King's Business - 1919-05



hundreds of tou rists profited. Among th e speakers were Dr. Torrey, Dr. At­ kinson, Dr. H. W. Pope of Moody Insti- tud e; Dr. H. A. Dowling, Mel T ro tter of G rand Rapids; Dr. O. P. Gifford of Boston; Dr. Jam es B. E ly -o f Philadel­ ph ia; Dr. W. E. Edmonds of Los An­ geles; Rev. John H. H unter, Rev. W. H. Pike, Rev. T. C. H orton; Dr. F rench E. Oliver of Pasadena, a n d several others. J. D. Page, a form er stud en t who is preaching th e Gospel in th e Oil fields of California, w rites th a t th e Lord is g reatly blessing his m inistry in teach­ ing th e Bible from house to house. Forty-five had definitely accepted Christ in a period of abou t th ree months. He closes, “ I th a n k God every day for th e in struction I received a t th e B. I.” A card received from Wm. K asahara, a form er Japanese stud en t of th e In sti­ tu te , shows th a t he is on his way back to Ja p an to preach th e Gospel. A fine boy recently arrived a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es A. Yaus. Mr. and Mrs. Yaus have charge of the Jew ish evangelistic departm ent. If any of our read ers possess copies of eith er July, A ugust or October num ­ bers of th is magazine th a t they would p a rt w ith for th e sake of Christian workers who have u rg en tly requested them , we will be able to supply the needs and help spread th e blessing. P lace a two cent stamp oh each m aga­ zine and mail to The K ings Business. A t a recent conference on V ital Chris­ tia n ity afte r th e War, held a t Moody In stitu te, an im po rtan t development was the projection of a plan for cooper­ ation of Bible In stitu tes. I t was sug­ gested th a t th e In stitu tes raise th e stand ard of train in g to a point allow­ ing full train in g for candidates for th e m inistry. Dr. Gray appointed a comm it­ tee to rep o rt a t th e W orld Bible Con­ ference in Philadelphia, April 27 to Jun e 1, on the educational stand ard to be adopted, th e degree to be conferred and the interchange of credits for stu ­

dents passing from one in stitu te to another. If any of our read ers would be in a position to p u t up an attractiv e card advertising th e K ing’s Business maga­ zine, where it would invite th e a tte n ­ tion of those who ought to be getting its sp iritu al message, we will be glad to forw ard one on request. A new boy who is to go by th e nam e of “A lfred John, J r.,” has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A lfred Coffey. Mr. Coffey is mailing clerk in th e Biola Book Room. The tw elfth ann iversary of th e Bible In stitu te was celebrated Sunday, March 9, by a g reat mass meeting in th e In stitu te auditorium a t which Dr. Lin­ coln A. F erris spoke. Dr. F e rris is pasto r of th e F irs t Methodist Church of San Diego. He delivered by requ est of many his sermon p rin ted some tim e ago in The K ing’s Business and entitled “The Jesu s P au l P reached.” , Stereop- ticon pictures of th e In stitu te were shown as Dr. H orton gave briefly some of th e in teresting things about the work. BREAD TO BE SHARED It is related of Ian Maclaren th a t he was wont, when he had opportunity, to visit out-of-the-way chapels and m is­ sions and listen to th e gospel th ere preached. He declared th a t th e most impressive conclusion he ever heard to a sermon was in a little country church. The preacher was an unordained man, a farm er. A fter a fervent presentation of th e gospel, in closing he said: “My friends, how is it th a t I go on preaching to you week afte r week? I t is ju st th is :— Because I can’t e a t my bread alone.” The gospel is an unselfish faith , therefo re those who have accepted it m ust go even to th e u tterm o st p arts of th e ea rth to sh are th e Bread of Life w ith hung ry souls.

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