King's Business - 1919-05


Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students



. The “Life of F a ith ” (London) speak­ ing of the acceptance by Dr. A. C. Dixon of a position w ith the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, says: “A fter a m inistry of nearly eight years, Dr. Dixon has resigned th e pasto rate of the Metro­ politan Tabernacle, a church rendered famous by th e long and wonderfully successful m inistry of Charles Spur­ geon. The announcem ent of his resig­ nation came as a g reat surprise. Dr. Dixon came to London from the Moody church in Chicago. The invitation which he has accepted is from Dr. TL A. Torrey, th e distinguished Bible teacher and evangelist. F o r forty-five years (he is now sixty-five) Dr. Dixon has been in the pastorate, and he feels th a t he ought now to be relieved of th e strain of pasto ral work and devote the years which rem ain to him to a w ider evangelistic m inistry. Fo r such a sphere he possesses many qualifications, and his wide experience in a soul w in­ ning m inistry will be of valuable assist­ ance to him in his work a t th e Bible In stitu te of L*s Angeles.” Dr. Dixon has changed his first plans, and will rem ain in England un til Ju ly to engage in a final evangelistic effort. He expects to be in America in tim e for th e Montrose Bible Conference in Au­ gust and from thence will come to Los Angeles. An Ehglish exchange commenting on th e evangelistic campaign which has ju st been held in th e Bible In stitu te aud ito rium by Dr. Torrey and Charles M. A lexander and party, says: “ Ju s t sixteen years ago Torrey amd Alex­ ander, fresh from a wonderful season of blessing in Australia, came to Eng­ land, and for about th ree years con­

ducted a series of missions th roughou t th e B ritish Isles. Their meetings a t­ tracted vast crowds in our larg est cities, and wherever they went, many were brough t to the Lord. Mr. Alexander hopes to come to England w ithin a sh o rt tim,e, and if he does, he will lead th e singing a t th e first conference of th e Pocket Testam ent League, to be held a t Swanwick in- th e early days of June. The new Bible In stitu te pipe organ was in itiated on the evening of March 11, when an audience of 3500 listened to th e g reat F rench organist, Joseph Bonnet, known as th e dean of th e o rganists of F rance. May th e Lord bless a dear lady who has ju st sent to The K ing’s Business a check for $100 to be used in sending the magazine to w orthy Christian workers who desire to receive it, bu t who do no t feel financially able to sub­ scribe for themselves. This friend has for many months bought copies of the magazine for distribution and having found th a t souls are saved and saints inspired by its pages, she now sets aside $100 to help spread th e message of The K ing’s Business. O ther gifts of th is kind will always be welcome as th e postal laws do not perm it us to send out free copies, and th ere are many, m issionaries and w orkers who m ight be encouraged. We will be glad also for the names of w orthy m issionaries or m inisters from which we may draw from tim e to time. F o l l o w i n g th e Torrey-A lexander evangelistic meetings in th e In stitu te, a week’s Bible conference was held, when many who were newly converted became strengthened in the faith and

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