HAVE YOU RECEIVED YOUR CERTIFICATE? The display of the Biola Honor Roll Certificate indicates that the owner is a part of a great evangelistic agency
If you donate $1.00, 25 cents may be applied as a three months' subscription. If you donate $2.00, 50 cents may be applied as a six months' subscription, and if you donate $5.00 or more, 75 cents may be applied as a year's subscription. If you are already a subscriber, these additional months will be added to your present subscription, provided the addition does not extend your subscription two years from date. A Certificate (6" x 9") is to be mailed to every person con tributing to the support of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Please study the picture carefully and absorb its message. The large building in the center is the imposing Bible Institute block located at 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles. This is the home of the Institute's Day, Evening, and Corre spondence schools— and the registration in these three de partments totaled over 2,000 for the year 1934-35....... The smaller building in the picture is the Hunan Bible Institute, the China Department of Bible Institute of Los Angeles, lo cated at Changsha, in teeming Hunan Province, where there is a population of over 20,000,000 . . . The text from Revela tion 1:5 is deeply carved on the Institute's corner stone. The rays surrounding the picture represent the fact that there emanate from the Institute prayer for and gratitude to each member of that wide-spread family to which every giver and prayer-helper belongs. . . . The seal and the signature of In stitute officials are an attestation of our joint union in Christ Jesus for evermore. When you have mailed to the Institute the accompanying coupon, your Certificate will be sent to you.
When you have read the stories of Christian heroism ap pearing on pages 202 to 204 of this issue, you will be asking yourself what part you may have in this evangelistic ministry. The Biola Honor Roll is the answer. The conditions of membership are very simple: One agrees (I) to PRAY for the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and (2) to CONTRIBUTE as regularly as possible to its support. Membership is recognized in two ways. A beautiful Honor Roll Certificate suitable for framing will be sent to each member. Donors are also eligible to receive the K ING 'S BUSINESS (regular subscription price $1.50) as follows: I hereby agree (1 ) to pray for the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and (2 ) to contribute......... ............................................ per month for a period of three, six, twelve (............................................. ) months. Please place my name on the Biola Honor Roll. ^ □ You may apply $.......... ...................... of my gift toward a subscription to th e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , se n d in g m e th e m a g a z in e f o r ........................................m on th s. Name.....................................................City.................................... State.................. Street N o—........... Amount enclosed..^^^.'.^—...................... The amount indicated may be discontinued, reduced, or increased at any time. Cut off on this line and mail today BIOLA HONOR ROLL Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California
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