June, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
unto Him, we will not drop it when offend ed or ignored or opposed by others. . _ The woman rejoiced in a humble service. Most of us today are called upon to serve our Lord in a humble way. By this “little” service, this woman unwittingly gained for herself an eternal monument of approval from her Lord. It is strange but never theless true, that it is harder to use one talent for the Lord than to use ten. The tendency is to neglect the one talent and bury it. But true devotion will use the little things for His glory, in His service. Many today are willing to place a crown on the Saviour’s brow, but how many are willing to “wash his feet” ? Thousands are willing to step forward at the call to be a captain in the army of the Lord, but how many are ready to be a faithful menial and to do the hundred and one ordinary,, yet necessary, things? Our Lord came to be a minister, a servant, and not to be ministered to. How much more ought we to be willing to do the common, routine things—the things that are irksome and that try the patience 1 U nreserved S urrender 5. She wiped His feet with the hairs of her head. She devoted her possessions and her glory—her all—to Him. Long hair is a woman’s'glory (1 Cor. 11:15). In her utter devotion, she yielded all her earthly glory to her Lord. She counted all but dross that she might place all, in complete abandonment, at His feet. She was entirely oblivious of the criticism or blame o f men. She was enraptured by her Lord to the exclusion o f all else. Her heart was set on Him ; He filled her horizon. She freely poured on Him the precious ointment. We, too, should lay not only ourselves, but also all our possessions — whatever they may be—on the altar. A devoted heart means also a devoted pocketbook. God wants, and will use, q/ir gold. Robert Arthington, a Cambridge graduate, lived in a single room and cooked his own meals. He gave to foreign missions $24,000,000 on condition that it all be spent on pioneer work within twenty-five years. After his death, a slip of paper was found on which he had written these words : “Gladly would I make the floor my bed, a box my chair, and another box my table, rather than that men should perish for want o f the knowl edge. o f Christ.” Perhaps we have but the widow’s mite. Let us not withhold it, but let us give it joyously. Our God can multiply it as He did the loaves and fishes, and He can feed a multitude with it. And we must; if need be, be willing to give up the chief possession o f all—life itself-^-if our Lord so wills. The believer considers himself as yielded up already- willing actually to be put to death for his Lord at any time, and to rejoice in it. T h e O ffering of P raise 6. She kissed H is feet. She devoted her affections to Him. She loved Him as only a truly grateful redeemed soul can, and she sought to express that love. •Our Lord delights jn this fact tha,t, His redeemed ones lové Him'. And He delights to hear them tell Him that they love Him. What holy exercise, what holy delight for the believer, as in the secret chamber of prayer he pours out his heart in adoration o f his Saviour ! How much time do we spend in pure worship? How much time do we spend in bowing before our Lord and breaking the alabaster box of;ou r inner most affections? Our praise is a sweet incense rising to the Throne. God is glorified in praise
“W e want Bible, not Child Study Lessons*9 Hundreds of Sunday Schools have commended the new
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Illuminating to Jew and Gentile Under the skillful pen of Mr. Schapiro, each word in Holy Writ blooms and blossoms out like a flower. . , . This wgrk will be an illumination to Jew and Gen tile alike.—The late Rev. I. M. Haldeman, D.D., First Baptist Church, New York City. ORDER TODAY Three volumes issued at 50 cents per volume (no stamps). Volumes I, II and III are ready for distri bution (32 pages in the third volume; 88 in all three). Size 8 l/ 2 Xll' inches. Clear typewriter type. Art pa per; embossed cover. Address: B. A. M. SCHAPIRO, 267& B IB L E HOUSE, NEW YORK, N. Y.
In WORD ST U D IE S IN TH E OLD TESTAM ENT, Mr. Schapiro gives a masterly interpretation of He* brew words, their true significance, their hidden mys* teries and matchless beauty as contained in the orig inal text of Holy Writ. For the first time in Semitic literary history, an opportunity is given to the student of the Scriptures to read the text in truly phonetic form. Easily Understood A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to an under standing of the books, for the Hebrew texts that are used are translated into English. Mr. Schapiro brings to such studies a wealth of Jewish rabbinical lore as well as unquestioned scholarship in thé' field of He braic literature.— King’s Business—
DEVOTION TO CHRIST [Continued from page 211]
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constrained to tell the world about Christ. David Livingstone, a truly devoted man, had that impelling urge to witness for Christ. And his great passion was, to go especially to those .who had never heard. At the close of a short furlough which had followed long years o f hardship, discovery, and eager proclaiming of Christ. in the heart of Africa, Livingstone announced his intention o f going back to Africa. Some o f his friends thought he would, surely “shelve” himself if he went back, for, they argued, he could do much more at home. But Livingstone knew the need of Africa, and he knew- that God wanted him there. He th e r e fo r e replied: ,<¡“ 1 don’t know, whether I am going on the shelf or not. If I do, I make Africa the shelf.” ,. We need a renewed passion for the lost. True devotion to Christ will lead one to earnest soul-winning. D evote ? S ervice 4. Then she began to wash his feet with her tears. This woman devoted her time to Christ in loving service. Everything we do as “ Christian service” should not be primarily for the local church, nor for the pastor, nor for one another, but all should be for Christ. If our service is primarily
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