King's Business - 1935-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1935

JULY 29 Sanctified Thinking “ Thou desirest truth in the inward parts” (Psa. 51:6). The secret of weakness in your life and in mine, nine times out of ten, is in those unhallowed pictures of the imagination which we permit ourselves to dwell upon. You are.not your own, and that applies to and comes into every single relationship o f life—into the relationship of relaxation and pleasure, the relationship o f the office and money, the relationships of family and society. All these relationships are touched and colored, modified and controlled, by the fact that if we are saved at all we be­ long absolutely to Jesus. —J. R ussell H owden . There is no division between the secular and the spiritual.- We do not live in water­ tight compartments. Thus we can look upon our menial duties alike with our man­ ual work as channels through which we can serve God, assured that the smallest acts in life can bring glory to Him . . . Henceforth our daily liffe shall express our devotion and gratitude to God. —W . W . M artin . ' “He loved us, 'and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). “ God is love.” This is the last revelation of His character. Long before, in His Word, He had been presented as Right­ eousness, Fountain o f Life and Light, the Holy One. But it is given to John, at last, to give this new name, and to declare not that He is lovely or loving, but is love —the incarnation of unselfish benevolence. We are therefore dealing with One who is too wise to err in judgment, and too good to err through malice: In His hands we may safely trust ourselves, welcoming His discipline and confident that in doing as He pleases, He will please to do only what is the very best.—A. T. P ierson . If the Lord the sparrow shields, Clothes the lily of the fields With His tender care, The true sign o f forgiveness is not some mysterious signal waved from the sky; not some obscure emotion hunted out in your heart; not some stray text culled out of your Bible; certainly not some word of mortal priest telling yctu that your satis­ faction is complete. The soul full, o f re- sponsive love to Christ and ready, longing, hungry to' serve Him, is its own sign of forgiveness. Must there not be sorrow for sin? Must there riot be resolution of amendment? Surely there must, but it is not- sorrow f o r ' sin for the sake o f the sorrowfulness that Jesus ever wants. He wants sorrow for sin only that it may bring escape from sin.-—P hillips B rooks . When Satan tempts me to despair, Telling of evil yet within, Upward I look, and see Him there Who made .an'end of all my sin. —S elected . JULY 30 The Very Best Will He not then think of me, Every lack and need foresee . And my way prepare? —E thel O. P rentiss . : JULY 31 The Sign of Forgiveness "Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:11).

feature in our Lord’s parable of the lord and his servants, that it was he who had received the one talent, and he alone, who failed to enter into the joy of his lord. For multitudes the discipline o f life and -the test of character are appointed to be found in their treatment of what they esteem “the little.” Let him, therefore, who esteems himself to be the man of one talent, take heed lest he ever be found judging, that because it is little he can accomplish, it does not matter very much whether he be­ stirs himself or not. . . . One lowly mán walking with Christ is a center from which the divine energies reach forth to accom­ plish some of their greatest tasks. .—Life o f Faith JULY 26 The Function of the Branch “I am the vine, ye aré the branches” (John 15:5)i What is the function of the branch ? It is simply this—to receive and to give. Its structure is exactly suited to its function. Nothing could more perfectly fulfill the end in view than the organism which wé call a “branch.” It is so constructed that the sap, as it rises through the stem from the root, is readily received. This life-sap is the very food of the branch. . . . Now to abide in Christ who is the'Vine, the believer must fulfill his function -as a branch in union with the source of all fruitfulness. Nothing is more essential for this than a receptive attitude of soul. . . . He will give the fruit.—S elected . JULY 27 A Soldier’s Task “Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3). “A good soldier,” it has been said, "both abstains and sustains.” This is to endure hardness. He has not only to fight in aggressive conflict, but he has to withstand in defensive warfare as well. His power is seen far more in what he can bear, than in what he can do. . . . To be a good soldier of Jesus Christ we must know, the discipline of laying aside every encumbrance, every weight, every entanglement. W e must learn by actual experience how to refuse, as well as to accept. . . . The “hardness” that is essential to a good soldier Can be brought about only by the discipline of trial, and fidelity to this law of the king­ dom, that .we “please him” who hath chosen us to be His soldiers.—S elected . JULY 28 The Difference Between Praise and Thankfulness “ They . . . did eat their meat with glad­ ness and singleness of. heart, praising God” (Acts 2:46, 47). “Praising God” ! Get away from those two words I could not; so I took them to the Lord in prayer, and asked Him to tell me His meaning o f them. This is how it was given to me: You know what it means for any one to praise you. Praise is a just recognition and avowal of your worth and merits. “ Praising God” means that you recognize and avow His worth. It is not thanking Him for what He has given or done; it is extolling Him for what He is. You know, too, how especially precious praise is from those whom you love, and who love you— from those who know you most- intimately and nearly. In like manner is praise especially precious to Him from those to whom He is bound by the closest ties.—M. J. L eader . J ...

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