King's Business - 1935-06

June, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Genuine faith in God speaks out and says, “ God is true, and I will stake everything on His word.” —C harles H addon S purgeon . Trust Him when dark doubts assail thee, Trust Him when thy strength is small; Trust Him, when, to simply trust Him Is the hardest thing o f all. Trust H im ! He is ever, f a i t h f u l 4 Trust Himl for His will is best ; . Trust H im ! for the heart o f Jesus " Is the only place of rest. “ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to c le a n s e us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). In fellowship with the Lord Jesus, we need to confess with a sincere heart every sin that may be a hindrance in our Chris­ tian lives. Listen to what David says: “I acknowledged my .sin unto thee . , . I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the L ord ; and thou forgavest the in­ iquity of my sin” (Psa. 32:5). David speaks of a time when he was unwilling to confess his sin: “When I kept silence . . . thy hand was heavy upon me.” But when he had confessed his sin, a wonderful change came. Confession means not only that I confess my sin with shame, but that I hand it over to God, trusting Him to take it away. Such a confession implies that I am wholly unable to get rid o f my guilt, but by an act o f faith I reckon on God to deliver me.—A ndrew M urray . JULY 18 Perseverance “ Faint, yet pursuing” (Judg. 8 :4 ). O Lord, who givest power to the faint, and to them that have no might Thou in- creasest strength, grant me a sustained bravery . . . At many a door I knock, and I find no sympathy. And my adverseries do not relax their vigilance. But forward my chariot must move. Upward my soul must press. I have meat to eat that the world knows nothing of, and refreshment comes to me from unseen.hands. Once the Captain of my salvation was faint, and yet pursued; nothing could turn Him back. And today He has a name which is above every name. In His honor and do­ minion He will invite me to share. —A lexander S mellie . JULY 19 Two Modes of Travel “ The Spirit itself maketh intercession fo r us” (Rom. 8 :26). There are two ways o f traveling on the Continent. In the first, you do everything for yourself. You obtain your ticket, look after your luggage, get your seat in the carriage, ask at least three porters whether you are right; and if you have an imper­ fect knowledge o f the language, you have perpetually an uneasy sense that perhaps you are wrong..............There is another method o f foreign travel. You employ a Tourist Agency, which obtains your tickets, sees to your comfort, gives you precise directions, provides you, where necessary, with a conductor, and at every terminus waits to greet you. . . . And in this we have an apt illustration o f the easier way of traveling to heaven . . . . Be at rest in the indwelling and inworking of —L ucy A. B ennett . • JULY 17 Deliverance from Sin’s Power

JULY 13 True to His Word “And the Lord gave Solomon wisdom, as he promised him" (1 Ki. 5:12) . From the case of Solomon, and thou­ sands of a similar kind, we learri first the rule of God’s giving is —•as He has promised. The histories of the Lord’s faithfulness are so many that time would fail us to repeat them all. God’s words have always in due time been justified by God’s acts. God has dealt with men ac­ cording to His promise. Whenever they have taken hold Upon the promise, and said, “Do as Thou hast said,” God: has responded to the plea, and proved that it is no vain thing to trust Him, Throughout all time it has been God’s unvarying rule to keep His word to the letter and to the moment. . . . As the Lord in Solomon’s case gave him “as he promised him,” so will He in every instance as long as .the world standeth. Believe the promise, and thus prove yourself to be an inheritor of it. —C harles H addon . S purgeon . JULY 14 Human Names That God Bears “ Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God” (Heb. 11:16). Have you ever thought of God’s sur­ names? When at God’s bidding Abraham crossed the Euphrates, he was surnamed the Hebrew—“Abram the Hebrew.” And God received a new name when He saw that Abram, “ lofty father,” was worthy of the name o f Abraham,“ the father o f a great multitude,” and the new name God received was “the God o f Abraham.” Later on Jehovah became “the God o f Bethel.” . . . When the young Hebrews at Babylon were so loyal to God that they refused to bow down to the golden image, God sur­ named Himself “the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.” God delights in .these surnames that are won by the triumphs o f His grace in the hearts of His people. . . . Is He pleased to call Himself by your name? v ,4hj. G regory M antle . JULY 15 The Lamb for Protection and for Food “ This day shall be unto you for a memorial” (Ex. 12:14). The passover as a feast is a prophecy of the Great Sacrifice, by virtue of whose sprinkled blood we all may be sheltered from the sweep o f the divine judgment, and on which we all have to feed if there is to be any life in us. Our propitiation is our food, “ Christ for us,” received and appropriated by our faith as the strength of our lives. W e feast on Christ when the mind feeds on Him as truth, when the heart is filled and satisfied with His love, when the conscience clings to Him as its peace, when the will esteems the words of His mouth more than its “necessary food,” when all desires, hopes, and inward powers draw their supplies from Him, and find their object in His* sweet sufficiency. —A lexander M aclaren . JULY 16 Trusting "I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me” (Acts 27:25). , , Paul was strong because he believed. Faith makes men strong. . . . Paul’s faith was faith in G od: “ I believe God.” That was something more than saying, “ I believe in God.” This ;many do, hut derive but slender comfort . . . Believe Him —believe His truthfulness, His mercy, His power. This made Paul calm, peaceful, strong . . .

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