King's Business - 1935-06

June, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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Avoiding “Reds” in China Recently A. E. and Mrs. Bassett received word that their daughter, Miss Beulah Bassett of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society, on her way to America for furlough, had been able to leave the endangered city o f Chengtu, capital of Szechuan Province, by, plane, going to Chungking, Szechuan, an important river port outside the zone threatened by Com­ munist armies. Mr. Bassett has been as­ sociated with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in various clerical capacities for several years. His daughter has been serving in China for twenty-seven, years, her most recent work being in the city of Chengtu. After directing the ;evacuation of many of her associates from Chengtu, Miss Bas­ sett sought to remain in the station. But when the commissioner. of the city in­ formed foreigners that increased banditry in the districts outside Chengtu might soon block the way out; it was decided to send ten women and nine children by a large Ford tri-motor plane secured from Chungking. Miss Bassett expected to leave Chungking for Shanghai by May 1. SEARCH-THE-BIBLE CONTEST [Continued from page 218] Genevieve Blackvurn, Asheville, N. C .; W ill Blas- dell, Springville, N. Y .; Winton Bradford, Paonia, Colo.; Helen Brakensiek, Quincy, 111.; Eileen Brink, Irvona, Pa.; Althea Bruce, W ilcox, Nebr.; Dorothy L. Bryden, Thompson, Pa.; Vera Bullard, Owosso, Mich.; Bernice L. Buller, Fairview, Okla.; and Hazel Ruth Butler, St. Joseph, Mo. Anita Caiola, Portland, M e.; Ida Caiola, Corn­ ish, M e.; Ruth Cathcart, Louisburg, Cape Breton, N. S., Can.; Marian Chace, Orland, Calif.; Lois and Vivian Chubbuck, Medina, N. Y .; Abbie Ann Claassen, Newton, Kans.; Murene Clarke, Auburn- dale, Alta., Can.; Lonita Jean Cleveland, Post Falls, Ida.; Cecile Clevenger, Lima, Ohio; Billy and Roberta Clifton, Detroit, Mich.; Dortha Collins, Wetumka, Okla. Ethel Corrill, North Plainfield, N. J .; Marguerite Cowgill, St. Joseph, M o.; Mrs. Buck Crow, Port Arthur, Tex.; Jose­ phine and W inifred Croyle, Atascadero, Calif.; and Bill Curtis, Wenatchee, Wash. A. B. Daghlian, Alameda, Calif.; Charlotte and Janet Dallam, St. Joseph, M o.; Caroline Daniels, Ashland, K y.; D. B. Davison, Los Angeles. Calif.; Anita Dickey, Central Point, Ore.; Marjorie Dilts, Ontario, Calif.; Ruth and Warren Dirks, Dell Rapids, S. D .; Anna Mae Diviney, Winbume, Pa.; Florence Dobson, Erie, P a.; Ruth Draper, Leo­ nidas, Mich.; Marian and Paul Eakin, Grove City, Pa.; Alma Ediger, Volt, Mont.; Effie S. Edwards, Louisville, K y.; Wesley Ehresman, Lyons, Kans.; Eva Enns, Meade, Kans.; Edna A. Ettel, El Cajon, Calif.; Jane S. Etzler, Linwood, M d.; Betty Ruth, Charles W ., and Luman Evans, Hyndman, Pa.; Rose Evans, Grand Valley, Colo.; and George Ewing, Long Beach, Calif. Reuben Fanders, Diller, Nebr.; Dorothy Jean Felts, Wenatchee, Wash.; W inifred J. Ferrel, Eagle Butte, S. D .; Kathryn Fieselmann, Rudd, la .; Grace Findlay, Oxdrift, Ontario, Canada;_ Evelyn Fishburn, Overbrook, Kans.; Leroy Flei- shauer, Bakersfield, Calif.; Miriam and Robert Frederick, Rangeley, Me.; Mary French, Tioga, Pa.; Edna Friesen, Hooker, Okla.; Jake and John Friesen, Inola, Okla.; Ruth Fritch, Deckerville, Mich.; Cora A. and Stella M. Fugate, Portsmouth, K y.; and Luella Mae Funk, Hillsboro, Kans. Richard Dean Ganeway, Monroe, M ich.; W ini­ fred Garrett, Hanover, Pa.; Alberta Gerboth, Davenport, la.; Barbara and Lois Anne Gilman, Portland, Ore.; Louise Goodwin, Asheville, N. C .; Ethel JMae Graves, Fresno, Calif.; Jean Gregg, Glendive, Mont.; Kathryn Gregg, Bloomfield, Mont.; Katherine Griffin, Watsonville, Calif.; John Gross, Galeton, Pa.; F. Arwilda Grubb, Harrisburg, Pa.; Josie Gurney, Lookingglass, Ore.; Dorothy Gustafson, Centerville, S. D .; and Goldye and Howard Gustafson, Poplar, Wis. Mirell A. Handy, Des Moines, la .; Grace and Virgil Hanson, Marquette, Nebr. ; Mary Hardin, Portsmouth, K y.; Ralph Hardy, Williams, A riz.; Arthur and Martha Harms, Meade, Kans.; Betty, Garnet, and Helen Harris, Richland Center, W is.; Lois Hewitt, Clarion, Pa.; Ivis Hill, Central Point, Ore.; W illis Hochstedler, Kokomo, Ind.; Betty and Lois Hodgs, Paonia, Colo.; Marie Hogan, Spring­ ville, N. Y .; Gordon and Pauline Holland. Ver- shire, V t.; Bobby.Hoover, Saxton, Pa.; and Dor­ othy L. Hunsley, Central Point, Ore. Ella Jarizen, Elbingj Kan$.; Lorraine Jensen, Oldham, S. D .; Harriet Johnson, Toronto, S.yD .; Lyle Jbhnson, Grandville, Mich.; and Verna John­ son, Oak Park, Minn.


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M inn eap olis; M in n .

Lettie Kelsey, Richland Center, W is.; Viola M. Kelsey, Minneapolis, Minn.; Frances King, St. Paul, Minn.; Erma Kitsmiller, Godfrey, 111.; Amos Kleinsasser, Bakersfield, Calif.; Blair H. Kline, Irvona, Pa.; Mildred Kramer, Omaha, Nebr.; Evelyn Kuhnle, Detroit, Mich.; and George Kurkowske, Detroit, Mich. Florence La Bonte, Hastings, Minn.; M. C. Lacy, Newbery, Ore.; Mabel Lane, New London, Pa.; Effie Larson, Oak Park, Minn.; Neil Lawhead, Torrington, W yo; ; Donald Leek, South Beach, Ore.; Lester Lewis, Hayes Center, Nebr.; Richard Lindholm, Ely, Minn.; Helen Louise Lindsey, Irvona, Pa.; Herman Logan, Athens, Ga.; Mike Long, Waverly, N. Y .; June Ludolph, Chicago, 111.; and Althea Lundberg, Sedgwick, Colo. Russell Martin, Hanover, 111.; Audrey Mattson, Holyoke, Colo.; Claude E. McBride, Rector, Ark.; Maxine McCarty, Waveland, Ind.; Constance and Katherine McCason, Asheville, N. C .; Marilyn McDonald, Seattle, Wash.; Dorothy McKeand, Oak Park, 111.; Sara' McKenzie, Asheville, N. C .; Fel- ter McPherson, Roodhouse, 111.; Laura Lee Mearns, Maysville, K y.; Florence A. Mercer, Springville, N. Y .; Mrs. Howard and Leonard Messinger, Hillsdale, Okla.; Carrie Belle and Nell Middleton, Oakland, K y.; Kathryn Montgomery, Lookingglass, Ore.; Mrs. E. T. Moseley, Cannelton, Ind.; Ruth Mouttet, Inola, Okla.; and Homer Moyer, Wapato, Wash. Catherine and Violet Nelson,. Westboro, Ont., Can.; Horatio Nelson, Naches, Wash.j^ Marian Nelson, Winton, Calif.; Marjorie Newquist, Sum­ ner, Nebr.; and Mildred Nyman, Portland, Ore. Aletha Oakley, Grand Gorge, N. Y .; and Mary Oden, Venice, Calif. Mrs. Patterson, Lincoln, Nebr.; Mae Helen Patterson, Oakland, K y .; Margaret Pearce, Kyler- town, Pa.; Astrid Pearson, Kingsburg, Calif.; Coreane, Elsie, and Mary Beulah Pennington, Oakland^ K y.; Lydia Phillips, Bear Creek, N. C .; Marguerite Pickard, Mt. Pleasant, la .; Betty Powers, Eau Claire, W is.; and Edith Prowse, Huntington Park, Calif. Wanda Recker, Morrhead, Minn.; Lorraine Regehr, Los Angeles, Calif.; Helen Ruth Regier, Newton, Kans.; Daniel and John C. Rempel, Meade, Kans.; Mary Pauline Rodiger, Chippewa Falls, W is.; Jennie Rogers,.Stanley, N. B., Can.;

Charles and Kenneth Root, Overbrook, Kans.; Martha Rose, St. Joseph,. Moij Victor Rosengren, Lowry, Minn.; and Marj.orie Rozena, Slater, Wyo. LeRoy Satterberg, Reedley, Calif.; Lulu L. Satterlund, El Cajon, Calif.; Ruth Schenck, Dale, N. Y .; Alice J. Schultz, Lake Mills, W is.; Mrs. Schwing, Port Arthur, T ex.; Thurman Scott, Centralia, Wash.; Jessie and Vera Belle Shoop, Hollidaysburg, Pa.; Fern Joan and Frances Sie­ mens, Denver, Colo.; Margaret Siple, Granite Falls, Minn.; Jeanette Skelton, Ebinboro, Pa.; Beryl T. Smith, Anoka, Minn.; Charles Smith, Louisville, K y.; Florence Smith, Fulda, Minn.; Zona Smock, Cranesville, Pa.; Vincent Allyn Solomon, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Ardus Gene Springer, Berne, Ind.; Bertha May Stanley, Salem, la .; Clyde Stauffer, Wooster, Ohio; Leone Sterzick, Lowell, Mich.; Carroll S. and Dorothy Stoen, Balsam Lake, W is.; Grace Stone, Nebo, N. C .; Harvey R. Stranske, Pasadena, Calif.; Carol J. Strickler, Gluek, Minn.; Levi and Roy Struhbox, Hubbard, Ore.; ^Helen Suderman, Bakersfield, Calif.; .and Ermajune Swanson, Omaha, Nebr. Edna Teets, Fremont, Ohio; Eva Lece and Maurine M. Tharp, Alpha and Edith Tincher, Portsmouth, K y.; D. D. Townsend, Seattle, Wash.; and Glenn Trapp, Sullivan, Ohio. Elsiegene Utterback, Topanga, Calif. Dorothy Van Lew, Manchester, Kans.; and W il­ lard Vogel, Minot, N. D. Irene Walker, Fort Wayne, .Ind.; Birdeen Ward, Uniontown, Kans.; Orville Wark, Bagley, Minn.; Frank Washter, Linwood, Md.; Howard Waterman, Rhodes, la .; John A. and Susie Weins, Marion, S. D .; ^Martha and Rubena Wiens, Hooker, Okla.; Rheda Lois Williams, Springville, N. Y .; Wanda, Wavie, and W inifred Williams, Portsmouth, K y.; Eliza Josephine W olfe, Grand Gorge, N. Y .; Lorraine Wright, Central Point, Ore.*; Walter Wright, La Mesa, Calif.; and Regina Wyatt, Des Moines, la. Doris Yehling, Chicago, 111.; and Esther and Esther Mae Young, Tiffin, Ohio. Mrs. Robert Zimmerman, El Cajon, Calif.; Ada Mae Zimmermann, Noxapater, Miss.; Arlene Ziegler, Telford, Pa.; and Franklin Zook, Santa Ana» Calif. Aldene and Colene, Eliada Home, Asheville; n . c. - . . m

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