June, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
helped you with the expenses of your training at the Insti tute, have you not ?” the pastor was asked. “ No—-it could not be!” The'speaker’s manner as well as his voice betokened the will to sacrifice for Christ’s sake. In his heart, revival fire burned— the same self extinguishing flame that swept his home country, to the praise o f God. “ What will you do after graduation ?” the Korean pas tor was asked, for he, too, expects to receive a diploma soon. “ I will come back—here! I must learn more. And I will all the time preach to my people, if God wills.” “ Kept”—yearning! Heaven-born attitude! “ K ept ”— T rusting For many o f the students at the Institute, the months of training have included practical lessons in trusting God for everyday needs. Several years ago, the Lord spoke to the heart o f one young woman about becoming a missionary to Bolivia. She came to the Institute to prepare for this work. But there were no personal funds from which to draw, and there was no family willing and able to help. How to earn the amount necessary for board and room at the Institute (tuition is free) became a problem to be solved through prayer and faith. When there came an oppor tunity to do maid service in a private home, this girl from Oregon quickly accepted the position. The family consisted o f three adults, one a Catholic priest and another an athe istic college professor. When they inquired of the girl about her life ambition, she did not hide from them her aim and the reason for it. And so genuine was the life that was lived before these individuals, that they volunteered to help her on her way, providing for the payment o f dental work amounting to $175.00. This same young woman has often seen God meet her need for a meal when her purse was empty, and no one had been told about the lack. And
The A'Cappella Choir of fifty-two members is made up of men and women students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles who sing in four, six, and eight parts, unaccompanied. With ten of the mem bers among the graduates to receive diplomas from the Insti tute on June 13, the choir will take part in the Commencement exercises. Herbert G. Tovey, director of the Music Course and or ganizer of the choir, came to the Institute in 1919. Through his ef forts, the A'Cappella Choir and the King's Messengers Quartet, composed of students, are heard in a half-hour's program each Sat urday afternoon, beginning at 3:30, over KHJ, Los Angeles, on the Columbia Don Lee Network. Biola students "sing for joy.!' “ K ept ”—Y earning A graduate of the Christian College at Pyeng Yang, a young Korean spent ten years as a teacher in his own coun try. He was a son df Christian parents, and himself a lover of the Lord Jesus Christ. To this young educator there came a yearning to learn more o f the Word for himself, and then to give it to others. “ My people know— everybody knows— Korea is a land o f great revival. But we need new revival today. Many Korean Christians . . . asleep!” A malady sadly common! Because this wide-awake brother
as an accepted candidate o f the Bo livian Indian Mission, she expects to leave for South America this fall, still trusting— “ kept by the power of God.” A certain Sunday-school class had in it two members, girls o f six teen and seventeen, who seemingly could not be controlled. Their teacher was a Bible Institute student, in her last term. Evangelistic meetings were announced to be held at the In stitute, and this teacher began to pray that her unruly pupils would at tend, and that they would be saved. Since the girls lived in a suburb of Los Angeles, and no means o f trans portation to their homes could easily be found for them, the teacher, after prayer, arranged to have them stay overnight at the Willard Hotel, a part o f the Bible Institute building. She asked the Lord definitely to re strain her from spending the money for this purpose, unless this use o f it would lead to the girls’ salvation. The cost o f the room was $1.25— and when the bill was paid, there was hardly a cent left in the student’s purse. She was not afraid or sorry, however, for she was trusting God. She did not look for any encourage ment to be given immediately, but as she passed out o f the hotel, an en velope was handed to her, with a dol lar in it! How good God was! [Continued on page 209]
from Chosen felt the need o f new spiritual quickening, he came to America four years ago, and entered the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. During these years, there has prob ably been no more diligent student at the Institute than this devoted K o rean. Language difficulties hindered him, but he pressed on determinedly. About two years ago, he became the pastor of a little group o f Koreans who meet in a home in Los Angeles. With the courtesy common to his race and the Christian love indicative o f grace in the heart, this Oriental pastor explained: “ There are other Korean churches— this is not the only one, Some pastors are my warm friends. But, sometimes—you know ¡—people understand the gos pel, but they have no ‘go.’ You know what I mean ? My people must win 'souls.” The “ going” church has an at tendance o f sixty or seventy mem bers. Current expenses are all met by freewill offerings. The congrega tion has. obtained a piano, and is sav ing for the purchase o f a suitable place o f worship. One whole family accepted Christ at the meetings, and numbers o f individuals have been saved or stimulated to do personal work. “ You have received a small stipend from the church that has
Partnership When you have read the accompanying story, you do not need to ask what type of student the Bible Institute of Los Angeles accepts and trains. You K N OW . You do not continue to wonder what use the majority of the students make of the training re ceived. The facts speak for themselves. But perhaps you do not realize that for every student that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles accepts and trains, it costs the Institute approxi mately $150.00 per year— an amount which is never charged to the student, but is met by the freewill offerings of G od's people. And perhaps you have nqt recognized that the opportunity for partnership in the great work of training young people to be soul-winners is open to you— in a new and practical way— through the Biola Honor Roll. You may join today. You agree simply to pray for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and to give regularly (no matter how small the amount] toward the Institute's support. You receive a beautiful certificate of membership, suitable for framing. And you be come an integral part of an institution that for more than twenty-five years has honored the Word of God— a school that determines to con tinue in that allegiance until Jesus comes. Will you not turn to the back cover of this magazine and ask God what He would have you do?
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