King's Business - 1935-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1935

JULY 14, 1935 THE WIDENING INFLUENCE OF JESUS M atthew 28:19, 20; M ark 16:20 Suggestion* for the Meeting Hymn—“We’ve a Story to Tell.” Hymn—’“Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun.” Prayer. Hymn—“ Go, Labor On.” Scripture—Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16: 19,20. Leader’s Message. Quartet—“O Zion, Haste.” Hymn—“I Love to Tell the Story.” Benediction—Hebrews 13:20, 21. Meditation on the Lesson Jesus’ last words with His disciples were marching orders. This final com­ mand is a clarion call, and it rightly claims the loyal obedience o f every disciple. “ Go ye”—the words are imperative, personal, authoritative. They are spoken by the risen Saviour who is now crowned with honor. He has a right to give orders, for He has just declared: "A ll power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Because He has that power, all His dis­ ciples are charged with the duty o f mak­ ing known to the world Christ their King. As Beecher said, “A good soldier only de­ sires to understand his orders.” Having accepted Christ, we are His soldiers, and, as such, we have no alternative but to obey. He gives us the method also. W e are to “teach all nations, baptizing them in the name o f the Father, and o f the Son, and of tiie Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com­ manded you.” It is indeed a “ Great Commission,” world-wide in its scope— “ all nations "— and universal in its content— “ all things." What a mighty order 1 Impossible, you say? Yes, it would be, were it not flanked on either side with two other “alls”—" All power is given unto me” and “I am with you alway." Has it occurred to you that if you are to claim the continual presence of our Lord as He promises here, you must first obey the command, “ Go ye” ? The early dis­ ciples fulfilled that requirement and re­ ceived the reward: “They went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them” (Mk. 16:20). No mere “influ­ ence” o f the teachings o f Jesus Christ will meet the heed of a distracted world. Men and women are eagerly watching for a glimpse of the reality o f our fellowship with Christ. They are asking, “ Do you- know Him? Is He real to you?” And if we love Him and He has blessed our lives, we will long to tell others the story. Leader's Helps I,,; W h y ? An African woman once asked a sad question about missions. It ought to be asked in every missionary meeting. The question was ,this: “Why do not more come to tell us? Is it because they do not love us, or because they do not love Jesus very much?”—H allock . m m T he D rum and the B ell At a Salvation Army Congress in Lon­ don, General Booth told o f a sympathetic person who said to a young woman, a captain in the general’s forces, that he ad­ mired their work, but disliked their drum. Testimonies. Quiet Hour.

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“ Sir,” she said, in reply, “I don’t like your bell.” “What!” said he, “not like the bell that says, ‘Come to the house of God’ ?” “ The bell may say ‘Come,’ bat the drum says, ‘Go and fetch them,’ ” she replied. —S elected . “T he R egions B eyond ” In South America, on a pinnacle at the very summit o f a very lofty range of mountains, an immense statue o f Jesus Christ has been placed. There is a deeper significance in the incident than the sculp­ tors themselves saw. For Christ is always on the hilltops, pointing His church to the immensities beyond. The church has al­ ways inclined toward parochialism. She has contented herself with those few miles that lie between herself and the dis­ tant foothills. But the Master has stood ever on the summit pointing to the infini­ ties beyond. “ Go,” said the Master. “Go ye into all the world.” In that tremendous “go” the church has caught a glimpse o f the other side o f the hill and has been saved from narrowness by the discovery. —F. W . B oreham . IV. “ T he P ower of G od U nto S alvation ” 1. A tablet on the wall o f a Presbyterian church in Aneityum, in the New Hebrides, contains the following inscription: “When the Rev. John Geddie, D.D., came here in 1846, there were no Christians; and when he left in 1872, there were no heathen.” —Sunday School Times. ; ' 2. - Sixty years ago, the majority o f the people o f the Hawaiian Islands were the lowest of the low—cannibals. Today Ha­ waii is more Christian than New England. Over sixty per cent o f the entire popula­ tion may be found any Sunday in the na­ tive churches. All this is the result of missionary effort, the effect of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. —Sermon Illustrator. 3.' Power to convict o f sin (Acts 2:21-37). Power to save (Rom. 1 :16, 17). Power to keep (Jude 24, 25).

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