts, Etc.” SEND 1 0c OR STAMPS FOR YOUR COPY OF THIS VALUABLE AID— THE WORKER’S COMPLETE TRACT DIRECTORY Special rate to Dealers and Students THE MISSION PRESS WHEELER CITY RESCUE MISSION INDIANAPOLIS, IND. A Healthful Substitute for Liquor In South America, drunkenness is not nearly so prevalent as in other parts of the world. The reason for this condition, ac­ cording to D. B. Eberhart, of the Pan American Tea Company, 1553 West Jef­ ferson St., Los Angeles, is that in South America ten million people use Mate, or Paraguay tea, and desire no other bever­ age. Concerning Mate, Eugene Seeger, formerly United States Consul-General to Brazil, makes this statement: “I believe I am justified in advising the use o f this ex­ cellent stimulant and tonic for the nerves. It is above all a temperance beverage, and the temperance societies of the United States would perform a great service in endeavoring to popularize its consumption. It has saved South America from the scourge of drunkenness and continues to do so,” Mr. Eberhart, who makes a busi­ ness of shipping this South American product to all parts o f the country, will send to any address a four-ounce package of the tea for twenty-five cents. at the camp. Any boy who is privileged to attend this boys’ conference will not only have a good time, but will form friend­ ships and make decisions that will affect coming years.

The Extent of God's Faithfulness P salm 27:10 The central thought in this verse is that God’s faithfulness is everlasting. He will not forsake His child. He can be counted on at all times o f joy or adver­ sity. God’s faithfulness in bringing de­ liverance to His beloved can be counted on : I. No Matter What the Circumstances. 1. In joy. 2. In the deepest distress. II. No Matter H ow Unworthy W e Are. 1. His only begotten Son alone was worthy of deliverance. 2. We are totally unworthy, except for our position in Him. III. No Matter How Many Others Have Forsaken Us. 1. Though foes be against us. 2. Though friends have departed us. 3. Though even parents have failed us. In fact, this final “extremity” is pre­ cisely “ God’s opportunity.” Paul’s Farewell to the Elders of Ephesus A cts 20 :17-38 1. Paul’s evangelistic zeal (vs. 18-27). 2. Paul’s pastoral faithfulness (v. 28). 3. Paul’s prophetical warning (vs. 29, 30). 4. Paul’s unreserved surrender (vs. 31-35). 5. Valedictory scenes (vs. 36-38). '''•— A lexander G r a h a m . Don and Mrs. Mathews (Margaret Pinkerton, ’27) are hoping to sail in the latter part o f June for Burma, where they will work with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young, opening a new mission station among the Lahu and Wa people. There are practically 400,000 people in this area unevangelized, and the opportunities are great. Since 1920 there has been a great ingathering on the field where Mr. and Mrs. Young, with other workers, have been, there being 31,000 converts in that period, in spite of severe persecution of be­ lievers. The new workers need much prayer support as they go to their district. Married William Harllee Bordeaux and Aghavni Hagopian, ’31, April 24, Siloam Springs, Ark. Robert V. Edwards and Anne Harms, ’32, March 11, San Marino, Calif. David P. Quiring, ’28, and Myrtle Belle Reneau, ’27, May 7, Inglewood, Calif. Camp for Boys In the beautiful San Dimas Canyon, north o f Pomona, Calif., accommodations are waiting at Camp Bethel for at least 250 boys who are invited to spend a week (June 24 to July 1) at the Boys’ Bible Conference conducted by William G. Graves. The group will be divided accord­ ing to age—the younger members, includ­ ing those who will enter the sixth grade

Christ— The Revelation of God I. God Is Invisible (Ex. 33:20; John 1:18; Col. 1:15; 1 Tim. 6:16; 1 John 4:12). II. The Son Reveals the Father (John 1:18 — “declared,” i. e., “shown forth” ; Col. 1 :15; 2:9; Heb. 1 :2, 3). III. To See Christ Is to See God (John 12:45; 14:8, 9). IV. Practical Application. L The redeemed expect to see Christ sitting in His Father’s throne (Rev. 3 :21; 22:4). 2. The lost will see Christ’s face in judgment (Jude 14, 15; Rev. 1:7; 6 :1 6 ,17 ). — R alph H. D idier . The Incomparable Invitation " Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28). I. The Invitation— “ Come unto m e » S 1. The Speaker’s person. 2. The Speaker’s power. 3. The Speaker’s propitiation. II. The Invited —“All ye that labor and are heavy laden.” 1. Vain labor. 2. Vexed spirits. III. The Incentive —“I will give you rest.” 1. For the eárth-life. 2. For the end of life. 3. For eternity. ‘•i£— H arry D e u tch m an . in the fall, and the older boys, representing high school and junior college. The cost of the week’s outing is $4.25 per person, which includes transportation from Los Angeles and return. The group will use the camp cabins, each boy providing his own bedding, eating utensils, bathing suit, tennis equipment, etc. There will be no extra charge for the use o f the plunge and tennis courts. For several years, Mr. Graves has been remarkably used of the Lord in provid­ ing the kind o f camp program for boys that satisfies their need for ample and va­ ried outdoor recreation and at the same time presents the Lord Jesus Christ as the personal Saviour that each one needs. For the camp this year, Mr. Graves has en­ listed the help o f a number of popular boys’ leaders—men of strong faith and evangelistic aim, who, at the same time, understand boys and believe in them. Among the expected speakers are Rev. George W. Jackson, recently returned from South America; Rev. Harry Mac- Arthur, for several years a boys’ club di­ rector, working under the auspices of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; Rev. Don Milligan, pastor of Calvary Church, Pla­ centia, Calif.; Rev. Irwin Moon, pastor of Montecito Park Union Church, Los An­ geles; Dawson Trotman, leader o f Bible clubs among sailors in Long Beach ; and others. Mr. Graves is himself a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and in ad­ dition to the special speakers, he will use a number o f Institute students as helpers

FAMILY CIRCLE [Continued from page 216]

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