There are meaningful differences between different fillers and neuromodulators which need to be taken into consideration when which need to be taken into consideration when designing a treatment plan for any individual patient. The most skilled injectors use a variety of different specific products depending on the goals and needs of each patient. During your consultation, your injector discusses areas of concern and how different treatment options address those areas. Ideally, your injector develops a long-term plan to maximize improvement and produce natural, aesthetically pleasing results. It is fortunate fortunate that so many high - quality high - quality injectable injectable neuromodulators and fillers are now available. Well-trained and highly are now available. Well-trained and highly skilled physician and mid-level injectors have more tools available to maximize benefit for our patients. When choosing an injector, I recommend treating the initial meeting just like a surgical consultation. Make sure that you and your physician communicate well, and have similar ideas about how to reach your aesthetic goals. Product Product selection is a factor as well but selection is a factor as well but ultimately the skill and artistry of your injector is the main factor in reaching an excellent result.
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