King's Business - 1919-05



THE DELIVERANCES AT MONS The editor of th e “Life of F a ith ,” (London) received th e following com­ munication: “S ir:— The re tre a t from Mons was an incident of the w ar a t its commence­ ment; a t Mons the w ar term inated. The first phase was a calam ity, th e la st a trium ph. We heard of th e reported intercep­ tion Of Divine agencies in the peril of the first b attle of Mons: and th e w it­ nesses were no t a few to th e vision of angels holding back the oncoming Ger­ mans. But th e reports, lacked definite­ ness. It was almost impossible to ob­ ta in first-hand testimony. There was a general acceptance of m iraculous in terference; b u t anything fu rth e r seemed hard to obtain. It is for th is reason th a t I now w rite to say th a t a few days ago a soldier named Fitzgib- bon, who came to me in a tim e of need, related his experience o t th e incident. He said th a t in the Mons onslaught of the Germans his u n it would have been “wiped o u t” b u t for th e strange hap­ penings a t th e moment. He was con­ scious of a b rig h t ligh t above him , and movement in th e atmosphere, th e Ger­ mans being distinctly held back and prevented from moving fu rth e r fo r­ ward. He stated fu rth e r th a t a chap­ lain n ear him (a clergyman from K ent) was gazing in ten tly a t th e vision, amazed a t the proceedings, and was stru ck on the arm by shrapnel while looking up. The m an’s testim ony was u nh esitat­ ingly given, and, as he was plainly a Christian man, I felt his word cannot be doubted. .The coincidence of th is place, Mons, being th e locality of the Divine deliver­ ance, and th e scene of th e final phase of th e fighting on th e p a rt of th e B rit­ ish, seems to confirm our conclusion th a t God did, indeed, “ fight for u s” in a very wonderful manner. To Him, therefore, be all th e glory.”— Jam es Holroyde.

Ckurch of The LivingGod ■AST thou heard t h e voice which spoke from iheaven, “ Surely I come quickly?” A n d hast ' thou responded to it gladly, “ Even so, come , L o r d Jesus?” Does His absence lay heavily upon thy spirit? Does the promise of His re­ turn cheer thee? And is the thought of His speedy com­ ing a most welcome hope in t h e s e days, when men’s hearts are failing them for fear? Then how is the pros­ pect operating? Is it full of quickening, animating, stim­ ulating power? Is it kindling up your love into greater warmth? Is it increasing the intensity of your earnest­ ness ? Is it making the sep­ aration between you and the world a more decided thing ? Is it imparting a deeper solemnity to your, deport­ ment, and attaching an un­ utterable importance to ev­ ery word and action? Is it rebuking idleness, and sloth, and vanity, and frivolity, and levity, and selfishness? Has it uprooted and de­ stroyed in you covetousness and worldliness, those two master-sins of this evil age? And has it made you liberal and generous, enlarging your heart to give,—to give with no sparing hand so long as time remaineth?—H. Bonar.

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