King's Business - 1919-05



IS IT A PIOUS FRAUD? A New York paper some tim e ago advanced an argum en t relative to th e Bible, th a t savors of good reasoning. And th e re is no sense a t all in deny­ ing th e au th o rity of th e Bible and ^et making no attem p t to get rid of it as a dangerous book. I t certainly would be a bad book if its claims to divine au tho rity were no t w arran ted , because then it would be a false guide. Com­ mon sense requ ires th a t th e Bible be accepted as w hat it claims to be or th a t it be kicked out of th e churches as a pious fraud. When th e higher critics face th is altern ativ e openly, we sh all be able to respect th e ir frankness a t least.

E very fo rm er stud en t (and, fo r th a t m a tte r, everyone who is in terested in th e spread of v ital Christianity in these days) should be a m ember of th e F e l­ lowship Association of th e B ible In sti­ tu te of Bos Angeles. By sd doing you can assist in a g rea t w ork which day an d n ig h t is giving th e Gospel to m u lti­ tud es an d which is train in g fo r th e L o rd ’s service th ro u g h o u t th e world, tho se who w ill be tru e to th e Scriptures. Any person becomes a m ember of th e Association by th e paym ent of $5 each year, and a m embership certificate is issued. The fee, of course, goes to th e w ork of th e In stitu te, an d th e member th e n h as a h e a rt in te re st in th e work an d engages to p ray daily fo r th e work. The K ings Business is sen t free to all members.

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE RECENTLY CELEBRATED ITS TWELFTH BIRTHDAY This picture recalls tke dap when Mr. Lyman Stewart took out tke first skovel of dirt for tke present building

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