June 1935
in Europe
Courtesy of Thos. Cook & Son—Wagons Lits Inc., Los Angeles
THE NEED FOR IT B y RUTH PAXSON In the Orient and in Europe an Ambassador fo r Christ
I t is a very strange thing for me to be speaking of work in Europe rather than in China. I belong to China, and my heart is still there where I had the joy of working for twenty years. But by one of those strange and mysterious but wonderful leadings of the Lord, I was taken to Europe to recover strength after a very serious illness. With Miss Davis, my friend and'coworker, I went to Switzerland. A fter a short period of rest, we found that in a most un expected way invitations came for work in one country after another. We found that God Himself had prepared the ground. Thus as I present this message regarding the desperate need for spiritual quickening in Europe, and as I speak of the evidences o f a true; revival movement there, it is with as much joy and with as much sense of the need for us in America to know the situation there as in China. I am not going to say much about political conditions, because you can get that information riiore or less from the newspapers. One word or two will suffice. One o f our senators has said, “ In Europe the devil’s broth is brewing.” Another statesman has written, “ All Europe may be likened to a boiling volcano. Just how soon millions will move on ,tq conflict, God alone knows, but a crisis is. impending. The foreshadowings of it are manifest and ominous.” One feels as though he is sitting on the very, edge of a crater that may belch forth a world revolution on a moment’s notice, as though he is in close proximity to forces that are contesting for control, not only of a nation or of a con tinent, but of the whole wide world. Living in Europe today, one feels altogether foo uncomfortably near to Satan’s own headquarters, We all know what country has proclaimed itself openly and blatantly to be anti-God. And similar influences are gaining strength elsewhere in Europe. [One op Miss Paxson’s illuminating messages, which was heard a few weeks ago by students o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, was stcnographic'ally reported, and is now being offered to K ing ’ s B usiness readers in two installments, o f which this is the first. Later-, “ The Evidences of. Revival in Europe” will be discussed. Miss Paxson has had a remarkable missionary career in China, being spiritually helpful to missionaries and Chinese of many groups over a period o f twenty years. Christians have been greatly stimulated by her writings. It is her plan to sail fo r Europe from Montreal on May 24, continuing the ministry o f prayer and teaching that is described in these articles. Any one who would like to receive a regularly published bulletin o f prayer requests for Europe is invited to communicate with Dr. F. Jean Holt, 607 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. There will be no charge fo r the bulletin, beyond the cost o f printing and mailing .— E ditor .]
A ttempted S ubstitutes for G od I n E urope Now let us think for a moment o f six or Seven o f the outstanding religious factors that are working against God and His gospel in Europe today. The first is B olshevism, which deifies the devil and would destroy God, if it were possible. It puts Satan liter ally in the place of the Saviour, and thus one feels that Russia is made the earthly seat of Satan, as it is the head quarters of Bolshevism for the entire world. The nation’s insignia is a hammer gnd a sickle, and this emblem is stained on the hands. By accepting this sign, the individu al renounces allegiance to all religion whatsoever. Russia has publicity stated that by 1937 God will be uprooted in Soviet territory. Russia is having a harder task to accom plish this result as a part of that Fiye-Year Plan than any thing it is endeavoring to do industrially and economically. Why? The difficulty comes because there is deeply rooted in the heart o f the Russian people as a whole the religious instinct. And when Easter comes around, the atheistic leaders find they have a tremendous task on their hands in trying to put out of the heart o f the Russian the thought of God. Whatever else the Soviet succeeds with in the Five- Year Plan, it will fail in uprooting God in the hearts where in He dwells. Then there is atheism. There is an»organization called the Alliance o f the Militant Godless that in 1926 had 120,000 members. In 1929 there were ,2,000,000, and thé standard set is 20,000,000 within five years, There are
Courtesy of Thos. Cook & Son—Wagons Lits Inc., Los Angeles
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