King's Business - 1919-05



subject of daily prayer w ith him since. Six months ago prayer began and has increased daily in th e Church, th a t God would send an old-fashioned revival. God made it possible for Mr. Alexander to come w ith his party. Since the Meetings were to be held under the auspices of The Bible In stitu te, the acceptance of the invitation by Mr.

Alexander, have been previously asso­ ciated in successful evangelistic work, having made a m issionary tou r around th e world together visiting A u stralia, New Zealand, Tasm ania, ja p a n , China, India, F rance, Germany, Ireland, and Scotland in 1902-3. A t 1 Melbourne, A u stralia in a four-week campaign, 8,600 persons accepted Jesu s Christ as th e ir personal Saviour, while during th e tim e they spent preaching and sing­ ing in A u stralia, fully 20,000 persons enrolled under th e stand ard of Jesu s Christ. The Women’s Work was conducted by Mrs. Chas. A lexander, who is adm ir­ ably fitted for th e work. Mrs. Alex­ and er is th e orig in ato r of The Pocket Testam ent League, which has p u t m il­ lions of Testam ents into the hands of soldiers and civilians, literally tra n s­ form ing thousands and thousands of lives. In th e fron t of these Testaments, is the covenant pledge of th e league, in which each member pledges him self to m ake it th e ru le of his life, to carry a Bible or Testam ent w ith him wherever th e signer goes, and to read a t least a chapter of eith er each day. In the fro n t is also The Way of Salvation made plain in as concise a form as possible, so th a t th e most u n ta u g h t person can become a personal w orker and lead others to Christ by using it. In the back, each T estam ent has th e personal decision place in which the one who accepts Christ as a personal Saviour, in serts his name in th e blank space left in th e verse, John 3:16,— and thu s makes public his allegiance to Christ. H er efforts and prayer, togeth er w ith those of Mr. Alexander, are always for a Bible Revival th roughou t the world and th e .conversion of all who carry the Pocket Testam ent. Who can question God’s approval upon th is p a rt of the work? During th e six weeks meetings 10,000 Pocket League Testam ents have been distributed. The In stitu te choir consisting of a hundred-tw enty voices, assisted Mr.

CHAS. M. ALEXANDER A lexander, was imm ediately followed by a series of special prayer p rep ara­ tions in the life of the S tudent Body,— assemblies of th e faculty and en tire school, group and corridor prayers, and special emphasis in p rivate devotions. The presence of The Holy Spirit in g reat convicting power, led to th e open confession and forsaking of each known sin in th e life of th e stud en ts and fac­ ulty. This personal preparation was followed by a strong backing of all the P resbyterian Churches which promised th e ir loyalty and support in prayer and attendance and an invitation was given in each church to hold neighborhood meetings for prayer for th e success of the meetings, and to give special re ­ membrance in th e private devotions of th e ir individual members. Dr. R. A. Torrey and Mr. Chas. M.

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