T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
June, 1935
•The circulation in the United States was greatest in the Middle West, more than a million copies of Bibles, Testaments, and portions being distributed from Chicago. Over 30,000 New Testaments "were sup plied to the chaplains in the camps of the Civilian Conservation Corps, f O f Scriptures in Braille and -in other embossed systems for the blind, 5,069 vol umes were sent 'outjfcff use in the'Uriited States.,/. Abroad/ 939 such volumes were distributed in nine different languages and systems, the bulk being in Japanese. An- nbuncement was made that the entire Bi ble in embossed form is now available in English, Japanese, German, Arabic and Welsh. The Society has just completed 100 years^ of supplying «the blind with Scriptures, and in the century has circu lated over 115,000 volumes in twenty-five languages and systems. fDuring the year the Society published the New Testament for the-.first, time; in Cherokee for the Indians of Montana and Oklahoma, and in Tai Lu for distribution in South China. It was reported that the total number of languages and dialects in which Scripture translation has occurred now reaches, .954, the entire Bible having been translated into 175 languages and the New Testament into 374.! ¡■ ■ I ; Hebrew Christian Alliance Conference The twenty-first annual conference of the Hebrew Christian Alliance o f America is announced to be held in the First Bap tist Church, Buffalo, N.Y., June 9 to 14, 1935. In view' of the seriousness o f the times, in their relation to. the' evangeliza tion o f Israel, no one who can possibly at tend the conference can afford to be ab sent. Reservations may be made through Rev. Jacob Bernheim, 280 Hickory St., Buffalo, N.Y. Through Rev, Max I. Reich, and other members o f the executive com mittee o f the conference, prayer Is urged for God’s blessing upon the meetings and upon the efforts o f the Hebrew Christian Alliance to give the gospel to the Jews, of the world. A Popular Book for Young People Romance i o f Fire, a novel with a clear gospel message, written by Paul Hutchens and published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. (price $1.00), is now in its fourth edi tion. Radio station W IP, Philadelphia, is giving the story serially over the air. Over 2,000 copies of the book were sold before Christmas. Blessing upon Evangelistic Work Leonard J. Eilers, “ Cowboy Evangelist,” has just completed a series o f meetings in the First Baptist Church, Albany, Ore. At the concluding session, every available seat was taken, and when the invitation to accept Christ was given, twenty-six per sons1—most of them young men—respond ed. Mr. Eilers’ home address is 124 No. Florence Avenue, Burbank, Calif. His schedule of future engagements is as fol lows : May 19 to June 9—Los Banos, Calif. June 16 to 30—Turlock, Calif. July 7 to 21—Paso Robles, Calif. Later in the summer, Mr. Eilers expects to be in San Diego, working with Dr. John Bunyan Smith and Harold Alexander in the meetings to be held in the First Baptist Church of San Diego during the entire pe riod o f the California Pacific International Exposition. - -
right doubtless caused him to fall still lower in her esteem. W e are shocked at her duplicity, her lack o f faith in God, and her extreme selfishness. She knew that the blessing was to be Jacob’s. God had promised the supremacy to him, but she could not wait. She evolved a clever scheme which seemed to be perfect in its deception, and it did succeed in obtaining results. How ever, not only was the sin discovered by Isaac and Esau, but also there followed such suffering for all the parties con cerned, that the outcome forever disproves' the maxim, “The end justifies the means.” The sorrow which came to each o f the four was the result of personal selfishness as well as o f the grasping self-will of the others in the group. Isaac was disappoint ed because he wanted Esau to be the chief heir, although God had said that Jacob was the chosen one. Rebekah, perhaps, suf fered more than any other, for she was soon separated from her favorite son, whom she never saw again. And of course her deception must have caused loss of confidence and must have brought chiding from Isaac and Esau. Esau, who had so lightly yielded his priceless birthright, now cried out in anguish: “ Bless me, even me also, O my father.” Jacob had to endure a long strain o f hardships and disappoint ments.- Absence from home and family,- injustice at the hands of a tricky employer, and fear of his brother-all these troubles combined to teach Jacob the bitter lesson : “ The way o f transgressors is hard.” Leader’s Helps 1. E njoyment in G iving A rich man who was a Christian was making out a check for five hundred dol lars for a deserving cause when he sud denly realized that he was grudging the money; the giving came hard. At once, with great energy, he tore up his check for five hundred dollars and rapidly wrote one for a thousand dollars. He explained the change to the astonished but pleased collector by saying: “ I cannot afford to grow stingy. If I begin to dislike giving, I shall soon cease to give altogether.- I must give, and give often, and give gener-i ously, until I enjoy giving once more.” — H a I-I-OCK. II. D eath 1. The Dead Sea receives much, but gives nothing. Such a lake is a perfect illus tration of a church all of whose efforts terminate upon itself. Around it there will be desolation, and in it there will be no life.—W. R. T aylor . 2. Despite those titles, power, and pelf, The wretch, concentered all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair renown, And, doubly dying, shall go down T o the vile dust, from which he sprung, Unwept, unhonored, and unsung. —S ir W alter S cott . Progress Made by American Bible Society A distribution o f 7,517,548 Bibles, Testa ments, and portions o f the Bible during 1934 in 148 languages and dialects and in more than forty countries was reported at the 119th annual meeting of the American Bible Society held in New York City on Thursday, May 9. The report stated that since the institution of the Society in 1816 a total of more than 261,000,000 Scripture volumes had been placed in circulation.
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W E S T C O A S T G O S P E L S O L O IS T Available as Evangelist and Song Leader— Pastor’s Assistant Choir Director— Children’s Worker HERBERT A . FARRAR , Jr.
441 “ A ” ST., SANTA ROSA, CALIF. Services available on a Faith Basis '
The “Round Up” for God Goes On “ Redeeming the time because the days are evil.” Eph. 5:16
LEONARD E ILE R S 124 N. Florence, Burbank, Cal. Since July 1st, 1934 it has pleased the Lord to use me in helping 19 churches in three different states to help put on “ Round Ups" of two and three weeks each. Time would allow no more. Arrange now for' a fall; winter or spring méeUng.’ T am in His work and at your service. Joyfully yours, in the : saddle for God. ‘
“And let us not be weary in well doing ; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Gal. 6:9 The “Round Up” for God Goes On
STEREOPTICON SL ID E S: Sermons. Lectures. Stories! Seeking the Lost; Prodigal Son; What Think Ye of Christ? Yellowstone Park ; David Livingstone, Abraham Lincoln ; Ben Hur; Other Wise Man; In His Steps; Sign of the Cross; Her Mother's Bible; Pilgrim's Progress; Passion Play; Boy Scouts; Esther; The Man without a Country. Any song desired. Slides made to order. Special slides for special occasions. Postal card brings list. STAN DARD SL ID E BUREAU - - Oberlin, Ohio J o i n B i# Sw B a d e to th e - After all, nothing can take the place of the Bible ‘in teaching the Sunday School. Today ministers and Sunday School superintendentsare diligently seeking Christ-centered, true-to-the-Bible graded lessons, and that means STANDARD Sunday School courses. FREE PROSPECTUS For every department— Nursery, Beginners', Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Young People's, Adults'—-Standard Courses provide the finest teaching material obtainable and create a pro found interest in the work of the Sunday School. Send for your copy of the free prospectus, tell ing usthe departmentinwhichyou areinterested. Don't deprive your Sunday School of the ad vantages which Standard Lessons bring to your work. Address Dept. K.B. 6
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