The Problems of Christian Advertising NO. 1 FROM THE MAGAZINE’S POINT OF VIEW T o produce an attractive magazine such as the K I N G ’S B U S IN E S S is an expensive matter requiring great faith and a large outlay of money. If undertaken without the investment of national advertisers (among the limited number whose advertising we can accept), it could only be accomplished at a subscription price which would seem prohibitive to most of our readers. Fortunately, however, there does exist a small but important group of business men and firms whose offerings are always acceptable and who have proved themselves to be loyal users of the advertising space of this magazine. W e bespeak for all of them the careful consideration of the K I N G ’S B U S IN E S S family circle whenever its members may be in the market for the commodities or services which they offer. The letter which follows is from a leader among these publishers, the well-known S T A N D A R D P U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y , of Cincinnati, Ohio, whose “S T A N D A R D G R A D E D L E S S O N S ” and other Sunday School material are known and widely used by the thousands of Sunday School workers among our readers. “Among the First Six” ¡Rational ¿¡Advertiser rates c£>he K jng ’s ‘¡Business as a Header.
C i n c i n n a t i , O h i o
March 29, 1935
Mr. H. S. R ls le y , A dvertisin g Manager, The K ing 's Business, 558 South Hope S tr e e t, Los Angeles , C a lifo rn ia . Dear Mr. R ls le y :
Replying to your l e t t e r o f March 18, we are glad to speak a word o f p ra ise f o r THE KING'S BUSINESS magazine as a good a d v e rtis in g medium. A ll o f our advertisements are keyed In order that we may g iv e c r e d it to the proper p u b lica tio n when in q u ir ie s are r e c e iv e d . For the la s t s ix or seven years we have been a d v e rtis in g c o n s is t e n t ly in THE KING'S BUSINESS and our record s show that the t o t a l retu rns from your magazine have been very s a t is fa c t o r y . In th is time THE KING'S BUSINESS has always been among the f i r s t s ix on our l i s t o f adver t is in g media f o r e ff e c t iv e r e s u lt s .
There are estimated to be 270 religious publications represented in the 1935 “ S T A N D A R D R A T E A N D D A T A ” service pub lications. This reference work is the only hand book, guide and compass of all American advertising men. O f course many of these periodicals, though termed “religious,” could never be classed as “Christian,” and hence would be unacceptable for the discriminating advertising of the S T A N D A R D P U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y ’S Sunday School Lessons. Several score would remain, however, as of real value to Christian publishers, and the fact that T H E K I N G ’S B U S IN E S S ranked among the first six in the opinion of an expert, as per M r. Leavitt’s letter, is high praise indeed for both the magazine and its earnest readers.
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