King's Business - 1935-06


June, I93if

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

JULY 23 Love in the Present Tense “ Unto him that loveth us” (Rev. 1 :5, R .V .). “ I belong to the church at Ephesus; I have lost my first love. The life that was once burning hot is cold. Is it possible that He loves me?” He “loveth us.” “And I belong to Smyrna, and in Smyrna we have gone through great tribulation, and the devil has been casting some of us into prison, and amid the pressure I have feared to confess Him. What of me?” He “ loveth us.” “I am a member o f the church at Pergamos, and there Balaam has taught us deeds o f licentiousness, and I have been so steeped in the immorality o f the place that I am afraid iny heart has been more or less fouled by the thoughts that have come to me. What o f me?” He “loveth us.” “ But I belong to the church at Thya- tira, and Jezebel has been there, and we have been taught to share our love and faith between the world and Christ, and I am afraid I have been tarred with world­ liness. What o f me?” He “loveth us.” “And I belong to the church at Laodicea, and I have been cooling lately. My love was once so fervent that it seemed to me as if I could go through hell itself for Jesus. Now I am neither cold nor hot. What o f me?” . . . .He “loveth us>” . . . . He loved; He loves; He will love, because He is God who was, and is, and is to come, the Almighty.—C. G. M. JULY 24 Like Dew “ Thou hast the dew o f thy youth" (Psa. 110:3). The Lord tells you what is your service. If you wish to know what that means, look at Micah 5 :7 : you will see there one aspect o f it; “And the remnant of Jacob”—and so God’s people—“shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord.” . . . They are to be messengers from God, they are to be sent down as He sends down His dew and rain and showers. He sends them on the good and on the evil, on the just and on the unjust. . . . The dew does not tarry for men. So do not wait until men are willing to tell you that they want you. But go to them despite your­ selves and themselves. . . . The dew does not make itself, nor the Christian himself, and the Christian does not please himself any more than the dew. He pleases the One who sent him, like the dew which loses itself in blessing others. —H ubert B rooke . JULY 25 One-Talent Men "I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent’ (Matt. 25:15). It is a most striking and impressive

the Holy Spirit. Only see to it that He is not grieved, and He will see to all else. . F. B. M eyer . JULY 20 The Faith of God “Have faith in God” (Mk. 11:22). “Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.” There is no other case in the Bible where any such sentence as this occurs. Literally translated, it is, “ Have the faith o f God.” It is an extraordinary expression, and might be properly ren­ dered: “ Reckon on God’s good faith.” When God says a thing, not only say, “Amen,” “ It shall be so,” but reckon on it, count on the faithfulness o f God, reckon on the good faith of God in keeping His promise, and therefore dare to trust your­ self completely to His assurance. . . . . . We very readily come to the experience of rest when we get to this point of willingness to risk everything on God’s fidelity. There is a common notion that no great blessing can be obtained from God without an im­ mense amount of struggle. If you choose to go through such needless struggles, you are very foolish, because you can get God’s gifts without such effort, if you will only take them.—A. T. P ierson . JULY 21 Guided Aright "For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee" (Isa. 54:7). W e may experience from God treatment which may appear to be anything but the expression o f friendship and of love. . . . He may feed us on “the bread o f ad­ versity,” and cause us to drink o f “the water o f affliction” ; still all this is the treatment o f Him who is our enlightened Benefactor and Friend. . . . When the secret counsels o f heaven are laid open to our inspection, we shall perceive that everything which He caused to befall us here was intended as a “ schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ” ; that however varied our sorrows and trials may have been, they were all made to “ work to­ gether for good” ; that Christ, our wise and enlightened Friend, was leading us, as the Israelites o f old were led, “by the right way . . . to a city o f habitation.” •—Scottish Christian Herald. JULY 22 When to Worship “Job . . . fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, And said, . . . the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; bless­ ed be the name o f the Lord” (Job 1 :20, 21). Job, in the midst o f his disasters, pre­ sented one of the grandest scenes human nature has ever presented to wondering angels, malignant fiends, and suffering mortals. Job did not curse God; he did not renounce Him; he worshiped. His atti­ tude was that of reverence and humiliation. His spirit was that o f resignation and sub­ mission. He did not say: “Alas for me; all my hard-earned wealth is gone at a stroke!” He did not summon his neigh­ bors to pursue those murderous Sabeans and Chaldeans. He did not curse the light­ ning and the cyclone. . . . How sweet to feel that everything you possess is God’s gift to y ou ! Glorious it is to be able to sing in the greatest deprivations: “It is the Lord who gives me all, My wealth, my friends, my ease; And o f His bounty may recall Whatever part He please.” —J. G regory M antle .

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