King's Business - 1919-05


THE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S to be the prelude to the millennium and it was expected in many quarters that when the last gun was fired, the world’s problems would be solved. Now that Kaiserism is no more, and Bolshevism and anarchy have taken its place,r it is the Peace league and “ reconstruction” that is the prelude ta the millennium. While politicians are explaining exactly how this new age of brotherliness is to fie. dragged in, preachers and church members by the thousands are following meekly in the wake of the world’s procession, utterly ignoring God’s plan as revealed in His Word. Thinking that thé new age is to be set up by the Peace Powers instead of the Peace Prince, and by culture instead of Christ, they have abandoned God’s defined purpose for this age, which is the completion of the Body of Christ (Acts 15:14) and are pouring out their means and energies in everything but the one divine plan by which that Day may be hastened. Is it not strange that even history and experience cannot teach men who have Bibles in their hands, that not until Christ returns to take into His nailpierced hands the reins of power, can the days of mourning be ended and earth’s new Day dawn? (Jas. 5:7, 8). God demands that FIRST THINGS MUST BE PUT FIRST. His order is that day will not dawn until the sun rises. It is not the dawn of day that causes the sun to rise, ¡but it is the rising of the sun that causes the dawn. Christ is “the Sun of Righteousness” (Mai. 4:2) and not until He comes in the clouds of heaven, will that new Day dawn. But again, FIRST THINGS MUST BE FIRST, and the sun will not rise until God’s elect have been brought in—and that is the work that confronts the church in this very hour. Says tiie editor of “The Life of F a ith “ (London) : “While the w ar is over, we seem fa rth e r away from the m illennium th a n ever. Instead of th e larger sympathy and kindlier feelings, and th e deeper earnestness predicted as th e outcome of th e fiery tria ls of the last four years; instead of th e b eau tifu l harmony between all classes as^ th e resu lt of a common sacrifice and sôrrow , we have plunged into a sta te of in d u strial an archy and social un rest such as the country has never known. The agreem ent of today is to rn into shreds tomorrow ; suspicion and d istru st prevail everywhere, and he would be eith er a very wise or a very daring man who would v en tu re to say where all th is restlessness will end. And w hat is th e condition of th e churches? Are they ready to lead the nation into quieter and soberer paths, or are they, too, affected w ith th e same sp irit? The voice of th e church will only be heard as it speaks in th e accents of its Lord and w ith th e note of au th o rity th a t comes only from Him. No leagues or alliances, or combinations of forces will ever get to th e seat of th e trouble, for it goes deeper th a n can 1)6 reached by hum an instrum ents. Even now God is asking us to lift our h earts, fo r our redemption draw eth nigh. By signs and wonders in the earth , by th e fulfillm ent of prophecy, He is tu rn in g our eyes and our h earts to the coming again of His dear Son in whom is our hope, and He is asking His church to proclaim H is appearing, not only as an encouragem ent for these dark days, but also as an incentive to holy living and definite service.”— K. L. B.

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