June, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
thrust out on their own while still very young. But Christopher remained true to the commission given him by his dying father. A very clear message o f salvation and consecration runs through the entire story. 224 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Cloth. Price $1.50. NoVman’s Good Name by Margaret S. Comrie. Norman came home from the fashionable English school in disgrace, whereupon his uncle sent him to a small school in Scotland, presided over by a kindly Christian master. There Norman learned to depend upon One greater than himself for strength to do the thing that took courage and manliness. The story is full of school-boy adventure and well suit ed to younger teen-age boys. 208 pages. Pickering & Inglis. ) Cloth. Price $1.00. A Word for Wide-Awake Pastors “Whenever people are given a real taste o f intelligent and comprehensive Bible study, whenever they are shown something of the fascination and immense profit of studying the Bible for themselves, they re spond eagerly and thankfully. Many a minister has had the experience o f opening the Scriptures to a congregation of earnest and sincere church members who had not previously sat under ‘Bible preaching,’ or had had no opportunity to attend classes for real Bible study, and has been cheered and inspired by the responsiveness o f such people to a new presentation o f the in exhaustible riches of the Scriptures.”— The Toronto Globe. 1 Wide-awake pastors the world over are looking for better and more efficient methods o f teaching their people the con tents of the Bible, and when such a method is found, they eagerly seize upon it. Many have reached the conclusion that what they want is some kind of study which focuses the attention of the people upon the Word o f God itself, rather than upon a wordy literature about the Bible. Many thousands of pastors and Sunday- school teachers and students are satisfied that such a method o f study is now avail able in the “Through the Bible” course outlined by Harlin J. Roper, pastor of the historic Scofield Memorial Church of Dallas, Tex., which honors the memory of Dr. C. I. Scofield, editor o f the Scofield Reference Bible. Mr. Roper’s course directs the student in a study of the entire Bible, doing this by a question-and-reference method which requires the student to read and use the Bible for himself. The questions, given without comment, show the relation of the lesson portions to other parts o f the Word o f God. For a permanent record o f his work, the student finds room in the book lets in which to preserve his notations. It is easy to see that if one goes through the sixty-six books o f the Bible under the stimulating guidance of questions asked upon each o f the lessons, he will learn something of the great lines of truth run ning throughout the Book. In this series o f studies, the Old and New Testaments are covered in six years of fifty-two Sundays each. Each year’s study follows the familiar quarterly plan. Four graded courses have been prepared, for adults, the intermediate ages, juniors, and the primary ages. Though the emphasis is upon private study, the individual work could be used as a basis for Sunday-school class discus sions or for midweek Bible study groups. Inquiries should be addressed to the Bible Department, Scofield Memorial Church, Dallas, Tex.
Our L I T E R A T U R E Tables W H A T T O P U R C H A S E A T B I O L A B O O K R O O M
This Spring of Love B y A gnes S ligh T urnbull
Life. This study of the Christian’s race contains suggestive material for Bible messages for young people. Paper. Price 20 cents; 57 Reasons Why We Know the Bible Is the Word o f God. Telling arguments are marshaled, are amplified by specific de tails, and are supported frequently by quo tations from outstanding scholars. 64 pages. Paper. Price 10 cents. An Expose o f Rutherfordism. Bringing the light o f God’s Word to bear upon quoted statements o f Judge Rutherford, the writer shows the unscriptural teach ings of the system which he asserts is the direct successor to Russellism. 14 pages. Paper. Price 5 cents. These booklets and others, as well as numerous tracts, are published by The Christian Victory Publishing Company, 2909 Umatilla St., Denver, Colo. To say much in a few words is an art among preachers. Such skill is exhibited in this new book by John R. Gunn, author of One Hundred More Three-Minute Ser mons. The book comprises one hundred perti nent expositions of striking verses from the four Gospels. They are charged with terse sentences, suited to the pastor in his study, as well as to the layman in his home. As the title suggests, each exposition is brief, no one o f them occupying more than two pages, a few, less.. Some of the arresting titles are these: “A Preacher Who Thought Christ Had Failed,” “The Nemesis of Evil,” “ Pleading Alibis for Our Failures,” “The Man Christ Sent Back Home,” “ Singing through Life’s Dark Hours,” “Too Good for the Devil,” and “Porch Climbers.” 171 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. Stories for Young People His Mother’s Book by Evelyn Everett Green. Little Bill was left alone and pen niless when his mother passed away, first telling him to- hunt for the Way of life. Untaught and without Christians to be friend him, the search was a long one, but at last Little Bill learned to love the Saviour. The book is written in charming style, with many Scripture quotations. 192 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Norah, A Girl o f Grit by Beth J. Coombe Harris. As she grew into young woman hood, life went very happily for Norah at Bramfield Manor farm, in spite of the fact that her mother seemed to show par tiality to her younger sister. Norah saw no need o f “taking up religion.” But trouble came into the home, and the Lord used other young people to lead her to Himself. 318 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.50. Christopher’s Commission by Beth J. Coombe Harris. Life brought real com plications to two young people who were Snapshots from the Gospels B y J oh n R. G u nn
In this book, seven notable couples— Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel, Jo seph and Asenath, Boaz and Ruth, Solo mon and the Shulamite, Ahasuerus and Esther, and Hosea and Gomer—appear not as mere historical figures, but as men and women with life, virility, and heart appeal. The uniting theme is the awakening of love in the hearts o f these men and maid-, ens. In dealing with incidents of Scripture, there is always the question of just how much imaginative material one may with safety and helpfulness: add to the simple facts which the Bible relates. That ques tion arises as one reads this book. But it is with delicate, sympathetic touch that Mrs. Turnbull reconstructs the settings for the scenes that she draws, and one feels that she is endeavoring always to adhere faithfully to the Bible account. That her work has been carefully done is shown in the fact that upon completing the reading, one feels drawn to the Word itself. 184 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. In this collection o f the testimonies of one hundred redeemed men is gathered impressive evidence of the power of Christ to meet the need o f individuals in every condition of life. The story o f these far- reaching conversions is told in consider able detail, often showing the providential circumstances and the particular portion o f the Word which God used to bring these souls to Himself. As Mr. Pickering has stated, the volume “calls upon rulers, statesmen, reformers, scientists, discover ers, explorers, preachers, philanthropists, martyrs, and others of all ranks of life to testify that ‘the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that be- lieveth’ (Rom. 1:16) ; and also proclaims that ‘if God did save such sinners as here in depicted, none need despair.’ ’’ 144 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price 50 cents. Booklets by Fred J. Meldau The Seven Sevens o f Prophetic Won ders. With excellent organization pf- his subject matter, Fred J. Meldau, editor of the Christian Victory Magazine, has pre pared a Bible study which well fulfills the subtitle: “A Textbook on Some o f the Un fulfilled Prophecies of the Bible.” For in dividual or class study, this outline and discussion will prove invaluable in making plain the chronological order o f the out working of God’s plan for a redeemed peo ple and a redeemed earth. 95 pages. Paper. Price 35 cents. More Than Conquerors. Emphasizing the note o f triumph, this message will be blessed to the reader because it shows him, through an expository study o f Romans 8, God’s statements and secrets of Christian victory. 29 pages. Paper. Price IS cents, 10 for $1.00. The Great Olympic o f the Christian Twice-Born Men B y H y . P ickering
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