June, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
and loved one another, even to the point of self-sacrifice in time of plague or ill ness—they were amazed and said: “ Be hold how these people love one another !” — God's Best Secrets. JULY 6 Limiting the Holy One of Israel “Master, carest thou not that we perish?" (Mk. 4:38). We may trace in this exclamation of the disciples a lack of patience; a lack of knowledge; a lack of trust. If they had really known their Lord in the greatness of His divine majesty, and in the suffi ciency o f His power, they would have reposed in His ability to save them even in such an extremity. They would have waited on Him, and in their patience they would have possessed their souls. How like are these disciples, before Pentecost, to the believers of today I How often a similar cry of despair has come from the child o f God whose faith has been put to the test! Let this incident teach us not to-limit the Holy One of Israel, but to trust in the Lord at all times.— S elected . JULY 7 The Glorifying Effect of Fruitfulness “Herein is my Father glorified” (Tohn 15:8). The end o f all creation and all provi dence is that God may be glorified. Every thing else must give way to this necessity. I f we really and thoroughly desire that God may be glorified, there is no reason why we should not bring forth much fruit to His glory. I f the “much fruit” is wanting, the glory o f God is wanting, and we are responsible; it must be that His words are not abiding in us, . . . Oh, let us lay hold o f the gracious declaration that God is glorified in our exceeding fruitfulness . . . The command, “Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s,” is no other than the command to bring forth fruit.—G eorge B owen . JULY 8 Come! “ Behold, I come quickly’.’ (Rev. 22:12). “ Behold, I.>come quickly” ; can I say, “ Come, Lord Jesus” ? There is no test con cerning holiness of life and character equal to that. “ I cannot say ‘Come,’ ” says one : “there are ties that hold me here.” Well, the sooner the earthly tie is riven the better; and the sooner in harmony with the Spirit we can say to Him “ Come!” the better it will be for us and the earth. I believe that today the signs of the times point to the nearness of the coming of Jesus Christ. There never was a day when the hunger for spirituality of work, and definite teach ing concerning the Book of God was so keen as it is today. Everywhere churches are crying out for definite spiritual life. What does it portend? I believe it is the latter rain ; and next : the King ! —G. C ampbell ' M organ . JULY 9 The Inheritance of the Meek “ Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit thé earth” (Matt. 5:5)1 In the history of Christ Himself, we do, fo r the first time, see the meek literally inheriting the earth. Maker and Owner of it all, Jesus walked His own earth in poverty, and died on it in shame, a match less model of meekness. He did not fret though men and Satan brought “wicked devices to pass” and triumphed above His grave. He silently rested in God His
Father, and waited patiently until it pleased God to bring forth His righteousness as the light., This Meek One has inherited the earth! All power is given unto Him! All things are put under His feet! All poor and mourning and meek ones whom He has received to share His Sonship, as they follow their lowly King, can say, “All things are ours, for all are Thine; all are ours since we are Thine.” —O swald D ykes : JULY 1& Faith and Faithfulness “So then they which be o f faith are blessed with faithful Abraham" (Gal. 3 :9). Faith is the capacity o f receiving, and faithfulness- is the power o f giving. By faith we take whatever God will give, and by faithfulness we give whatever God will take. First comes faith, which is simply in. proportion to the soul’s hearing of God’s holy Word. And then; as we step away from the place where God has visited us to give us the blessings for which faith has spread out our hands, we realize that these blessings are not given that we may rejoice in them with joy unspeakable, and end there. Freely we have received, freely we must give. Faithfulness follow s; and it is in proportion, not to our zeal or un selfishness or ability, but in exact and im mediate proportion to our faith. —P rebendary W ebb -P eploe . JULY 11 With Him “ The Lord was with Joseph” (Gen. 39:2). The Lord was with him! Thus it was he prospered! In dire affliction’s place he fruitful grew; The wrongs consumed him not; he o’er them triumphed: The Lord was with him; thus he was kept true. Soul, couldst thou wish for greater, richer treasure Than that the Lord Himself sho.uldst be with thee— Shouldst crown thy life in- rich, unstinted measure With His sublime and sovereign com pany ? Couldst thou desire a record nobler, ■grander, Than that, throughout, life’s strangely checkered way, The Lord, in thee, found such unsullied pleasure, That He Himself was with thee day by day ? ; —J. D anson S mith . JULY 12 Expressing the Mind of Christ “And ye are witnesses o f these things” (Lk.. 24:48). The members of Christ, by their fruit fulness and their godly lives; by their walk in wisdom and love; by their unity among themselves and love one toward another (John 17:21, 23; 13:35) are to show to the world the character of Him whose members they are. “They took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13). Inasmuch as the Head o f the church is hidden from the eyes o f men, and only the members of His body are visible on earth, the members are intended to convey His mind on every point He wishes to have revealed. —H ubert B rooke .
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